Ok so I just finished watching this for the first time and it's easily my favourite movie when it comes to racial issues, what's do you think Sup Forums?
American History X
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Reddit as fuck.
Top tier HighschoolKino
Go watch Mississippi Burning or Driving Miss Daisy you twelve year old FAGGOT.
Woah calm down there boy
Bait and switch
Who you callin boy? I bet you're a nigger lover.
Would watch again but fat faggot obese retard is intolerable.
Most Sup Forumstards could really benefit from watching/rewatching this film.
>That scene where Derek goes Sup Forums on that Jewish guy but still makes a lot of valid points about the LA Riots
>The scene where his dad talks about how it's bullshit to hire someone based solely on their color
>The way Derek starts to realize how hypocritical the Aryans in prison are and gets raped
>That scene where Sweeney meets Derek in the prison infirmary and tells him that he used to hate white people, before realizing hatred was pointless
>That scene at the Neo-Nazi rally where Derek realizes how stupid and dangerous racism can become
I love that the movie's message was "Even if so and so is true, hating and judging people solely on their race/ethnicity isn't necessarily a good thing, and living with hatred in your heart won't make you happy in the long run", which I feel is as relevant today as it was back when it was first released, maybe even more if you think about it. Of course I assume most Sup Forumstards only see it as "WHITE PEOPLE BAD OY VEY MUH SHEKELS GIBS MUH DAT" because it didn't end with all the black people being hung or all the white people coming out on top. Overall solid 9/10 film.
Did you see the very last scene?
The ultimate message of the movie is: "around blacks, never relax".
So yeah.
The fact that both of you responded with memes leads me to believe you have no real argument against what I just posted, and instead choose to fester in your hatred and ignorance because it's easier than accepting humility admitting you're wrong.
>before realizing hatred was pointless
>implying its about hate
its about white genocide you stupid goy
No the ultimate message is that the cycle of violence and hatred between races only brings despair
"Oh god what did i do?"
You taught your little brother to be a nazi fuckhead and perpetuated racial violence, that's what you did.
the kid that shot him had the same shit swirling around in his head that furlong did
The pointlessness of all of it is the point of the movie
How much karma do you have?
>only brings despair
>A movie will change a person's outlook and view on life
You are stupid.
>Even if so and so is true, hating and judging people solely on their race/ethnicity isn't necessarily a good thing, and living with hatred in your heart won't make you happy in the long run
>fighting in a war wont make you happy in the long run
>standing up for what you see is clearly wrong wont make you happy in the long run
I think people who spout that shit actually see that derek is right in most of the shit he says, but since he is strawmaned as a crazy skin-head into a world of drugs guns and violence they go "hey, you shouldnt believe this things that are right, because in the long run you end up in jail raped by neo nazis and niggers shoot your brother"...while in reality those scenarios apply to 1/1000000000 of the people who might have derek's beliefs but dont go all degenerate about it
>inb4 hate begets h8
>inb4 when someone is actively hateful to you you should hug them cause if you fight them there might be violence
this is the same reasoning as people going "I dont need a gun if someone threatens my life cause I might kill them"
>the message of a (((hollywood))) movie is love and friendship
Oh wow, i'm surprised tell me when movies reflect the real world
You can make a movie about whatever you want, it doesn't automatically change reality
I think ur 15.
melodramatic, overacted, predictable 90s jew propaganda
>if you just were a good boy violent nigger thugs wouldnt have shot you!
>its YOUR fault!
>if the cops come to arrest you for murder you have every right to shoot them
>why should they perpetuate violence against you? its just not right!
>if you're violent and someone becomes violent in order to stop you, youre the same fucking thing just take his life with full justification
>why would he butt into your affairs?
Yeah like the death and despair of all of Europe. Remember?
When facism was the direct cause of the single largest loss of life in human history
Don't worry you'll get yours in time
Krieg ist Krieg und schnapps ist shnapps
>Cops come to arrest you
>right to shoot them
Where is this in AHX?
