What's the craziest conspiracy you like to believe about Hollywood film industry?

What's the craziest conspiracy you like to believe about Hollywood film industry?

>Pedo cults
>Cloning of actors
>Anti-[insert group of people] propaganda

What made you believe it?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=homosexuality in the past

british actors are all reptilians
i mean just look at them

Kek, britbongs genes.

[anal probe noise intensifies]

Anglos truly are a marvelous creatures.

Star Whackers

the gotham girl isn't that ugly, she'll be a striking beauty in few years.


bump for interest

>a jewish/masonic/satanic cult controls the media and holywood
>the reason there are so many gays now is because of television(see graph and compare it to invention of television)
>they even use violance if someones does something against them(see how kubrick died after Eyes Wide Shut)

>>the reason there are so many gays now is because of television(see graph and compare it to invention of television)
gays always existed, you just didn't know due to the greater prejudice they'd face if they came out

>gays always existed

Our modern conception of sexuality cannot he applied to humanity of the past.


This, basically. I think we're programmed en masse to fit elite agendas, and that some of the people at or near the top are into really dark shit for fun, profit, and ideology.

since you're dumb af
lmgtfy.com/?q=homosexuality in the past
Just an example
>In Medieval Europe, attitudes toward homosexuality varied by era and region. Generally, by at least the twelfth century, homosexuality was considered sodomy and was punishable by death.

how so?

>cites a lgbtqwerty website

totally no biases there

>>cites a lgbtqwerty website
Wikipedia?! lmao
There are plenty of websites in the results with similar info pal, or you want me to google it for you again?

I firmly believe that once you get to a certain level of influence you are approached by some sort of shadow government or mob that threatens you or forces you to work for them. There are too many reports from credible sources to believe otherwise.

Give it a read about the spartans and the island of lesbos.

For the better too. Gay lifestyles promote mental disease and unhealthy promiscuity, not to mention the widespread pedophilia and stds among most asshole enthusiasts.

>Wikipedia?! lmao

It's all MK Ultra's social experiment test labs





>jews controlling the biggest/most-known information site in the internet
>implying they can't control those info as well.

Don't forget MONARCH

you are truly ridiculous oh my god.
go to a library then, the lengths idiots go to disregard info is outstanding

I missed my chance to join cicadas and literally get paid to shitpost.

They didn't have a conception of sexuality that is anything like what we think of sexuality now

Most actresses and pop stars are subject to extreme mental programming projects, and we can see signs of this in their behavior and in the works they put out. Most of them probably crave the abuse and actively seek it out