Go to movie theater alone to watch new warcraft movie (my guildmates live across the country)

>go to movie theater alone to watch new warcraft movie (my guildmates live across the country)
>couple sits in front of me as if taunting me and starts audibly flirting about having sex later tonight

what the fuck why does nobody have any movie theatre etiquette?

Other urls found in this thread:


>bitch about social etiquette
>takes photos of strangers to post on the internet

Atleast she follows the no open shoe policy

Why is that guy on the front literally darker than black?

i'm not going to say it

but someone will, soon

>couple sits in front of me as if taunting me
u wot

interracial couple?

>still getting bothered by what other people are talking about.
Mind your own business you autistic trash. Put on earplugs and stop peeping, pervert.

American cinemas are honestly fucking disgusting, what are you, animals that can't go 2hours without a 1,5L coke and 500g of pop corn?

Like for real it's disturbing. Reminds me of the scene of fat people floating around in Wall-E. That's your future


They look like they play Horde.

why's that redhead talking to the empty seat next to her?

>tfw go to the local cinema
>get fingered in the showers
>tfw forgot to not go on Faggot Tuesdays

>small as shit
>popcorm in paper bags
>water with fucking popcorn

Fucking americans

Wheres that theater?

That leg space and those chairs look comfy as fuck.
Is this normal theatre in burgerland?


Is that cinema patrol?



Say what, bitch?

Its in Toronto

>Americans actually eat giant bags of popcorn during films

I know it's hard for your people to learn and read with all the fat covering your eyes, but do you not realise that it would take you over 2 hours of hard cardio to burn that shit off?

Jesus Christ. In Australia people just bring in a 200 calorie choc top icecream.

That'a a waiter you ignorant fuck.

why are the lights on


That's a different cinema tho, it looks pretty decent

the movie hasnt started and wont be for another 30 minutes, genius.

Jesus Christ that looks uncomfortable.


mother fucker blended in with the fucking seat

so people can easily find their seats before it starts.

>mad he wont be having sex later that night
>takes picture of happy couple
>bitch about it on Sup Forums

post moar big d

why do they still put seats that close to the screen?

>>couple sits in front of me as if taunting me and starts audibly flirting about having sex later tonight

How can anyone be this deeply insecure and self-centered?

>Is this normal theatre in burgerland?

fat people need fat seats

>not an imax screen

having to watch movies on smaller screens suck ass

That's a few hundred dollars worth of tickets why wouldn't they


Those Carmike Big Ds rule. Esp. since they put in those Coke Freestyle stations so you don't have to wait in line for refills.

his mass is so compacted and high that light is literally bending around him

>it's an "op copy pastes a thread opening he saw last night and saved on notepad so he could post later for a new audience at Sup Forums and pretend he created it" thread

>complaining about water
This is how I know you're either a fat brit or fat australain (basically same thing)

Ah, the classic /reddit/ card.


AHAHAHAHA +1 UPVOAT xD so quirky aha

why are the lights on. ive never been to a theater with the lights on.

Australians are Brits. The definition of a Brit is someone who sucks the queen's dick. If they weren't Brits they wouldn't have the Queen on their money.

Big D is bigger than Imax. And most of the imax screens aren't actually imax, they just rent the name, as Imax has a different aspect ratio.

Learn to cinema, pleb.

Are you literally retarded?

do americans actually watch movies in theatres with the lights on?
fucking yanks

I don't order anything when i go to the cinema, maybe just a slushee
What pisses me off its that people pay overpriced cinema rates for a bottle of water and that popcorn taste like shit when drinking water

How else am I gonna see what I'm eating and where my drink is?

trolls or yuropoors who've never been to a theatre?

the water tastes bad meme needs to end

>americans literally defending watching kino with lights on

Water tastes like nothing, its supposed to taste like nothing, and its fine.

What im talking about its that water and popcorn don't go along

Virgin OP losing his shit :DDD Fucking loser

>Big D is bigger than Imax

citation needed

That is what actual Africans look like. Not your "African" Americans.

>Water tastes like nothing
It has a taste, but you probably burned your papillae with whatever chemical shit you drink.


Water goes along with literally everything.


Penis Inspector.

Wait, wait, wait
So not only do americans watch movies with the lights on, but your cinemas also have food menus and waiters and little trays to put the food on?
Am I interpreting OP's pic incorrectly, cos if not, then what the hell?