Everything up until the curbstomping in the robbery was perfectly justified and legal. Come on my property to rob me you damn well getting shot. Children were asleep but nignogs gots to be bangin yo!
protip: let them go to jail, dont curbstomp
yeah and hitler was a bullcum drinking maniac bent on conquering whole of europe amirite?
>When facism was the direct cause of the single largest loss of life in human history
Actually, this fellow was. Want to guess what ethnicity he was?
Its in that part when you put blame on both sides equally when one of those sides wouldnt even exist it it wasnt for the shitty attitudes of the other side. You say "violence begets violence" and you point it towards the nazi retards, when in reality, without the gangsta nigga problem those fags wouldnt have any reason to exist, theyre a direct product of thuggish violent african american culture...same way as when you dont kill anyone, cops dont come to arrest you. Yeah, violence begets violence when youre a violent nigger ruining cities, unfortunately.
>invades all of Europe
>somehow doesent want to conquer Europe
I don't know where your getting bull cum from
Maybe something to do with that fear of a black guy fucking your imaginary girlfriend that your constantly projecting on here
>he went directly to cuck posting
>invades all of Europe
let me guess, the 10 gorrilion too amirite?
Being a neo nazi retard is not any sort of a solution to violent niggers ruining citys
It's like the point of the movie
Niggers deserve to be curbstomped, it's just too bad they'll never understand that.
Explain to me how anything other than German aggression was a cautational factor for the start of ww2
Because the Germans deserved their liebenstrab?
most people who hate niggers arent neo nazis, sorry to burst your bublle
the movie just uses crazed fuckhead violent neo nazis cause otherwise their arguments would make TOO much sense for a holywood movie. They even make sense now as it is, it just now you dont have to think "hm, this actually sounds like a sound argument" because all you have to do is look at the strawmaning extremist they had spout it and go "nevermind that guy said it and he's obviously nuts"
why do you think hitler invaded poland?
>calls someone a faggot
>tells them to watch Driving miss daisy
Iz u srs nig nog. Fucking Hallmark original movie core.
I think various aspects of black and urban culture are completely fucking retarded and worthy of my criticism
That being said the racist characters in this film don't do anything to help resolve these issues. They just sing songs about stomping niggers and actually stomp niggers.
To take back land that he felt his country deserved after being reprimanded for their last act of inhuman aggression that cost the lives of millions of young men
We're not talking about the soviets
Nice attempt at changing the subject tho
exactly, and thats why theyre the protagonists...so people like you can use this argument, when in reality, the solutions are already there but are not used or attributed by violent nazi thugs..their motivations are sound, how they use those motivations is completely retarded. There are literally black scholars at this moment talking about how the welfare state perpetuates violence and degradation in african american communities and how telling african american women "have a kid with someone who has no interest in being a husband and a father and the state will be your husband-the more kids you have without dads the more money you get" only reinforces the destruction of african american communities and social cohesion.
But of course you dont hear any of that shit cause who they used to represent the white people in the movie are fuckheads who go "hey there's this problem-lets do drugs listen to bad music and bust heads!" so you can go "no no no, the real problem are those guys" literally disregarding the source which gave these idiots ground to be created in
yes, the germans felt wronged after the first wrold war (and rightly so in my opinion) but maybe it was mainly because he pleaded with poland numerous times to send over germans who lived there and wanted to move to germany and their response was to actually start fucking mass murdering them
Do something about it then faggot
Yeah but I know that all you pol fucks have a Derek living inside of you
You all believe in your superiority, and want to violently remove the inferiors from your society
You can hide all you want but that hatred is still in there.
And it's still no good for no one
>let's go ahead and move south to Africa and east to the Chinese border while we're at it
see, all you have is strawmans m8
both the movie and you when you encounter logic which if you actually admit is logical will mean youre a "neo nazi" in your programmed head
we're anonymous here you know, I literally have no reason to admit to you that I would want niggers violently killed or drove out or whatever so why would I lie?..do you think I give a fuck to convince you about something that much?
