So yeah, looks like Glenn got Lucille'd

I'll miss him 2bh

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Get yer article shilling out of here Jew scum

I'm gonna cry. It was rough enough seeing him beg.

>a racemixing character gets killed
I see no problem with this.
They should finish off the girl too for good measure

Also the show is shit, so who even gives a fuck?

people still watch that garbage?

Fucking finally

Been waiting since SE02 for this

This is just a fresh cycle of rumours and speculation, nothing confirmed. It's probably him though.

There was a blind item stating that it would be Daryl.

One reason being that Reedus is a drunkard.

He's the most likable and it sucks for him to go, but at least they're finally showing they have enough balls to kill an actual major character.

Fake. The show is gonna cop out and kill Abraham.

Not that I still watch this boring shit anyway.

>a character is made to look like they were killed
>turns out they're still alive!
>oh, wait, they just been killed

Bravo, AMC.

This is why they should've just shown it on the finale. Did they really think no one would see them filming the new season and spoil who dies anyway?

Fucking morons.

I'm betting Michonne or Aaron, Michhone is completely different to her comic counterpart since Carol may as well be her now. Not to mention if Negan killed Michonne it would be a good way for Rick to swear vengeance on him, if it was someone like Aaron I doubt it would send a big shock wave through the group like with what happened to Glenn.

Also you have to remember in issue #154 Kirkman apologized for the cliffhanger and Aaron and Michonne are in the cover which is when they get into a predicament with The Whisperers and Aaron is stabbed in the gut by Beta and his massive knife.

>wow this show aint afraid of killing their characters
>no one is safe in this world
>producers have balls of steel
>producers go on talk shows and take all credits

lol jk Glenn is not dead XD


Negan bashed a zombies face in and it just looked like he was beating the shit out of glenn.

Nah, they definitely lack the balls to kill Michonne. Aaron maybe, but that would be a cop-out too.

He's got that motorcycle reality show now.

Yeah that'll last for a season.

People still watch this shit show?

If they were smart and really wanted it to be a surprise, they shouldve filmed multiple versions and not told anyone which they would use.

I don't even hate other races, but racemixing is disgusting.

>Implying you wouldn't live happily after ever with five beautiful children who look like their mother

is AMC really that desperate for money? after BrBa and Mad Men they were left with nothing, they are technically still living out of BrBa , but this shit was good for like 1 season the first one , and then got stale pretty quickly why is this thing still running?!

Dwight has been spotted filming with Daryl's bike, crossbow, AND vest.

>in issue #154 Kirkman apologized for the cliffhanger
Really? What did he say?

/got/ is that way

The moment Glenn stopped being the kid and started to see eye to eye with Rick and Daryl.

LOLWUT? TWD is the #1 show in the US and has been for the last 3 years.

TWD averages about 15-16 million viewers per episode. Mad Men never averaged more than 2-3 million viewers per episode. Breaking Bad never had more than 3-4 million viewers until its final season.

>not racemixing after the end of the world
This the only time it's acceptable.

how sheltered are you that you don't know TWD is the biggest show in the world by far? even GoT is nothing compared to this shit.

Yeah... I wasn't questioning its popularity, I know this is AMC's cashing cow . That doesn't mean it's not utter shit, it really beats me how it can keep up those kind of numbers/ratings , while maintaining a latin 'telenovela' quality .

>I wasn't questioning its popularity
>that desperate for money?

Oh, so the "money" comment was about artistic quality?



Finally a patrician.

Basically that they didn't intend to piss people off, they wanted to "do something cool" and get people talking about the show over the summer, but at the same time it wasn't something they did to obligate people to watch the S7 premiere.

>Been waiting since SE02 for this
What? Since season episode 2?