I bet you drink fiji or something equally stupid

>Go to movie theater alone to see Zootopia
>Sit in back because of shame
>black guy and white girl about 15 sit next to me
>They start making out before the movie is half over
>white girl lifts up her skirt and sits on the guys lap
>They start fucking right there

what the fuck why does nobody have any movie theatre etiquette?

>the fatty desperately seeks justification in his poor life decision to avoid water at all costs
>he may unknowingly be rabid

You should record it and post on Sup Forums

>Using the metric system.

Nigger, put that shit in American.

Im drinking water right now fampai


The couple behind us was meming the entire fucking movie.

I get it, you're watching a movie that you've been waiting for like 10 years for, but fuck... keep the volume of your bullshit to under 110 fucking %. You're not funny, and you really don't actually know jack shit about what you're talking about.

I know just enough to know you don't know shit.

that's the designated shooter


There you go senpai

Anytime I see an interracial couple I feel two things:

One - I'm happy that two people found each other and are in love.

Second - How fucking disgusting it is and hope they both die in a fire.

yeah water is a chemical too, so your adjective was completely meaningless and demonstrates that you're probably the likes of an anti-vaccer too

>not just tucking your hardon under your waistband and enjoying the show
Geez, talk about etiquette. I bet you didn't even wait for the trailers to be over before hitting the buffet.

what the fuck is this

water doesn't go with anything and it doesn't clash with anything. It's fucking water. Try some you fat sack of shit

Forgive me father for I have been triggered

How big was his cock? Did you catch a glance?

Why is there so much open space between the rows?

>Go to movies with this QT22/7
>She wants popcorn.
>If I don't get this cunt popcorn, I'll get a shitty boring half-ass hour long blowjob.
>"Get the biggest one."
>18 dollars later.
>We go to the little rack of seasonings that you can sprinkle on your popcorn. Cheese, onion, etc.
>She says I need to put the perfect amount, not too much or too little, otherwise she won't eat any.
>Spend 5 minutes making this cunt happy.
>Finally make it to the theater and start watching movie.
>She eats like 5% of the total giant bag.

I've never hated women as much as I did at that moment in time.

Then another chick asked if I could cut her meat for her.

What the fuck is wrong with these selfish, lazy, retarded cunts?

Niggers are disgusting no matter how you try to argue against it fellow plebit user

You're too invested in this conversation. I just know you're a loser

T. Sup Forums

>Fellow plebit user
By using the word fellow here are you not also saying that you post on reddit. I'm not sure what you're getting at.

I didn't get to much of a look but from what I saw it was massive.

Hi, we'll have the extra extra large popcorn. Better make that two, actually.

Oh, and a water please, I'm watching my diet :^)

just acknowledging you as a retard, but I can understand why you'd see it that way as you struggle with critical thinking

>Sitting on the side

Mah nigga!

I gave up getting icy cold 44oz Dr. Peppers from Circle K six months ago and lost 15 pounds.

Currently drinking water.


Thank God, I can't jerk off to porn if the guy has a smaller penis than me.

I don't know if that makes me a narcissist, gay or sympathetic.

>Not sitting in the middle of the row in the center of the the theater for the best possibly audio/visual experience.

>Bringing a woman who will most likely not understand the theme of the movie and want to try to lift up the middle divider and try and cuddle you, distracting you from trying the enjoy the movie.

Wasted money.

>water doesn't go with anything and it doesn't clash with anything.

To be fair, there are things where it's clearly the inferior drink. If you're eating something spicy, or a meal with several different flavours you want something that resets the taste in your mouth. Water doesn't do that as well. Same as how you don't want to drink a sugary drink if you're eating something that's got a subtle taste to it, or if you're eating something that's already really sweet.

I don't drink cola except at the cinema, because the salt/sweet combo works better than salt/neutral. This of course depends on if you put anything else on your popcorn that might make it sweeter.

>mfw people go in with cheap sugary candy AND a sugary drink

my sides

Nigger did you get a degree in food science?

I understand, if you start out with something stronger then it'll overpower the taste of something not as strong.


God forbid someone wants to enjoy a tasty snack during a film. They're so fucking over priced though so I never buy food from the theater

>>"Get the biggest one."
dollars later.
Haha, what? How much of popcorn is that?

Like 12 dollars and a 6 for a drink.

That's one of those full service-might-as-well-be-at-a-restaraunt ones? where they charge up the ass?

I've never actually paid for those, but any time I've been taken to places like that I'm surrounded by douchebags. It's cool that I can hit a button and they bring me a new beer and all, but otherwise I really don't get the appeal.

Poorfag detected.