WTF does that have to do with anything?
Not an argument.
>ww2 happened all at once
we're not talking about deep into the war here, at that point it was all-out germany VS russia, what youre saying has to do with geopolitical reasons for strategic war
Healing the welfare state and helping the black community are actual solutions
You point to liberal concepts now
Literally dem programs
>Every single post on Sup Forums needs to be an argument backed up with facts and reasoning
Sounds like you're autistic, friend.
You're on Sup Forums, shitbird. Are you a redditors who visits here occasionally to preen yourself on your moral superiority? Get fucked
Now I feel disgusted for defending Sup Forums behavior, as insufferable as they are they're just stewing in their bitterness in good company. You though, I can tell how fucking proud of yourself you are
are you retarded man? literally "dem programs" IS the welfare state
that shit should be abolished ASAP
Not an argument either.
Why is Poland the only act of aggression that matters?
In their post war state invading another country is politically inconceivable, and worthy of a response from the allies
>let your countrymen die then
I guess its a matter of opinion..I would consider letting your citizens mercilessly killed to be inconceivable
No i mean educaction and strengthening the community and helping blacks assimilate into white society
Welfare is cancer look what it does to the Indians
That does not justify their subsequent attempt at taking over the world
Nor was it their motivation
>No i mean educaction and strengthening the community and helping blacks assimilate into white society
Im not talking about help at all though. They had all the help they could get and look where that shit got them. What im talking about is black wholesome households teaching fucking responsibility to their kids, that shit cant be accomplished through state programs, at this point the blacks need a huge paradigm shift which only them can accomplish themselves. No one is hiding "the truth" from them, we're in the information age. The solution is right before their eyes, they just deny to see it.
really wish norton would do that last scene where he re-shaves his head.
>That does not justify their subsequent attempt at taking over the world
this is some science fiction shit right here
>that doesnt justify them become werewolves and building bases on the moon
are you german man? maybe start looking in history at your own since youre a big boy now? maybe start searching shit which contradict the worldview you've been presented in highschool by the state and see if there's any validity in them?
It's really pathethic that Sup Forums unironically thinks this is a "redpilled" movie.
They literally can't understand subtext and greater meanings behind events.
But he's the best part.
I know right?
*sips 1967 Pinot Grigio
the real subtext is that the regular text is the subtext.
put that in your pipe and smoke it, cheif
so i guess were not going to talk about the original ending where he shaves his head again implying hes going back to the brotherhood?
It is true that blacks feel entitled to shit due to their disenfranchisement
They are wrong. I argue with my friends about this point. Handing them more shit won't fix anything. I say to my friend "give the black community reparations and it will destroy them like the native americans" that being said what is the true solution?
the black community must be assimilated into modern society. That is going to be a long process that will likely take longer than our lifetimes. That being said the only way to go about that is to be cogniscent of the factors that have caused the divide between white and black culture and try to make it as harmless as possible
It is a worthwhile goal. It is a worthwhile dream
If hitler could have he would have flown a Swazi in every country on earth
>Fairuza Balk will never be your loving, loyal qt nazi gf
everyone feels they're entitled to free shit.
Precisely its not just blacks that feel this way
its funny that she is jewish irl but shes a neo nazi in this.
truly one of the best actresses of the 90s though;that masters of horror ep with her in it was amazing.
would never let that crazy bitch near my family.
derrik is worse than a nigger.
my people
That you should watch The Believer instead
Not forgotten
>That being said the only way to go about that is to be cogniscent of the factors that have caused the divide between white and black culture and try to make it as harmless as possible
youre wrong from scratch man...THEY have to do this, and im not saying it in a sense of "let them sort their shit out hurrr" but its kinda proven at this point that the whites trying to "make blacks better" always leads to disaster because at the drop of a hat, with a minimum effort of misdirection they will turn on that shit as "whitey tryna make us whites" and "black nationalism" and trying to find a sense of identity by turning into weird shit as "we don need to be whitified, mozart and plato were black"...their change must come from within their own communities/selves, otherwise it is not built on solid ground. And the only thing we can do, just even hoping the situation goes towards that, is to stop treating them like special citizens. Stop making excuses for them, stop justifying shit with shit that ended 200 years ago and start treating them as actual equal members of this society, because at this point, them being treated as equals will actually bring them DOWN a notch, thats how far gone we've gone off the reservation.
