Was he the best the Dwarves had to offer?
Was he the best the Dwarves had to offer?
is he the last dwarf?
No he just happened to be in Rivendell when Frodo showed up
i thought he had a health problem but my dad explained he is a fantasy person and they are supposed to be that way
Dwarves are greedy assholes, they dont fight mens wars.
Yeah apparently.
Gimli in the book was an impressive and powerful Dwarf Lord to be feared and respected.
Gimli in the movie was a drunken manlet to be laughed at.
dont base your opinion of Gimli son of Gloin on Hacksons comedic interpretation.
Dwarves are, like, way more powerful than men are. They have to punch rocks and stuff all day long. Plus he held his own during all those battles. Gimli is best Dwarf. You're just jealous a man of such small stature can tower over you in badassery.
the book elves are more racist, but more noble
the book dwarves are more greedy and selfish, but they are definitely not comic relief
book gimli was a greedy dwarf who gained a broader view of the world by being out in the sun and helping others
book legolas was a friendly fairy nazi who realized that scummy dwarves could be good under the right circumstances
The bantz between Gimli and Orlandolas was pretty good m8
if dwarves are so powerful then why did they lose both Moria and the Lonely Mountain?
and why did men take these places back for then?
Right? It only took one man to defeat Balrog...
>Gimli in the book was an impressive and powerful Dwarf Lord to be feared and respected
Yeah i bet you liked Thorin, who was basically the dwarf version of Aragorn.
Fuck off with your "hurr durr he was a great and honorable warrior so the films didn't do this character justice". The films show them all fighting numerous wars and handling themselves. We don't need every character to be Aragorn. I prefer having Gimli the way Peter Jackson portrayed him then having a boring character like Thorin accompany the Fellowship
>I havent read the source material I want quips in my swordshit
thanks for confirmation the pleb filter is working.
Wizards aren't men, they just take human form.
I thought the hobbit was pretty close to the hobbit books.
Leave now and never come BACK!
What do you call a dwarf with gigantism?
a jew
No he wasn't.
the Big Short.
What I mean is he wasn't sent specifically to join the Fellowship. He was sent by Dain to seek advice from Elrond because Sauron sent an emissary to Erebor offering friendship.
Balrogs aint no joke manon. Melkor released like 5 balrogs from Utumno in the first age and it took a whole host of Noldor to stop them. In the first age elves weren't the pussies they were by the third age either.
Dwarfs are fuckers though. The story is they delved too deep and awakened the balrog, truth is probably they went poking around knowing what they were getting into and got curbstomped hard. Then lied about it to other races to save face.
Mim was the dwarfiest dwarf to ever dwarf and he was a pussy.
In my opinion, Balin was the ballsiest dwarf ever. Through all The Hobbit he display kindness and aids Bilbo for no other reason that not leaving him behind, and use his money from the Lonely Mountain to fund a crusade to take back Moria knowing full well the Balrog was on it.
And the fucker was like a gazillon years old by that time.
You are plain fucking retarded, don't try to get out of it by posting your stupid reaction. Read up on Gandalf's backstory and never come back.
Was this in the books? I was like 10 when I read them, so I don't really remember.
>kindness and aids
a big guy for them
Balin was also the only Dwarf to visit Bilbo for his 111th birthday, IIRC
Biggest dwarf ever.
In the books he's a beast on the same level as Legolas, but Jackson is an elffag and just made gimili comic relief. Why they let a known dwarf hater make the Hobbit is beyond me
The Helms Deep scene where they count kills while soldiers are dying by the hundreds is the second worst scene in LotR, only beaten by the "Im not a man, whaaaaaa" scene.
that scene was fine.
The shitty scene was legolas surfing down the stairs on a shield.
how is gloating over killing the enemy that is murdering hundreds of your comrades bad
He wasn't comic relief and token racial tension in the books. He was an angry tribalist who was always tuned to 10 on mirth or threats of murder. He was a delight.
This is 4 u :)
True, the surf scene is second, forgot about it.
Because they forcefeed comic relief into a whole scene that is supposed to be dead serious. They are fighting to save the woman and children in Helms Deep, not to kick some ass and compete. The banter is fine in other parts, just not there.
Dude go easy okay my mom committed suicide today i'm pretty pissed off at the minute you DO NOT want to fuck with me right now man i swear i'm so mad i could just burst out of your fucking screen and choke you right now i swear to god man just go to another board or something you want nothing to do with me right now.
The one who was sent though was Gloïn, since they needed Elrond advice and he once came by in Rivendell during the Erebor quest. Plus he was concerned about his old Hobbit friend.
Gimli don't have a big role during the dinner or council but as they needed one representative of each of free folk race, Gloïn suggest that Gimli go with the fellowship as he is young and sturdy.
did you miss the part that he was the last living Dwarf? remember when they went back to his home and all of the rest had been killed by the Balrog?
Him and Orlando Bloom were easily the worst part of the trilogy
Maybe Hackson made him a comical character but he kicked orcs's ass all the movies along. He can be viewed as a fearsome warrior.