What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
>giving a literal cult-leader attention
>any year
Or are you following him because he's a pedophile just like you and half of Sup Forums
>average Sup Forums user
>Honey, you accepted me being with another woman.
>Why not with another man? You sexist or sumthn?
>strong homosexual
>so insecure that you have to get a youtube girlfriend to try hide it
dudes got a fucked up life he probably cuts himself
>Cuck yeah.
Gotta say even though he's extremely hateable, I'm kinda jelly of onision. I'll never have 1% of the sex and orgies he's had.
Have they found any motive? Was it a jealous ex or something similar form of cuckery?
Literally who?
lol what a faggot
id let my gf/wife have sex with a girl in front of me as well desu
>proud of being a cuck
What a cuck
>militant athi-shit
>a LITERAL cuck
Seems appropriate.
Every militant fedora-leader on the Internet always seems to turn out to be some kind of warped pervert.
TheAmazingAtheist, YourMovieSucks, etc.
i mean he is literally a cuckold though, so I don't understand the quotations.
you can be happy all you want, but nigga is getting played like a fiddle. he probably supports her whole life and she gets to fuck a lady.
why does sam look so different on a picture to picture basis
Because he's a disgusting inbred mongrel faggot that should be genocided.
The photo I posted is from before he went full /fit/ I'd assume
It disgusts me how you can tell he has negroid blood in him.
>it's real
Holy shit
>mfw I am not, and will never be onision
>I fully support my wife being with a woman while also being with me
Can't this also be construed as misogynist?
who the literal fuck is this and why should I care? Why should any of you care about this nobody?
He fucks the other lady too, no?
That he'll do or say anything for attention
What a stupid thing to be jealous of
Somebody shop him into a cuckshed
>thinking thats how God works
Non-religious people are delusional. God does just give you a cadillac if you ask for it.
t. zen master
why not
I always see leftists and atheists saying shit like "why didn't your prayer change anything?" and they couldn't be any more ignorant. If you're going to make fun of prayer or Christianity you should probably understand what it is you're mocking. Prayer is not an attempt to change gods mind, if anything it's an attempt to understand gods will. No Christian believes that they're going to change gods mind or if they pray hard enough they'll get sweet presents. If they do they've been truly mislead.
Someone post the /fit/ Lesbo cucking screenshot.
even when youtube celebs were a thing, he was still nobody. just a side character to people who were almost something. all he's got is the illusion of possibly being something someday, that's why he thinks his opinion matters
Prayer is to declare your belief in Jesus Christ as your saviour and in some denominations as a way to confess your sins directly to God
It is NOT and NEVER has been some kind of peition for God to change the future or give you free stuff. I'm not religious (agnostic) but atheists are fucking mongs
>Every militant fedora-leader on the Internet always seems to turn out to be some kind of warped pervert.
Because that's what Atheism leads to. It breaks down your inhibition in society leading to pure animalistic pleasure seeking. There are consistent rules in all major religions that are there for a very specific purpose.
Lacy Green is likely in the middle of a 20 man orgy as we SPEAK.
Onision is literally the bottom of the barrel youtube "e-celeb", if you can even call him that. His only fanbase is low IQ scene girl teenagers
Quints blessed by the Lord.
>Lacy Green is likely in the middle of a 20 man orgy as we SPEAK.
>“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. 9 Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? 10 Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a serpent? 11 If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
So anyone who "prays for X" is a heretic?
Jews = atheists = degenerates
Kek has spoken
Because God is not your personal fucking Genie that lives in your back pocket.
>If you're going to make fun of prayer or Christianity you should probably understand what it is you're mocking.
That would take actual knowledge and understanding.
Most militant athi-shits aren't exactly what you would call rocket-scientists, despite the number of ACTUAL scientists they fellate on Twitter.
>i fully support my wife being with a woman while also being with me
>my wifes girlfriend
you cant make this shit up holy fucking hell
>Every militant fedora-leader on the Internet always seems to turn out to be some kind of warped pervert.
Moral relativism and Atheism go hand in hand because Atheists can't justify their morality. They always fall back onto this broken harm principle where if they perceive that it doesn't harm anyone it's morally acceptable. That's why we get guys like YMS trying to justify fucking animals because "It doesn't affect you" and "the animal enjoys it". They don't see any harm in it because they can't see all ends, and that's why moral relativity is faulty.
