Are there any television shows currently in production (airing/in between seasons) that is as PG-13 sexy as Defiance...

Are there any television shows currently in production (airing/in between seasons) that is as PG-13 sexy as Defiance (RIP)?

Other urls found in this thread: webm/


shit they cancelled defiance

>be a bunch of space niggers that ruin earth
>live with humans peacefully later

>it's an incredibly white woman gets SPACE BLACKED episode

This woman?


>It's an alien gets aliened episode

Don't you mean season?

show sucked
game was even worse

there was a whole season of her getting blacked?


By the purple space moor guy? It was sort of a running plotline in the 3rd season. I wasn't able to finish it it though, so I never found out what happened.

like 9 months ago

OP you wouldnt happen to have any webms would you?

It's a minor miracle it lasted as long as it did


jesus don't remind me about that fucking game

that was money well spent, christ webm/

religion of peace


After 3 seasons I was kinda surprised it was cancelled when it was. Usually if Syfy makes it to 3 seasons with a show they'll try to ride it out to the magical 5th season where it can get syndication.

First season was mostly pretty meh but the 2nd and 3rd seasons were pretty good.

>dat feel when Datak that last season was phenomenal


>Game and show are supposed to be closely intertwined
>after the first season the devs barely do anything with the show
>show gets cancelled and they say they'll be able to do anything they want with the storyline now
>2 missions once a year and a whole bunch of cash grabbing
>Omec still haven't been introduced to the game, even as a one off enemy for a season 3 mission

Sad thing is if it had been a game made by any other developer but Trion Games it could have been special

>black guy and Irathi hook up
>native murrican girl and Casti guy hook up
>black guy gets killed by said Irathi
>native murrican girl has a interspecies baby with the Casti
>she gets killed
>Irathi and Casti hook up and live with the human/casti baby

>game was even worse
Wasn't the plan to base the show around events that occured in the game?

>events in the show shape events in the game

Problem is Defiance the show takes place in the town of Defiance in the ruins of St. Louis while the game takes place in the San Franciso Bay area and later Silicon Valley areas.

Besides a few missions where a character from the show popped up for a bit here and there it was pretty much connected with the tiniest of shoestrings

Those are all removed and there doesn't seem to have been any lewds in there at any point.

So Casti, Irathi, Indogene, or Omec

Pick your poison and why

It was all PG-13 sexy so no nipples or bare butts or pussies

Show had some decently lewd moments.

Considering the local bar was also the town whorehouse and the Casti's were some open sex types, it really wasn't that surprising.

its extra funny since omec are kept away for years and are basically known only for killing and fucking.This guy so bad that there was a conspiracy to kill them all of(conspiracy that took all the other races working together)

by this guy

>it's a scifi where all the aliens are just humans with different colored skin episode

yeah there's like 20 different alien species on earth already lmao

>its purple chiana episode

Well average humans don't fuck their fathers or group bathe.also is not there a robot race and the hog people that work for tar?

>race of assholes that lived until they were killed by unatural causes
>the longer they live the stronger they get and more immune to poisons and shit they become
>younger ones can eat and older ones heart and absorb their power
>would pillage and plunder the other races every 70 years for slave labor, love slaves, and when they got bored of em food
>get mad when no help is offered when another alien race (volge) from somewhere else invades them
>whole system is going down in a supernova
>other alien races purposely sabotaged the Omecs escape ships as a final fuck you, even brought the Volge along even though they were assholes too but assholes mainly to the Omec

Soon as the QT black purple female started spouting she was gonna enslave everyone and restart the Omec empire on Earth is was pretty much all hands on deck for everyone else.

>Well average humans don't fuck their fathers or group bathe
sheltered american pls

from what I remember the votan races considered humans prudes compared to themselves

>tfw my name is Joshua Nolan you'll never find me and I always wanted to fly a space ship and my friends who watched Defiance told me that the character and I were actually similar
>tfw loving a mediocre scifi show because I could root for my alternate universe self to kick alien ass
>tfw I teared up watching alternate me fulfill our childhood dream after saving his daughterfu, knowing that he'd never see her again

Shit hit me too hard for how campy the show was

Whichever one would be more likely to fuck me.