I don't. That kind of shit triggers the fuck out of me and I don't stand for it. comes from a lack of cultural identity that is rooted in black people coming from slavery. Their cultural identity is disenfrancisement. As far as I'm concerned the white blood shedded during the civil war was more then enough payment for slavery. Half the white people in America slaughtered the other half over slavery
I don't feel any sort of guilt for being white and don't feel responsible for the plight of over races. This is because I haven't done anything to harm them because I do my best to not be racist, even though I feel that it is my, and all of our natures to be so
The system fucks over everyone, but I can understand that due to racism it fucks over blacks more. People are racist as fuck look at Sup Forums. This generation is more racist than the last
Basically what I'm getting at is being prejudiced against a certain race is a uselessly simple solution to an infinitely complex issue
>The system fucks over everyone, but I can understand that due to racism it fucks over blacks more. People are racist as fuck look at Sup Forums. This generation is more racist than the last
why do you think that happens?
20 years ago you had blacks protesting for a kid been beaten sitting on the street playing...today you have them fucking protesting for a literal criminal who got shot by the police for attacking them during a fucking robbery. When the excuses of one side go that far, you can expect the other side to go that far the opposite direction. And I dont think its 100% reactionary tbqh, I think the "moderate" blacks silence reinforces that shit. If you had a mainstream black group like BLM who preached "get over yourselves already" I guarantee you at least 1/3 of the people you'd call "racists" today wouldnt fucking exist.
>but I can understand that due to racism it fucks over blacks more
btw when a cop enters a ghetto where there are 5 murders a day between blacks and a 20 year old perpetuated mentality of "fuck da police" and "kill da pigs" infinitely popularized by the most mainstream music genre blacks have ever produced, you can expect him to be on edge, it doesnt have to do with racism, it has to do with pure logic and survival instinct.
>It's a Sup Forums episode
>Shooting people in the back while they run away from you is survival instinct
There's just something wrong with Americans.
>its a triggered episode
yep, that one incident totally negates the 400 others where the cops are literally assaulted or shot at
Dem programs can't change black IQ
I never got that about American History X.
What movies were they selling that was making them such big bucks?
Like all-white family-friendly comedies?
>Implying half of Sup Forums doesn't go on reddit and vice versa
I like that even when you inb4 all the Sup Forumstards responses, they don't read to the bottom of the comment and do everything you predict. Top kekkels.
edgy teens and shit were buying red pill videos.
maybe read some of them then instead of doing exactly what you claim "kekkelz xD" you cause most of the are about the bottom of the comment
Only you, faggot. Only you.
I did read them and they never fail to make me kek. Honestly the dribbling retards from Sup Forums swarming here these days are both destroying Sup Forums and making it even more hilarious at the same time. Watching people who think they're smart talk absolute drivel to a reddit tier level is one of my favourite pastimes
>People thinking this movie is about racism
No you fucktards. This movie is about violence. Norton's character being not given a fuck and that last scene obviously that nigs can nig or not.
Niggers will be niggers and redneck nazis will be redneck nazis. Violent is the main focus of the movie here.
Gb2r faggot
No one's changing the subject. We were talking about mass death, and that guy was relevant.
Those were arguments, stupid, but statements. If you want to appear smarter than you actually are, than you fail.
>Watching people who think they're smart talk absolute drivel to a reddit tier level is one of my favourite pastimes
I guess you spend a lot of time listening to yourself, then.