Where were you when Disney ruled the world?
At the movies enjoying the hell out of their movies. They hire great film makers, write great scripts. Its not rocke science.
>already at 7.6 with less than 20 reviews
shit movie confirmed
That's not Disney user.
For what purpose do you continue posting this thread?
It literally says Disney on the cover
That's Photoshop.
< 8.1
Yeah I agree to these.
Disney have a multi billion dollar business to protect. a few hundred grand in bribes goes a long way.
Evansposting won't change the truth.
The truth of memes?
prove it.
>paid off 200+ different people all around the world under the assumption that none of them value their own opinions over money, even though it's a job predicated on having a huge ego about your own opinion
>and not one of them talked
truly the work of the devil.
>civil war
>non-cartoonish plot
The villian's plan was pure shit.
So did they just forget to issue these bribes when John Carter, Tomorrowland and Through the Looking Glass were released?
based evanposter
let marveldrones and dcucks kill each other
we will rise from the ashes and make Sup Forums great once again
Christopher Poole was paid, I'm making a sacrifice