Leave fit-kino to me.
Leave fit-kino to me
Fat fucks BTFO
Was it bestiality?
He's not even that fit he's too skinny
T. Dyel manlet
>Tarzan is clean-shaven.
Which one in the background is Djimon Hounsou?
>be in the jungle
>eating fruits and berries and whatever you can kill
>literally swinging around trees like a fucking monkey
>wanting to bulk
Tarzan is always clean shaven.
I know, which is an aspect of the character design I never understood. And now a new movie comes out that doesn't correct this oversight just triggers my autism.
Yeah wait a sec how is he shaving?
>He was worried because he had not clothing to indicate to all the jungle folks that he was a man and not an ape, and grave doubt often entered his mind as to whether he might not yet become an ape.
>Was not hair commencing to grow upon his face? All the apes had hair upon theirs but the black men were entirely hairless, with very few exceptions.
>True, he had seen pictures in his books of men with great masses of hair upon lip and cheek and chin, but, nevertheless, Tarzan was afraid.
>Almost daily he whetted his keen knife and scraped and whittled at his young beard to eradicate this degrading emblem of apehood.
>And so he learned to shave--rudely and painfully, it is true--but, nevertheless, effectively.
apes don't have beards so it's very understandable that Tarzan might have wanted to emulate them by pulling out his facial hair or finding a way to "shave"
Also note that the some authors speculate that Tarzan did not live with Apes, but rather some form of Hominid. Thus shaving could have been introduced to him as part of their culture.
>Among his conceits is that, since the apes described by Burroughs had a spoken language that Tarzan learned, these animals must have been "pithecanthropoids": "a group of rare hominids who are probably now extinct" and "not great apes".
Its because the moral of Tarzan is that the British upper class are supposedly genetically civilised and that even if one, Lord Greystoke, was abandoned in a Jungle as a baby he would be naturally civilised.
And I'm not even joking.
With a knife and some fat.
Shaving isn't actually a difficult thing to work out how to do.
Is that supposed to be scar tissue on his arm?
that or leeches burrowed under his skin.
Hominids are Great Apes
wow you autistic-ly fabricated that? impressive.
Tarzan is a Brit, he's not allowed to carry knives.
I don't know if the world could tolerate Tarzan in 2016. Any read "A Feast Unknown? " Now the image of Alexander and The Rock castrating each other with their hands is burned in my head.
Top Fucking kek
5 star post right here