>how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
Really makes you think
so wait, if the animal enjoys it and it doesn't affect you why do you care
Literally the first time I have heard this name.
Who is this and why should I care?
Except the animals don't enjoy it.
How do know it doesn't affect anyone or hurt the animal?
well then that's the argument at fault
where does atheism come into this
Atheism is a gateway drug to Hedonism.
If you would have read the post you would see the connection. Atheists can't justify morality which makes them moral relativists, moral relativism is faulty because no man can see all ends.
Because they don't have a book to "justify their morality," they must go around being the most depraved human beings on the planet.
Because it indicates the broken, dangerous mental-state of the person performing the act.
Also, the animal "enjoying" it is a massive fucking assumption.
i don't get it
where in the bible does it tell me i can't fuck my cat
Book 10 chapter 6
>Because it indicates the broken, dangerous mental-state of the person performing the act.
isn't that also a massive assumption
The fact that people that suck dog cocks are fucked in the head isn't an "assumption". It's basic logic if you live anywhere outside of fucking rural farmland in Lebanon.
>someone who fucks animals is not mentally ill
wew lad
>It's basic logic
then it should be easy to prove
Hey man it feels good so that must mean it's morally acceptable right?
>Leviticus 18:23
>"Do not have sexual relations with an animal and defile yourself with it. A woman must not present herself to an animal to have sexual relations with it; that is a perversion."
>Deuteronomy 27:21
>“Cursed is the man who has sexual relations with any animal.”
Literally 3 seconds in Google.
Do you think society could function if everybody fucked animals?
The bible doesn't even have anything to do with it. Atheists don't understand basic philosophy so they always bring up the bible as a crutch even though literally nobody was justifying morality with it.
ITT: that faggot YMS and also people who won't burn in Hell.
>This is what he Patreon goes to funding.
Atheists never seem to have a response to this.
Do you think it couldn't? People can fuck women and goats at the same time.
why do people get healed by prayer then? you're right in saying he's not atm fullfilling wishes tho but show me the part of the bible that you can't ask god for something
It's true, I've seen it.
do you also not shave, work on the sabbath, or eat animal fat?
How many fedoras do you own?
Pretty much
This is basically saying that you get what you ask for or look for, not that God will give you what you want
Based. Nothing shuts the christfags up quite like the bible.
Fedoras are for retarded atheists
>literally nobody was justifying morality with it.
>There are consistent rules in all major religions that are there for a very specific purpose.
>Moral relativism and Atheism go hand in hand because Atheists can't justify their morality.
>Atheists can't justify morality which makes them moral relativists, moral relativism is faulty because no man can see all ends.
>Because they don't have a book to "justify their morality,"
So you fuck animals?
>If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!
how is this not about asking God for shit
>can can see all ends which is why he tells you to genocide entire villages
oh ok cool
Luckily you won't be a closeted pseudo-intellectual femboi either (I'm guessing)
do you not?
Hes still alive??
I'm not an Atheist.
lmao is that Tensnake? I thought he killed himself
>can can
Read the bible and find out
so you're a virgin?
but I did and it told me I should just ask God for whatever
>Implying militant atheists would get off their fat asses and learn anything about the theologies they mock
>Taking this literally
You'd have to be retarded to do so
how exactly am i supposed to take this
So you're too retarded to understand it and take every sentence at face value? This isn't even a question of whether you're religious or not, it's a question of whether you have the basic mental capacity to understand a metaphor
Everyone can see you're just projecting.
>it actually means the opposite of what it says
>i know because i believe in what it says
Figuratively, in terms of faith and questions regarding ones trust and understanding of said faith.
what does that even mean
>>it actually means the opposite of what it says
It doesn't, and I never said it did.
>>i know because i believe in what it says
I actually don't. That doesn't prevent me from understanding the intent behind it and what it means to someone who does believe it.
what's the intent behind it then
>New testament
He's taking about heaven and faith, not about an iPod. Fuck sake.
how is he not talking about petition for material reward
fuck, petition is one of the core tenets of prayer in christianity