Why did this movie get such acclaim?
It used almost every single trope and such a predictable plot. The jokes and lines were corny. I wouldn't have given it more than 4/10
Why did this movie get such acclaim?
It used almost every single trope and such a predictable plot. The jokes and lines were corny. I wouldn't have given it more than 4/10
Because it's Star Wars and all the reviewers are fucking man children nostalgiafags
Because people compared it to the prequels.
Its really hard to find a movie that would compare poorly to the prequels.
I don't think anyone could realistically give it less than a 5. It's not a below-average movie.
On the other hand, I laugh when I see how many people have given it a 10.
It's just a well-made love-letter to a better movie. Anywhere between a 5 and a 9 is okay, I reckon.
9 is still too high, even for a Star Wars movie. 6 to high 7 range is the right touch.
Acclaim from who?
Formal critics?
Online reviewers?
The general public?
I don't know. I came out of the theater liking the movie. It was very entertaining; however, the more time I've spent going over it in my head, the more crap I find that bothers the shit out of me.
Some of it's debatable. Some is pure nostalgia. Some is sloppy writing. The rest is Disney exploiting the Star Wars franchise for its widespread popularity and name recognition in order to rake in more cash.
>"It used almost every single trope and such a predictable plot. The jokes and lines were corny."
A lot of that had to do with the makers/producers of the film playing it safe. They wanted to reel in as many dumb, fat, plebeian, slobs from the general public into their "continuation" of the Star Wars franchise as possible. To do that, they settled on a theme of nostalgia peppered with other cheap crap that Disney films do in order to play on an audience's heart strings.
Nostalgia + following elements and plot progression of Ep. IV + Cheap Disney elements + passage of time between films building demand for more films (I guess, I don't know)
From the opening shot until the last frame, this was a great movie. One I can watch again and again.
Good characters.
Good relationships.
Excellent visual effects.
Fantastic sound design.
Practical sets.
Characters who I actually want to see again.
A universe which I would want to visit again.
If episode VIII is just as shit I think people will start realizing TFA was subpar and start ripping on it.
The same reason Newbusters and New Mad Max are getting such acclaim.
Hollywood shits it out, femtards gobble it up.
>Good characters
This point is definitely debatable. There were flaws in pretty much all of the new main characters.
>Good relationships
Also debatable.
>Excellent visual effects
90% of other films that get pumped out of Hollywood have good visual effects.
>Fantastic sound design.
I guess I'd agree with that. I'd have to pay more attention when I watch the movie again.
>Practical sets
One thing that JJ Abrams does that I cannot fault him for, and that, in fact, I love him for. His practical effects are also great, and he took the time to shoot on location as well.
>Characters who I actually want to see again
Sans the old major characters (Luke, Han, Leia, etc):
I don't care about Maz. She's just a dumb pseudo Yoda/Old Ben character.
Rey is ok.
Finn is poorly written.
Poe is fine, but I wouldn't cry if I didn't see him again.
General Hux is a literal Hitler who I don't give two shits about.
Captain Phasma is presumably dead, but if she isn't literally dead, her character is still figuratively dead, exactly like Boba Fett. Just another hyped minor villain who's concept is neat, but whose character does jack shit in the movie and has sparse dialogue only to die in a demeaning manner. I seriously think Phasma was a literal "fuck you" to Boba Fett fans.
Kylo Wren is Venom Peter Parker 2.0 from SM 3, and I know I'm going to continue to hate the way he was written in the next movie.
BB-8 is fine, but doesn't replace R2D2.
All the other characters are pretty much forgettable.
>A universe which I would want to visit again
Really? The new Rebellion, or "The Resistance" as it's now called, doesn't make any fucking sense. Apparently they have the Republic's backing, but why wouldn't the Resistance simply be the Republic's military? It was NEVER explained in the film. Also, the origins of the First Order were barely even mentioned in the opening crawl.
What the fuck happened to the old Empire? Did the original Rebellion supplant it and establish the Republic? Is the First Order a revamped Empire that regrouped and rebuilt from the remnants of the old Empire that weren't completely extinguished?
There's too much of a time gap to not find a way to fill in some holes during the course of the movie. I don't want any of that, "it will be explained in the next film," shit. That's bullshit. There's too many unanswered questions that needed to be addressed in Ep. VII that were lazily left hanging.
