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How can someone be this cute?


>that feel when she's apparently infertile
>she'll never have her own hive

I was at a restaurant with my wife a few weeks ago.
My wife went to the bathroom and told me when she got back, that when she walked in a woman was taking the loudest piss she ever heard, like someone running a bath with both taps turned on fully. My wife peed, washed her hands and was fixing her hair and lipstick when the woman finally stopped, my wife waited around to see the monster that had unleashed that torrent in the cubicle next to her (who at this point was still going), expecting some giant hamplanet, imagine my wife's surprise when the piss finally stopped and out walked Daisy Ridley.

My wife said she was already going when she walked in and went for at least a further two minutes, her flowing only slowing in the last 10 seconds or so.

>no xeno gf


Fuck, nigga. That quote is old as fuck.

Fuck off

I remember when I was in qt's house doing a school homework and she need to pee
goddam it sounded like a fireman pipe or something


she is literally so fucking perfect it hurts my heart

>she will never get ruined by a pregnancy
ftfy friendo

One tough little son of a bitch

Tell me more user I'm only part way.

>“At 15 I was diagnosed with endometriosis,” wrote Daisy. “One laparoscopy, many consultations and 8 years down the line, pain was back (more mild this time!) and my skin was THE WORST. I’ve tried everything: products, antibiotics, more products, more antibiotics) and all that did was left my body in a bit of a mess. Finally found out I have polycycstic ovaries and that’s why it’s bad.”

I actually feel bad for her now

A lot of Jewish women are like this. It's the heavy inbreeding I think. Apparently Lena Dunham is also sterile because of some serious uterine disease

so fucking plain looking
like staring at the color grey

Steroids'll do that.

Yeah but thankfully she's getting treatment. I felt a bit bad when I read about her condition.

I'd still like to try and fetalize her

Nice meme

Shut the fuck up already.

She still can if she keeps up with her treatment.

>swn tie you up and pump you full of meth and viagra then milk you for days at a time in an attempt to fertilize her brood

>She'll never plant a chestburster inside you

Dude why would you fucking faggots care if she can have children or not. Some of you guys are so gay I can't even begin to understand it.


what the fuck this is so crazy the black guy smiled hahahahah


>Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), also called Stein-Leventhal syndrome, is a set of symptoms due to elevated male hormone in women.

>elevated male hormone


spotted the repressed homo

Ash said that, not Bishop you twat.

That means she can't be bred by BBC :(
really liked her in that movie, mods

This is now a /smug/ thread.

>"what are you looking at huh, user?"

what the fuck

n-nothing, pls don't hurt me

jk, pls hurt me


>Stein-Leventhal syndrome

oh boy

why is she so beautiful. is it because she's british?

That doesn't even make sense.
Procreation doesn't have to have anything to do with sexuality.

This city's afraid of me. I've seen its true face. The streets are extended gutters, and the gutters are full of blood, and when the drains finally scab over all the vermin will drown. The accumulated filth of all their sex and murder will foam up about their waists and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout save us! And I'll whisper no.

are all actors mentally unbalanced?

They have trouble getting pregnant, but it's possible with help from fertility doctors. Ridley spawn can still happen.

All I'm reading is I can cum inside her with no consequences

that sounds like something a homo would say

She's painfully average looking.

>Procreation doesn't have to have anything to do with sexuality.

Of course it fucking does, what am I reading?

tbf it's not like it could get much worse

I bet she breeds like in the animal kingdom where they bite down on their mate to hold them in place until fertilization is complete.


She'll still get your AIDS

As in having a lot of body hair which women aren't supposed to have in certain areas. She clearly doesn't have this symptom.

Listen, I mean, why keep falling into the same trap over and over. I'm a fucked up dude who doesn't want to force someone to live with my genetic problems, but that doesn't mean I don't want to fuck women.


Are you that much of a fucking drone? Do you think about anything?

How does she keep getting better?

I want to fuck that xeno.

i want to marry her

well I guess I'll be fapping now

well, it is rather unusual for something with a penis to have the ability to give birth

i want to protect that smile

ok homo

Why Sup Forums enjoys posting so many images/ threads about this pear is beyond me.

Um, so...I'd really appreciate it if you didn't talk shit about my fucking sis like this. Okay? Thanks.

She literally says so here:

True story:

In HS back in 03/04 I was banging a girl who was in a relationship with an acquaintance of mine. She screamed at one point like she got shot and I pulled my dick out to a river of blood gushing from her sweet HS vag and weird ass smell. I drove her to the hospital and it turned out I punctured an ovarian cyst she didn't know she had. I left her there before her parents got there because she didn't want anyone to know we were fucking. I found a good spot in the corner of the lot and jerked off because I had horrible blue balls and spotted her parents walking to the entrance and made full eye contact with her dad (he didn't know me and he didn't know I was jerking). It was such a surreal experience.

Your mum had no problems



>Shes infertile
>Adopt a black kid


Yes, she looks like Jim Carry as The Mask. We know. Do we really need a thread about it ?


thanks god that monster won't reproduce

Stop it friend, I know you joke but let me pretend it's true.



It seems more that the symptoms she has for that condition is a skin, infertility and menstruation problem.

Another symptom should be obesity but she doesn't have that.

>She infertile
>She's getting treatment
>Finally she can become pregnant.
>She gives birth to a black child.


It's called bait, son. I knew one of you wouldn't be able to resist.

Your welcome.

Somebody stop her.


Is that Tim Heidecker?

>FUN FACT: Endometriosis affects the quality of life of women who suffer, affecting their relationships, family, work and play.

Deeper descriptions of the smell and eye contact shuffle please.

>Procreation doesn't have to have anything to do with sexuality.

Go take your anti retroviral pills faggot

Thank you for sharing that. Had a good kek.

>Lena Dunham is also sterile
does this explain why she's such an insufferable cunt? hatred of life which refuse to let her have progeny?

What did she mean by this?

>wanting something that may be nothing like you and hogs all of your significant other's attention in addition to sucking up numerous other resources

having kids is of the highest order of cuckoldry

Why does she wear the mask?

normies are absolutely disgusting what in the heck did I just read


bbc seed has special powers

she should go to some african tribe with the most potent african bulls and let her work their magic

she'll get triplets

It smelled like sulfur mixed with really bad breath. It's hard to put into words but it was really distinct and bad.

As for the dad.... I was parked in the corner of the lot and back my car in so nobody could sneak up on me. My dick was rock hard and I was pretty close to finishing. The parents moved between 2 cars in front of me and I recognized her mom from pics on her fb. They were probably 30 feet in front of me. Before I could even process the situation the dad turned and looked straight at me and we locked eyes. I immediately turned my car on and pulled off, then rubbed one out in the shower when I got home.



Ovarian cysts are mostly caused by obesity meaning he was fucking a fattie if you think about it

>Abnormally high testosterone levels in women can lead to a variety of symptoms. Most often, women with high testosterone levels develop male pattern hair growth (hirsutism), especially on their faces and chests. More rarely and over time, some women may experience virilization, which is increased muscle mass, redistribution of body fat, enlargement of the clitoris, deepening of the voice, male pattern baldness, acne, and/or increased perspiration.
>Increased testosterone levels in women are most often caused by polycystic ovaries.

WHY? Because she's gotta.

does Daisy have chest hair?

I wish that was me sucking all those dicks in a glory hole for some rations. I hate being a man.

>increased muscle mass, redistribution of body fat, enlargement of the clitoris
>increased perspiration.