Was there a specific moment that he turned into such a dickhead? Was it the beard? The Jay/Conan feud?
Was there a specific moment that he turned into such a dickhead? Was it the beard? The Jay/Conan feud?
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He was always a fat loser, when he got success he could just act like one
is he a dickhear or are you just a butthurt gaymer?
You guys are shitrats, Kimmel is top-tier.
What the fuck happened to his face?
He always has been. That's the best part about him. Conan is pretty much a nonentity, Craig is retired and everyone else is a millenial pandering sycophantic celebrity kiss ass.
I don't really like or watch Kimmel but at least he's keeping the classic Letterman complete asshole spirit alive in between all the shilling.
Hair transplant
assblasted Sup Forumsedditor still upset he insulted your manchildren games detected
Kimmel is legit the worst host, no charisma and cant even do tricks like Fallon.
Seems like at some point he turned into a pop culture leech.
>new fad/meme ooh I'll insert myself
>celebrity feud ooh I'll insert myself
I miss Uncle Frank.
he was a dick even back on the man show
>insulted your manchildren games
This sounds great, is there a link?
what the fuck is Fallon's malfunction? how could someone be less charming, unfunny, sycophantic? there's something extremely off putting and amphibian about him
This is what started it. There's also tons of videos where he responds to the backlash.
>those dislike ratios
>those obese manchild comments who literally can't into jokes
He seemed like he wasn't a complete left-wing-leaning-stinking-pinko a few years ago but now he is going overboard with the liberal bullshit.
Fuck him.
its just not funny
>muh e-celebs
>muh vidya games
That was pretty fucking funny and true. Fucking millennial trash would rather watch people play shit than play themselves.
Holy fuck between these and the Ghostbusters trailers is there anything more pathetic than the youtube downvote brigade?
He's such an unlikable asshole