Pointless character edition.
Eternal /got/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
Azor Jon
>Arthur Dayne = Faker
>Jaime Lannister = Bjergsen
>Barristan = Froggen/Alex Ich
What are your favourite castles? Mine are a tie between Harrenhal and Starfall, both are just so damn perfect.
You're talking to Stannis Baratheon, First of His name, rightful king of Westeros, king of the Andals and the first men, protector of the realm, Lord of Dragonstone, Lord Paramount of the Stormlands and Storm's End.
Horn Hill
Did the leaks say that Ghost and wun wun die?
migrate guys this was made first
I imagine they need to free up money for muh dragun CGI
The Whispers
Both by Ramsay "Plot armour" Bolton. He kills Ghost before retreating into Winterfell then he shoots Wun Wun in the eye when he breaks down the gate
Ironrath is cool af
Time to roll
Ironrath looks comfy as fuck
rolling 'cause this is the great Game of Whores
>dayne of house starfall used 2 swords
>ice turned into two swords
>brienne has one half and going to confront the second
>jon already has longclaw
>sam is bringing him Heartsbane
Is Jon going to unlock the lost Valyrian art of the 4 sword technique to fight the white walkers?
Is this proof that he's part Dayne?
Not bad.
Doublelift = Joffrey
Best character in all of ASOIAF coming through. Not so fast Jonautists.
First for Bran is Bran the Builder and the real God of ASOIAF, he just doesn't know it yet
Show Jaime is a little KEKOLD
Roll for Ros
Now that's some mighty good selection. Literally am happy with anyone sans Cersei and Shae
Looks like Stannis is our boy so far with Jon (Redditors) in 2nd
dany marg or tyene please
I think its from this thread
pic related
When I typed ASOIAF I thought you would know what I meant (the books)
Could he outplay CIA?
Post cute preston pics with tinfoil
>posting a show picture
>talking about the books
yall better learn
Jonfags are reddit confirmed
I'd spill my seed on her belly, if you know what I mean.
pls Melly or Ros
I'd ler her rub her asshole on my face if you know what I mean
Smirkfu or Missandei
>Ned warged into ICE
>Ice was split into
>Ned's personality is split into
>nicest guy youll ever meet
>crazy fucking psychopath
Hoping for Melisandre or Ros
No boat ho pls
>Best king edition
Go die alone along with your thread stannisfag
>Rightful king
in what way?
>jaime has short hair
where is Grenn the Giant Slayer?
muh niggas
>house starfall
showfag spotted
>In ADwD Dany claims that Euron 'took her in every way a man could take a woman'
>In Euron's new Winds chapter we get it all but confirmed that Euron molested Aeron anally
>Euron confirmed for having a taste for anal
>Daario requested and got anal from Dany
>Euron = Daario confirmed
He stopped being the rightful king when he died
>tfw I wanted Melly but I got BoatWhore
>“Do what you will.” Taena’s hair was as black as Robert’s, even down between her legs, and when Cersei touched her there she found her hair all sopping wet, where Robert’s had been coarse and dry. “Please,” the Myrish woman said, “go on, my queen. Do as you will with me. I’m yours.”
>But it was no good. She could not feel it, whatever Robert felt on the nights he took her. There was no pleasure in it, not for her. For Taena, yes. Her nipples were two black diamonds, her sex slick and steamy. Robert would have loved you, for an hour. The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another, moving them in and out, but once he spent himself inside you, he would have been hard-pressed to recall your name.
>She wanted to see if it would be as easy with a woman as it had always been with Robert. Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs. Taena gave a shudder. She gasped some words in a foreign tongue, then shuddered again and arched her back and screamed. She sounds as if she is being gored, the queen thought. For a moment she let herself imagine that her fingers were a bore’s tusks, ripping the Myrish woman apart from groin to throat.
Anal was pretty common in times with shitty contraception.
That thread doesn't mention ghost or wun wun at all, I hope that means they aren't dead.
Rickon is still alive for now you dumbfuck
Sansa isn't going to suddenly claim to be queen right as the battle starts
she is not a claiment, in any way
I legit wouldn't sleep with 2-3 of these women
What is Jaime currently doing in the books? He's my favorite show character but I hear he's even cooler in the books.
>He had no memories of his parents, but in his early childhood, he remembers, he often had the feeling of somebody's presence and love he rarely experienced elsewhere. In the moments of solitude while his brothers and sisters played without him, he'd wander away in the old forest drawn to the weirwood tree by the sounds of soft distant music of a harp. He loathed these moments at first, but eventually he started to cherish them, love his solitude and something that was his and his own that his brothers and sisters did not know, a part of him nobody could have. He always wanted to belong and now that he finally did, truth revealed to him brought him right back at the start of all things and this solitude was shaking his very being to the core. In his mind, there was a figure of light, a person he did not truly know, but was somehow familiar with. It was a presence that was always with him and he became accustomed to, presence that was with him at his darkest times, through his life, his loss and his death. When figure emerged from the light it had face of a warrior with the silver hair and he smiled at Jon with the most sincere smile he's ever received in his life and he was calling out to him. He needed to belong somewhere, wherever that needed to be.
Getting led by Brienne into a trap.
in that case Jon = Rekkles ?
Vote for fuckign Stannis you fat waste of flesh fucking showfag cunts. Jesus christ, is this really Sup Forums? I'll fucking smash my screen in
>Rickon is still alive for now
Doesn't matter if he is not at the end of the battle.
Might as well since I have no life anyways
I was going to try ranking them, then I realized how pointless that would be. They all win.
Stannisfags so desperate these days.
Harrenhal for the history and beautiful destruction. Winterfell for having more emotion wrapped up in its walls and lands.
Fug I saved the wrong thread. There was a thread that said this.
He brokered peace around the Riverlands and is chilling in a castle. He got Riverrun peacefully and roasted some Freys. He got a letter from Cercei saying to come save her from the Sparrows when she was imprisoned. Know what he did? He burnt that letter becuase he despises Cercei. Also Winter has come.
She has a claim. It's just not as strong as her brothers.
rare ellie
>some faggot in /got/ tells me to watch alt shift X
>he "explains" episodes that don't have anything confusing in them
>watch his theory videos
>literally just reads a popular theory on camera and tells you where he found them
I want to slap the jacknape fucking shit that told me he was good
>saturday and no alt shift x
Anal with Missandei...Couldn't have asked for better.
Where are y'all watching it besides HBO?
Let's roll
HBO go
alt shift x is just your gateway into the world of theories.
you then advance to linda before enjoying the high that is preston.
hbo of course, anything else would be illegal and bad.
eyy can someone repost the chart pls
And for Dany's naked body CGI.
Good thing he didn't die
that wasn't cgi
>He still believe.
You're hurting yourself.
Her waistline was
Wish I could buy the episodes individually, HBOs business practice should be illegal.