What when wrong?
What when wrong?
no spiritual message
What do you mean? Everyone I know loved these movies.
what went correct
i;ve only seen the first one but i thought it was pretty good. bloated, nothing on the lotr trilogy. i only haven't watched the other two because legolas is my favourite and i don't want him to be ruined for me forever.
They over dramatized it. The Hobbit was a classic adventure dungeon crawl, a lot more light hearted than the LOTR, and, the tripe that was offered.
Greed and SJW.
This. There was no magic in those movies, probably because they felt rushed (despite coveing a story that could have been done in 1 movie)
Bloated and over long. Can't decide if its a story centered on Bilbo Baggins or an ensemble. They force you to watch the extended cast doing shit you don't care about and then are expected to be emotionally involved with a protagonist you haven't had a chance to like.
Not enought Hobbit
>tfw my dad is a tasteless pleb who thinks Avatar is amazing basically because of the CGI, also grew up reading Tolkien
>even he thinks the Hobbit is dogshit
No paper clips
Hackson had no time for pre-production and made it up as he went along. Even if he had time to properly plan and just done two movies, they probably only would have been a 6/10.
Whatever brain worm that got to George Lucas between RotJ and TPM got to Peter Jackson aswell
The Original lord of the rings trilogy was great , and while it's not my favorite , return of the King is objectively one of the greatest movies ever made
> the "I'll carry you scene "
> the acting
> the effects
> the music
Then the brain worm got to Jackson
The hobbit was poorly written CGI clusterfuck
The CGI with the bloom and framerate actually made it physically painful to watch
First of all, it really should have been 2 movies max. Padding it out into 3 goddamn movies was ridiculous and basically doomed the story from the start. It makes the whole story feel super bloated in a way that the source material never did, and also makes the story much harder to follow for no reason other than more money.
The original book also has a totally different tone than the LotR books. For some reason, rather than going for the more lighthearted storybook type vibe the original had, they opted to make everything super grimdark whcih takes away a lot of the charm of the original.
Also, the original LotR movies were made in a kind of mini golden age where CGI was realistic enough to make the series a possibility, but expensive and limited enough that they couldn't just use it constantly like the Hobbit trilogy does.
In my opinion the first movie is about as good as the worst LotR movie, whatever you think that might be. The tone is crucial to these movies and the first one nails the blend between drama and comedy pretty perfectly. Good character development, nothing too outlandish or ridiculous in terms of presentation, the world is pretty believable. The only bits that let it down are the Goblin Town scene and the fact that the introduction is a little long.
The second is the definition of a mixed bag. It has the highest highs in the series, (Mirkwood, Smaug) but apart from this it bungles a lot of stuff people were looking forward to and there's a lot of stuff that's just tonally jarring and I'm really baffled as to why they included it (weird Orc raid on lake town that never goes anywhere and has no impact on anything, Bolg, Dol Guldur, the fucking barrel ride, everything about the Elves).
The third is fucking terrible. It looks terrible, it's written terribly, it's just garbage. There are a few really great scenes in there (Smaug again, character moments with Thorin and Bilbo, Dwalin's talk with Thorin, Bilbo's talk with Gandalf near the end) but it's buried under so much trash.
Case in point.
woops, wrong webbum
Shit like THIS is why the third one is garbage
Yeah sure stick in a fucking Three Stooges slapstick moment in the big climactic battle where thousands of people are dying
Imagine if Sam farted while climbing up Mount Doom and stared right at the camera, that's what this is the equivalent of
>weird Orc raid on lake town that never goes anywhere and has no impact on anything
I was about to say that it lets Legolas follow Bolg to the Gundabad so that he can see that they're preparing for war but then I remembered he visits Gundabad again with Tauriel for no reason.
should have just been two movies ( or one long one) instead of three, and it should have been tighter and more concise with less overly long action scenes that took us nowhere
The first one is genuinely good but there was no pay off for the trilogy. It was a rushed and unthought out series that had a handful of good bits.
If you pause it just right you can pinpoint the exact moment my heart sank.
Lol the king is totally not even touching that orc with that shield bash
I don't even like LotR and Im fucking crying for this, poor man.