Episode VII did not even try to explain anything. It just wanted to become a literal remake of Episode IV so they destroyed everything, throwing away all of the efforts in Episodes IV, V, and VI.
And it bothers the fuck outta me. But I guess that's what I get for having any hope of a Star Wars continuation under Disney's money grubbing care.
*hope FOR, not of.
Jesus that was a bad preposition.
explaining little details is not what Star Wars is about.
It's about the adventure at hand.
I hate TFA so much. I love the original Star Wars and its 2 sequels with a passion, but this movie was unbearably bad.
I did not like the characters
Rey is cardboard, no emotion, no character development, literal Mary Sue that can do anything already
Finn is the token black guy comic relief that I just don't find funny at all
BB-8 is wannabe R2
Poe I liked, so naturally he received the least amount of screen time
I did not like the plot
I think you could guess. It relies on fan service too much, it's a poorly written copy of A New Hope, it stumbles all over itself until the final act.
I did not like that they killed Han in the lamest way possible.
A few other gripes...
The soundtrack was lame, or nonexistent I should say
The movie can't stand on its own
They made Luke a pussy bitch
Bastardized my beloved franchise even more
Fuck you JJ
Stop making excuses for Abrams and Disney. Better respect could have been paid to the story that had developed over the original trilogy. If you remove pointless things like the Rathtars and Death Star 3.0 there would be time to address how the galaxy changed over the last three decades and better establish the new players. The Force Awakens was a waste of the Hamill, Ford, and Fisher. A remake could have been done any other time.
But the little details add up to really make the whole thing unravel at the seams.
This movie tried to replicate the simple formula of the original films, but failed. All it succeeded in doing was trumping up nostalgia for the original trilogy with whatever cheap tricks it could use. It doesn't have the charm that the original films had/have, just a paltry imitation in order to get more money.
After the prequels, there was a large contingent ready to rubber stamp anything Star Wars. Outlets were incentivized to promote it because SW is a vehicle to sell large quantities of merchandise. The inoffensive nature of the movie, being basically a reshoot of the original Star Wars with simulacra characters and an extra large heaping of nostalgia porn, neutralized criticism from the manchild demographic. Many just got on board with what they perceived to be "a big deal".
>The soundtrack was lame, or nonexistent I should say
Yup, which is immensely disappointing considering John Williams made the score. It seems he just didn't care anymore. The magic and life that he once put into his works was nonexistent in TFA's score. I don't know if it's because he's becoming senile, or dying, or what, but his score in that movie just wasn't Star Wars. It was generic bull that could be copied and pasted into other similar movies and no one would no the difference.
One of my most hated movies of all time, seriously.
I give it a 2 at most. It represents essentially all the worst parts of hollywood. It is a non-movie, a piece of art with no artistic elements, devoid of emotion, technical ability, and plot originality. "A waste of 2 hours" is the single best way I can describe it. The only movie I can remember seeing that might be worse is Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. I probably won't see Ghostbusters 2, but I bet I wouldn't give that below a 3.
>time to address how the galaxy changed over the last three decades
I was wondering if anyone else shared my opinion on this. Most of the past three decades was addressed in the opening crawl, and that did little to provide a suitable setting for the action that took place. It was so freaking confusing.
See the end of and all of
SW must have been a gravy train for him, with all the shitty spin-off media. He has been cannibalizing his own works for a long time. Inb4 "b-but muh leitmotif".
>He has been cannibalizing his own works for a long time
Well, I guess I'm outta the loop on that. Shows how much I follow Hollywood.
It still disappoints me, though.
I think it's a little weird that you'd give the second-worst film you've ever seen a 2, but okay.
Your average rating must be quite high.
I don't actively seek out shit movies. If it has less than a 10% on RT I'm not watching it. And as for the rating, I liked the cinematography of Han Solo's death scene. Acting and everything surrounding it was poor, but the bridge with Ren on the literal dark side was kind of fun.
literally no one cares about you stupid virgins opinions.
Its so hilarious how important you pathetic losers think you are. It really is sad
The film was actually going okay for me until Rey beat up all those guys by herself.
yep, too many questions
who the fuck is that old guy at the start? Who is that midget with the glasses and why is she important?
I think it's a solid 6/10.
Not horrible like anything from the prequels.
I'd say it's on the same level as Jedi.
I think it gets most of its praise purely because it introduced characters and a story that has potential to be great.
