What are some good countries for an American refugee seeking to escape a racist, fascist dictatorship...

What are some good countries for an American refugee seeking to escape a racist, fascist dictatorship? I am thinking of Canada, Sweden, or Japan.

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eat a dick faggot

Bullet to the head

The Amerindian Republic of the Rio De La Plata.

come here
everyone knows english
if you like working the economy is desperate for young workers but it's not mandatory because the state will give you up to 1000€ a month for free just for sitting and shitposting on Sup Forums

La Resistance needs you, bro.
Come to France!
Remember Lafayette!
(You can even stay home for a while if you want)

Don't you have American nationality or citizenship? Isn't Trump making America great again?(no sarcasm)


Don't leave. We need you

>a fucking potato

>hates racism
>thinks of going to japan as a merigan

He is. OP must be a cuck who unironically thought Clinton was a good choice.

Fix your own damn country

>mfw america was in better condition when ruled over by a fucking kenyan

No one will take a worthless neet


Ze Zzzerrrmany. Zust find an English-speaking tech company.
>Pros: Autobahn, low cost of living, proximity to countries that are not Germany
>Cons: they're way behind in online shit, bureaucracy is stupid, taxes high-ish

Finland if you have autism and don't want to learn a foreign language.



Australia,Bolivia, They need people

Sweden is a nice place for liberals. You can nurse your quilt complex, be an unique snowflake and have lots of multi cultural friends to make you seem hip to your Tumblr friends!

Toronto, Parkdale. It's a nice friendly neighbourhood next to little Tibet.

>don't get black or woman president
>destroy own country
What did the left mean by this?

Amerifats welcome

you know there's only one way out :^)

based Pajeet best ally

Just wait it out 4 years lmao

don't you want to make america great again son?
send him to guantanamo bay right now!!!

Don't fucking come here and don't go shit up Japan. Go to Canada and add to that shitpile. Once you are all in the same place we can just build a wall around all of Canada.

choose none

sounds like back to mexico?


>American refugee

Ask Asutralia

Come to Germany, Mr. Burger.

You'll pay into our fucked social security, and we'll get along just fine.

> find the most idealistic, fairy tale land you can
> use welfare neet bucks to pay for trip
> be disappointed when reality happens
> try to return
> forgot your visa
> Kekimus Maximus

Go to fucking mexico if you love them so much

>Not racist to gaijin
>Pic related

not OP but similar curiosity here

i'm not really that scared of trump desu even though i think he's an asshat but i'm young, have a good job and degree and just think it would be fun to experience a different culture

i would say i'm a moderate level spanish speaker and i'm learning french now

would it be easy to assimilate? if i had a preference it would be canada or a med euro country probably but could be open to other things

i'm ethnically italian-american if that matters

>American refugee seeking to escape a racist, fascist dictatorship?
Aaw, did democracy hurt your little feelings? Didn't like the result? How about you cry and die.

Really, kill yourself. Borrow a gun from redneck buddy and fuck yourself in the head.
Then shart.

>a democracy



>Constitutional Monarchy

They won't want you

You autistic cunt


Nah son

Go to Mexico, Middle East or central African countries you bigot


For the sake of the world, I hope you stay in the USA and actually fight the power.

Don't cut and run.