Conservatives good, liberals bad: the show
Conservatives good, liberals bad: the show
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So its a realistic show?
Sounds about right
>not realizing its satire
>not realizing that this is a GOAT cartoon and we'll probably never see anything as good as it
who /skettifactory/ here
Remember when Bill started lifting weights?
Has instasync been down for anyone else for the past week?
Liberals good, conservatives bad: the show
its kill like synchtube and bibbytube.
/v4c/ will rise again.
this is one of the very few cartoons that doesn't have a political bias
>Not liking King of the Hill
It's seriously one of the most patrician TV shows of all time.
v4c is shit and is on cytube now. so is sketti
How come a show with no political bias is considered conservative but a show with moderate liberal leanings is considered non political?
>not portraying conservatives as mustache-twirling villains = conservatives good, liberals bad!
jesus christ
Remember when Ladybird bit that nigger?
99% of the shows are liberal cuckfests so why dont you watch one of those?
Hank is shown being wrong countless times in the series. They don't portray the Hill's as a perfect family. The show is rarely funny to me, but it's just a good series.
More populist than conservative. They also, since the beginning, support gay rights
They literally make fun of both sides, you're an idiot Op
this show is not political at all. it is a satire of suburban texas culture. everyone is equally exaggerated but in the end the aim is for viewers to sympathize with the main characters.
The Hills are old school conservatives, just seems more populist now thanks to neocons.
if the world had more hank hills it'd be a much better place
That would mean more Peggy's, fuck that.
>not more bobbys
That nigger was Bernie Mac. Rip
there are too many bobbys now and they are unchecked by hanks
it is cartoon texas what would you expect? it's Mike Judges' worst work anyway go watch beavis and butthead
This is "my dad works at Nintendo" tier but my gf's archaeology prof knew/worked with Mike Judges dad
Hank and Peggy are more or less Mikes parents
more like inoffensive liberal trash.
>Conservatives good, liberals bad: the show
Have you even watched it? They poke fun at both sides roughly equally.
Except that's not it at all.
You're not meant to like or sympathize with any of the characters in King of the Hill. You're supposed to be laughing at their ignorance.
This simple fact throws a lot of people for a loop because identifying with the characters is something most TV shows expect you to do.
Arlen is a severely messed up town, and King of the Hill proudly displays this town as a sort of circus sideshow, because, in all honesty, this is not how any place anywhere works at all.
It's the perfect satire created by a person who grew up in the area. You can see how lovingly he pokes fun at suburban Texas. It's GOAT.
This. Hank is a character with depth in a sitcom, who's shown to be wrong a lot, but either adjusts his view or stands firm and becomes antagonistic.
No one on the show is a Conservative Lisa
>clearly never been to DFW in the 90's
>You're not meant to like or sympathize with any of the characters in King of the Hill. You're supposed to be laughing at their ignorance.
This is wrong though. Everyone of theach characters showcase a likable and sympathetic traits or episodes throughout the series, and Hank is one of the most non ignorant characters in sitcom. Just because he's old school and conservative, does not make him ignorant.
trips confirm
because unbias people don't blindly believe everything that progressives say so they're automatically conservative hitlers
Hank literally says in the episode in Montana that he's not some hipster liberal but he's not a redneck either.
So centre-right. But the shows really more about how traditions are important, but change can be good.
Still more conservative than South Park.
Why do you say that? They could always phone it in and stick to fencesitting.
More like
>tongue in cheek conservatives are kidna simple
>liberals are wimps
And both are true so I approve.
Look at how they represented Trump with Mr. Garrison in a mock debate with Hillary Clinton, expect nothing but that. The people behind South Park know they'll be blacklisted and kicked out of the media if they take a fence sitting position. The media has chosen Clinton.
A lot of their fans are Trump supporters. I doubt they will take such a simplistic view. If they do, it will be the beginning of the end, if it isn't already.
daily reminder peggy is the best character
>it will be the beginning of the end, if it isn't already.
>that delusion
Lol, people are going to eat SP up regardless of how shit it is.
How do you think the Hill's are handling 2016?
They don't care how many of their fans are Trump supporters, they'll just go "Why are these idiots watching our show? Fuck them." and it's a matter of them being ostracized by the media. They need to be a good cog or they'll get sorted out, the Morning Joe was being too unbiased in covering Trump and they genuinely got cornered into becoming another attack dog. This isn't a one point issue, this is a political agenda to get Clinton in, expect their full strength.
You must think sp is more popular than it is...