Yeah it's not like it takes a lot of effort to reveal some details about the current status quo. Hell just showing rough First Order/Republic controlled territory when they were fiddling with the galaxy map would've been a start.
It's not outright bad, but it's so boring and safe and plain that it's almost worse than a bad movie, which you can laugh at or maybe has some good ideas outweighed by shittyness, but TFA is so fucking dull I'd rather watch semi-interesting crap than 2+ hours of safe, predictable mush.
TFA was bland and generic, and that automatically makes it worse than the prequels
On a technical aspect yes TFA is the better film, but its not nearly as entertaining, and films are meant to entertain
Agree 100%. Prequels have flaws, but they had some fucking imagination behind them. TFA feels dry in comparison.
>this was the best that a prequel hater could do
please come back lucas
I don't understand what someone who's presumably a grown adult feels it's a valuable use of his time to spend it complaining about a fantasy movie for children.
>Stop making excuses for Abrams and Disney
I'm not, you just don't understand Star Wars.
>The Force Awakens
You know what guys? Let me describe some movies for you.
>Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" in space.
>Genuinely well done look at the mythological "Hero's Journey"
>Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" in space, again
>Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" in space, CGI edition
>Literal garbage
>Shakespeare in space Ft. Bad acting and plot holes
>Return to Kurosawa's "The Hidden Fortress" in space
Star Wars was never this creative juggernaut people mistake it to be. Lucas is no more than an entertainer. If you try to find art in any of the Star Wars movies, you will be disappointed, as Episode V is the only one you'll be satisfied with (You could argue that Episode III at least attempted to do this, but was so badly executed that it can't be taken seriously, like The Matrix Revolutions).
Take Star Wars for what it is: A popcorn flick. J. J. Abrams isn't an artist, and should never be judged as one.
This. Force Awakens is a good popcorn flick - I'm not expecting art.
1: 1/10
2: 0/10
The only good thing about TFA is that it made Hamill unJUST and happy.
No. You need a little bit of context for your universe when you're making the seventh film in a series. We've already watched six movies up to his point, so we need a little information as to why galaxy is the way it is. Because in the context of the last six films, the relationship of the "Resistance" and the new Empire doesn't make a lot of sense. Even as the first in the series, ANH provided the audience with plenty of information early on in the film for the relationships between the two political bodies. Any kind of logical exposition was scrapped by JJ because he wanted to copy and paste ANH's blueprint as closely as possible, and that meant undermining the accomplishments that happen in ROTJ.
I would put Episode 3 a little lower. But other than that your ratings seem to be equal to mine.
same reason gods of egypt got shit on despite being a decent movie
muh diversity muh agenda
at least in 99 he gave that amazing score for the phantom menace
Grew up wearing out my family's box set of VHS Star Wars tapes.
Then Episode I happened.
I still haven't seen the new Star Wars movie and have no real interest in doing so. It was great for its time, but the magic's done been gone...
Abrams employs the same tactic with every movie he makes. What he does is he has his actors running and shouting from start to finish, his camera rarely stops moving and his music is constant loud frenetic notes. What this does is convince a lot of moviegoers that the movie they're watching must be exciting because the characters are running and shouting all the time. Then the movie ends and general audiences (and what passes for internet critics) come out and think "well I wasn't bored, it must have been good". On reflection, once they're clear of JJ's assault on the senses, a lot of them come to realise that the movie wasn't very satisfying; it was completely derivative, the characterisation was weak, the set pieces were forgettable, the score was bad and it wasn't that interesting to look at.
JJ has it down to a tee: Running and shouting with loud noises.
Great argument.
This. I was at least hoping for a great score but we didn't get that either.
>not nearly as entertaining
ask a guy who hasnt seen the prequels as a kid and ask him which was more entertaining
Eps I and II are boring throughout (maybe some scenes that are laughable bad but yeah) and III has those shitty romance scenes in it
im not saying that TFA is GOAT or anything but the prequels certainly arent "more entertaining".
Prequels were better at building lore BUT
1. the new lore sucks and fucks the old one
2. those bits were rather short, you just remember them so good because it was the only interesting thing happening in these films
>1: 1/10
>2: 0/10
>look mommy i just regurgitate meme opinions
>1: 1/10
>2: 0/10
nigga have you ever seen a bad movie?
Even for the music those are a 2/10 at least
>these people exist
7, 8, 9 and 10 are too high.