>"do something cool" and get people talking about the show over the summer,
This makes me livid. I hate him even more now, fuck this retarded asshole

finally, season 1 Glenn was best Glenn.
everything after that was pointless.
he became just another vanilla character.
not sure how he stuck by this long while nearly 6 black characters came and went.
filling a quota to seem bi-partial maybe?
when's the llast time anyone saw an asian in the South?

what does "being the biggest" have to do with quality?
the adults are speaking, child.

You can fuck off back to

If you didn't like Alpha Leader Alexandria Glenn then you're fucking gay

Both shows are the same, overhyped pieces of shit in which nothing happens.

what does being gay have to do with me not liking Glenn?
Lots of gay people like Glenn.
Oh wait, did you mean "gay" as an insult?
Do people still say that?
i thought you were a millennial?
i didnt know you were 30+

Doesn't prove anything, even if he lives they'll take all his shit anyway.

all humans are one race, if racemixing is so disgusting we better just fuck each other into horrible genes.

I am from Ireland and there is a large amount of people with cystic fibrosis and down syndrome since we are pretty much just an island fucking each other.

wow dude you sound like a fucking faggot

does that mean all interracial relationships on television and film are only limited to BM/WF and WF/AF now?

this is good

Haha you know what? I was just razzing you. You're cool in my books. You're a bit of a softhead though.

a faggot? Is that supposed to be an insult?
you know what they say about people who act manly all the time right?
just come out of the closet, son, you'll be much happier having that weight off your shoulders

The only reason the cliffhanger would've made sense is if it starts by killing at least 2 big characters


>leak months before the season starts

Man, that ruined finale sure was worth it, what? Fucking AMC.

>has 2 black parents
>came out half white

wat happen

>you know what they say about people who act manly all the time right?
no, I don't, please elaborate

Her mom couldn't resist the white man's power.

it's so fucking obvious they're testing the reaction of the public to a glenn death.

if people flip shit they're just gonna cop out and pander to the masses with someone no one gives a shit about.

its an obvious fucking plant jesus christ.

>2 black parents
i thought one of her parents was asian

the mom got BLEACHED

I really hope the Season 7 premiere is about Morgan and Carol and people get mad as fuck and just quit the episode halfway through and the ratings drop to zero and this piece of shit trash show finally gets cancelled.

didn't happen last season

>all humans are one race
>if you don't racemix it's basically like incest

Sure thing Mr. Goldstein.

Dude died in the goddamn comics so I dunno why people are surprised. The author supervises the show and doesn't like it to veer off the plot too much like what happened with Game of Thrones.


>all humans are one race

Then, why down syndrome exist?

He keeps plotpoints but usually changes who dies. Sticking to Glenn getting the holy cuck cucking cuckedy cuck beat out of him would be unusual.

Is this a real person? You sound like a huge fag you can't be serious.

>caring about a talentless fictional chink
>caring about a shit show for children
Boy you faggots have a shit taste in television shows.

Why do people who watch GoT try to act superior to people who watch TWD and act like GoT is so much better? I watch both and they both suck.

i couldnt stand glenn around this season. he tried to be a tough guy but got beat up by merle twice , and i think daryl once but i could be wrong about daryl

He's a little asian fella you can't really expect him to stand up to a pure blooded American like Merle or Daryl.

Oh look. A tripkiddie wants attention. Aren't you just adorable.

Season 3 glenn was shit. He just moped and acted all angry for most of it. In fact I didn't start to like him again until around season 5 when he started to have storylines that weren't just "I LOVE MAGGIE"

he effortlessly dispatched this smug white boy

Sasha is a qt.

I liked Glenn again briefly in season 4 when he escaped the prison ruins and gave Tara a chance by teaming up with her, even though technically it was just a means to end for more "muh Maggie" shit. It at least explored his characterization a little more and showed he was still holding onto his humanity which was touched upon again with the Terminus boxcar guy, Nicholas, Enid, and Saviors base slaughter.

In truth, if they'd shown the death last season it would have had impact. No one gives a fuck now. They've had a long time to prepare themselves for the zipper head being mashed in.