Trump like Kanye, will only be made stronger
I was always kind of biased against this show, because Mike Judge stopped working on Beavis and Butthead to do this. I never really gave it a fair shake, but maybe I'll give it another go with a more open mind.
Is there a comfiest show? I think not.
Probably well. Hank doesn't really care as long as it's not in his backyard. Plus like that other user said he can adjust or kick your ass whichever.
Hank supported Ted Cruz, Peggy supported Marco, and Bobby supports Trump
How popular is South Park, user?
Exactly. Hank's not always right, but he's right most of the time.
Other than Cotton, most of the cast were open to liberal ideas.
It's a satire, anyway; and a pretty damn good one.
It's up there but if I had the remote and both were running at the time slot. I'd pick KOTH
Peggy supporting Rubio is probably the most accurate thing, shoe would probably try talking to him in broken spanish.
Dale is a huge Trump supporter.
Hank wouldn't like the political state were in. He wouldn't like Hilary or Sanders, but he'd probably appreciate some of what Trump says, while being against his rude and stand off is attitude, while saying
>Probably the New Yorker in him
It has a learning curve of about 5 episodes watched in quick succession before you can start to appreciate the show,
>Bobby supports Trump
Bobby-types support Bernie
>dale involved with the government.
Smdh desu familia
screw you guys I'm going home, lol, u r right. people can't wait 4 new season
>he'd probably appreciate some of what Trump says
>the man who singlehandedly killed summer pro football
Nope, people underestimate how important is football to Hank.
>Hola el Marco. Me llama Peggy
HOLY SHIT you genuinely made me laugh I'm not joking either. Thanks for that user.
My dad is essentially Dale who's been waiting for the government to bring in Martial Law so he can shoot cops and he supports Trump so I think Dale would fold for that. Infowars is supporting Trump all the way.
Conservatives bad, liberals bad: the movie
glad to hear it
Dale voted?
>CIA good, Big Guys bad: the movie
statist propaganda: the reddit
He could find a way, steal another ID.
Shackleford comma Rusty
But your dad is not dale.
Dale is
A coward
While he is president of the gun club he's a failure marksman.
Possibly schizophrenic
A cuck
In the face of danger would just call hank.
He freaked out because he had a library card under his name that one time. He's not gonna vote.
I love how Peggy adds a Spanish accent to all foreign words.
I meant like actually trusting a candidate imposed by the media/government. I remember that episode in which he turned patriotic, but as far as i remember he came back to his former self.
I could totally see Cotton, Ted, the Platter family, Strickland and the other gas owners supporting Trump.
I wouldn't say the best, but it is pretty remarkable how much depth her character has, with tons of flaws
Female characters in any medium rarely are allowed to show flaws like that
He'd hate trump.
>you mean that guy on *breathes heavy* celebrity apprentice?
>doesn't understand the pressure that comes with being redpilled
knowledge is a helluva drug
It calls out both conservatives and liberals on their own special BS, fuck off.
Dale would've been a hardcore Ron Paul supporter in '08
So what? Most shows and movies tend to have a liberal bias anyway, go watch them if you can't handle being at the other end of the stick for a change.
>Implying Bobby wouldn't #feelthebern
It's honestly a tough call, he has a lot of the personality qualities of a Bernie supporter, but he has a die-hard love of celebrity. A great episode would be Hank redpilling Bobby on socialism
Speaking truth to power.
Honestly the show seems pretty apolitical most of the time.
It humanized conservatives to an audience who did not see them as humans (liberals) and demonized liberals to an audience who did not realize they were demons (also, liberals), if that's what you mean.
But I'm pretty sure you're just stirring shit.
Goes on Sup Forums.
koth should stay here, capeshit needs to go to Sup Forumsmblr
I think Bobby would only support Bernie because Khannie does. But that would probably be the conflict of the episode. He's attracted to Trump's antics, which he has to stifle laughter at while Khannie gives him angry eyes.
Anyway, Dale would support Hillary because she has ties to that senator who wants disclosure on UFOs. Bill would too, if only because he will follow any woman. He'd get Hilary confused with Lenore.
>Its a Bobby dresses like a cheerleader episode.
I hope not.
This was pre-911.
Agreed, many years ago when I first saw the show I was put off by the fact that not everyone was beautiful and the slightly more realistic artstyle and plots that most cartoons don't have.
>Implying Matt and Trey give any fucks about politics anymore and realize just how stupid the world really is and the stupid people who inhabit it.