Your political compass and your favorite album

Your political compass and your favorite album


Pic related and Spiderland

Hotel California

The Empyrean by John Frusciante

Enter the Wu-tang - 36 Chambers

Talking Heads - Remain In Light

Fugazi - Red medicine

Foetus - Nail

Pilotredsun- Achievement

my own

Deftones - Koi No Yokan

Whitehouse - Bird Seed

its nice to see some left on Sup Forums desu

Nas - Illmatic

bjork - vespertine

>green square

are you kidding? Sup Forums is notoriously leftist.

and i mean that in all the worst ways possible.

>positive y value

Songs for the deaf - Queens of the Stoneage

Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights

Highway 61 Revisited

Sup Forums isn't leftist, it's liberal.

If you're in the red quadrant, you're a leftist.
If you're green, you're an annoying hyper-liberal who probably goes back an decapitalizes words in his post to ensure it's snarky enough.

Well that's weird because I always thought I was right wing

Porcupine Tree - In Absentia

Fuck off with the politics threads

Sup Forums was original leftleaning. The only political consistency is that it was never authoritarian, shocked to see people here being remotely authoritarian.



except "liberals" are one of the most authoritarian political groups

>I'm new and what is /new/

Hello commie

Just because it doesn't exist anymore it doesn't become old. it was what.. 2012? it was created with /lit/, that's not reflective on original Sup Forums.

not true btw they're just confused

yes it is true. liberals are pro censorship and other restrictions on personal freedom, that's absolutely authoritarian.
I mean, not actual liberals, but what americans refer to as liberals

Forseti - Erde

Purple quadrant detected.

Flying Lotus - Cosmogramma

I didn't expect all this left

I'm green

Confronting somebody over the opinions they hold isn't the same as tasking a police force to ensure these opinions never see the light of day.

And even if one is in favor of so-called "hate speech" laws that's still not necessarily enough to provide them with a positive Y value.

>Confronting somebody over the opinions they hold isn't the same as tasking a police force to ensure these opinions never see the light of day.
you're right
And confronting someone over an opinion is not authoritarian. it's confrontational.
Authoritarianism is based on what you believe should be allowed, exclusively

Allowed where exactly though?

There are churches, schools, communities, and households whose stance towards speech falls short of the libertarian ideal. I guess these are all inherently authoritarian? (Then again this is what some anarkiddies actually believe)

If the majority of any given body rejects a certain idea from whatever their sphere of influence might be, that's authoritarian? Everybody, even on the atomic level, must entertain all sides of an issue, no matter how inane, day in and day out?

probably shitty bait but still
>favorite album is nazi neofolk

Maybe he's nazbol

Heyyyy Spiderland is my favorite too =D

Justin Timberlake - FS/LS

>There are churches, schools, communities, and households whose stance towards speech falls short of the libertarian ideal. I guess these are all inherently authoritarian?
Never said that there isn't varying degrees and that everyone that favors a restriction is authoritarian.
I'm saying that on the curve of authoritarianism, the "sjw" community is at the absolute top, compared to other actually real groups of people in the west. Obviously, there are much worse THEORETICAL authoritarians, like dictators or fictional groups of people. Everything is relative, I'm saying that of actual, real people that might appear on the internet, ""liberals"" are some of the most authoritarian.
And some schools certainly hold very authoritarian ideals, as well as some churches.

I did the thing