Literally what's the point of her arch?

Literally what's the point of her arch?

Just cut her and the movie(s) instantly becomes better

Other urls found in this thread:

Might as well cut everything without Frodo in it.

be glad you get her arch instead of bombadil

Hot girl in a snausage party

what's the point of this guy's arc? The ring was going to get destroyed anyways

Just cut him and the movie(s) instantly become better

She's there for Aragorn, just like that blonde woman from Rohan.

Bombadil should have carried the ring, as it had no affect on him. Also, he could have stomped the shit out of some armies and danced while doing it.

Gondor needs a King

Gondor needs no king.

To make my pee pee feel good.

so there can be romance in the movie

The problem is he simply gave no fucks

She's Aragorn's Luthien

No thanks, i'm perfectlt happy with her in it.

Do you really need to ask?


Eowyn was thirsty as fuck.

Like said, he didn't really give a shit

Also no one really knows what his power would be like if he left his dominion. The books end with Gandalf, now finally having SOME free time, going to have a friendly chat to find out just who or what Bombadil is.

There would be no romance at all without her. Which is a massive red flag for producers.

Didn't she die and get resurrected? I just watched the trilogy again and I don't even know. I was barely paying attention at her parts.

There wouldn't be an attractive female without her, which is a red flag for me desu. I guess Galadriel was pretty good actually, but still.

Friendly reminder that Tom Bombadil is actually the big bad of the series.

lotr is fucking shite

mages are supposed to be guardians

"keke no way im helpgin"

fuck this

this dumb fagoots cant even spell rigt
all their fucking gimmick is a shield of light

wow strong magic

harry potter in 1st grade could ve gotten these cunts

They fucked up the original character because they needed a stronk womyn character.

Probably the first sign of the debacle that was going to happen in the Hobbit.

We will never know.....

Alright back to your Harry Potter containment universe.

Friendly reminder that I'll suck your dick, bro

watch the movies faggot

>she will never shit into my mouth

But what about this scene?

>the love interest of one the greatest kings of men
>connection between said king and the last of the great race of elves

fuck off

Do you have brain damage?

she has some of the best scenes in the trilogy you unbelievable gaylord

Nice false flagging

fuck. i was about to get stuck until the scene ended.



peter jackson didn't even like her, called her stupid, was forced to keep her

Get fucked you fat nigger

You see her pussy in Stealing Beauty, FYI.

Used to think Liv Tyler in LoTR was perfect looking (still not too opposed to that, tbqh) and always saw Evangeline Lilly as a better looking Liv Tyler, always wanted to see her as an elf. Unfortunately, due to the massacre of The Hobbit, I will never watch that trilogy.

Cheers, hackson. Cunt.

I remember watchin these as a jkid.
It was very interupting troughout the series.
Fellowship was one piece
Despite the flirts.
The rest was a montage

Because then Bruce Willis sacrifice at the end isn't as powerful

I can't fucking live this life, man.

I fall in love for her.

Just like Peter Jackson at the time.

Liv Tylor is god-tier waifu.


>ywn experience the sensation of her pelvic floor muscles contracting around your cock milking you to a climax whilst she gives you soft, little kisses on your lips and asks if you'll love her forever
Why even live desu

The king needs some pusspuss

>dat fucking face

plz stop

>just like in my animes

Best Liv Tyler moment in the trilogy

>"Why, user? Don't you wuvv me?"

The movies are utter shit but Liv Tyler was great casting. The execution of the scene is far from perfect but conceptually it expands upon the book in a reasonably intelligent way.

ARC. It's a story ARC. Not a story ARCH. You FUCKING. MORON.

>The movies are utter shit

>let's turn poetic prose from an Oxford scholar into action blockbusters

>What is executing a bad idea perfectly and accidentally finding success.

1: He gave no fucks.
2: His power doesn't work outside his realm.
3: His power is only through his singing.

>tfw the LOTR movies are great but the Hobbit movies tarnishes them horribly.

I guess if your taste is garbage or the last time you read the books was when you were a little kid and just thought it was about fucking orcs versus elves or whatever.

that's the stupidest thing i've ever read and you should feel bad for posting it.

Pretty funny

How is Liv Tyler in real life?

Every character she plays is the aloof, sensual, soft-voiced girl.

I find this woman to be so unattractive. I bet she smells really bad. Foul rotted cheese smelling pussy and natural bad breath that isn't cured with tooth paste. Disgusting.

Probably has zero personality t b h. The more interesting actors seem onscreen, the more empty and vapid they are in real life.

>1: He gave no fucks.
>2: His power doesn't work outside his realm.
>3: His power is only through his singing

Did you even read the books?

>The more interesting actors seem onscreen, the more empty and vapid they are in real life.
>Marlon Brando

Women were bitch that she didn't have a role in the book when it was released

fuckin meg

She act like a stripper in a musical video for her dad........ FOR HER DAD!!!!!
At the age of 17yo.

>Liv Tyler the real daughterfu.

They say something in the book about his powers not working outside of his domain.

virtually everything about her in the trilogy was shit out by jacksons wife, he then proceeded to slurp it up then spit it onto the pages of the screenplay

Why doesn't she have any cleavage?

>make Tom Bombadil the ringbearer
>after a long, bloody struggle with many lost lives make it to Mt. Doom
>everyone begging him to throw the ring in the fire and end the evil, saving everyone's lives
>he had forgotten what it was for and fed it to a squirrel months

>*he had forgotten what it was for and fed it to a squirrel months ago