What is the best Arnold film?
What is the best Arnold film?
Conan the Barbarian
>where's my larry? I want my larry
Objectively correct
Terminator 2
The very height of his stardom, for those oldfags around here we just remember how many different media outlets Terminator 2 and Arnold transcended with the movie. It was a huge film and is engrained in our culture second only to the star wars saga. All of that on top of being rated R.
But Predator is my favorite Arnold film. His acting was excellent in the film, and having all the heavyweights around him to bounce off helped immensely.
How is Conan the Destroyer?
the 80s were so great
it might as well been a cartoon
Total Recall is premium ArnoldKino
Not very good. It's one of those movies that is so bad, that it is actually kind of enjoyable.
Last Action Hero. Should remake with The Rock and Daddario as the daughter.
T2 without question
Terminator 2 is superior in every single way. I'm not even trolling. I'm dead serious about this.
Spotted the plebs.
Spotted the patrician.
>In the beggining.... Was Arnold.
>*T2 Soundtrack start playing*
Total Recall
I watched T2 in a mental hospital with a room of patients and it was one of the funniest things in my entire life.