ITT: directors who have never made a good movie
ITT: directors who have never made a good movie
Peter Weir.
the Lost pilot is GOAT
terrence malick
George Lucas
This and Villeneuve.
-3/10 see me after class.
>Mission Impossible III
>Super 8
>Star Trek 09
Oh, shut up
You just blindly hate him
Anyways, it's just another shitposting general
So, whatever. May the baiters and biters be happy
>truman show
>year of living dangerously
what? you are dumb.
EZmoed: Uwe Boll (Fite Me, fgt)
Nrmlmoed: Michael Bay
Hardmode: Cohens
Nightmare Mode: Joss Whedon.
None of those are good movies.
Dont you dare respond with a picture of Watchmen faggots
Not to mention Picnic at Hanging Rock and The Last Wave
>Nrmlmoed: Michael Bay
Badboys 2 and Transformers are like the pinnacle of cineplexkino
>using RT as your backup
Why do people like Bad Boys 2 more than 1? It's good sweaty-ass-weather-core, but I don't remember what I liked about it over the first other than being more quotable.
Man of Steel
Rotten Tomatoes is merely an aggregator, and '''its''' opinion will be most of the time the same as if any other big public or critic group were to be analyzed.
JJ Abrams is a better producer than director.
That's not a good movie. I'm not a JJ hater, but the second half of super 8 is awful.
Do you retards realize that even a 6/10 is already in the sphere of good? I doubt it.
Fucking basic shits only deal in masterpiece or garbage, 0 or 100.
movies are only shit, ok, good or great
every jj is shit or ok, mostly shit
Sweet Christ, this is some fucking delicious bait.
Paul Thomas Anderson. Biggest hack since Kubrick.
Bothers the fuck out of me that this guy gets all the credit when his work succeeds and takes none of the blame when it fails. He was the one and only name associated with L O S T while it was airing but it's every other writer and producer on that show that bears the taint of it now that we look back on it as shit.
Max landis
>we look back on it as shit
Fuck da haterz, L O S T is good and comfy as shit. It's already a classic and iconic show for the decade
I actually agree with this.
Animal House is not my cup of tea, at all.
where's your backup? Your personal opinion is worthless btw.
john landis*
and I liked American Werewolf
Cool, man
newfag or troll. Idk which and frankly I don't care
>critical acclaim and huge box office success means nothing
Why would he be a newfag or a troll, retard?
yes. He could also be a retard. I hadn't considered that user thank you.
He's never made a bad movie.
>critical acclaim and huge box office success means nothing
Yes, it doesn't mean anything. Critics pander to their readers and have the spine of a centipede and plebs that make the huge box office numbers will watch anything.
Only thing that matters is Sup Forums opinions.
>this post
Is this an example of that elusive refined humour that this place should possess?
anons right tho
I meant in regards of its sucking in general
well that's subjective and you're in the minority there, buddy.
I may be in the minority of the general populace that thinks that, but on Sup Forums that's not the case.
It's very mixed on Sup Forums. When stormweenies aren't in the thread, opinions gravitate toward satisfaction.
translation (Im kind of drunk if that came out weird) : Sup Forums doesnt like TFA
I've seen maybe 2 pro TFA posts, and the sincerity of those was questionable
now excuse me while I fap to eva mendes
Sup Forums also thinks BvS and Warcraft are cinematic masterpieces.
First week or so it was out most of Sup Forums were pleasantly surprised and/or generally liked it. Once the reception got too glowing for Sup Forums to like it there was a huge wave of backlash and trolling and it never recovered.
Joss whedon cowrote cabin in the woods which was good as was serenity
Cohens have made mostly good movies
>domestic box office
First week was literally pure kanjiclub memetics
Everyone thought this movie was average at best
>Herzog left out
Nothing wrong with this post.
Zack Snyder
Michael Bay
Bret Ratner
Lendo Wiseman
Peter Jackson
>Michael Bay
>The Island
Look I don't like the shitlord either but some of his older movies are at least fun.
You fags always use the "Sup Forums liked it at first, but then disliked it because they're contrarians" excuse. The real explanation is that the kind of person who would go to see these movies on opening weekend are much more likely to enjoy them. Once the rest of us get around to seeing them, you see Sup Forums's real reaction.
>Peter Jackson
I have a soft spot for Frighteners
To be honest I agree. He's the film worlds Bob Dylan I guess. If you criticize him you get "IT'S ART, ITS TOO DEEP FOR YOU" when in reality there's no depth there at all.
Sup Forums reactions are worthless, people here will change opinions on a whim just to push an agenda.
right now people are mad that Disney is spanking everyone else in the film industry.