Now that Warcraft has launched the beginning of gamekino, how long until we have a proper 40k film?
Now that Warcraft has launched the beginning of gamekino, how long until we have a proper 40k film?
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like 8 years.
Diablo movie in 5 years
What can you do though to satisfy everyone?
I would love a 2 hour movie where 99% of the dialogue is "Purge" "Heretic" and "For the emperor" but that is just me.
Horus Heresy obv
There are already warhammer films.
Yeah but they're straight to VHS garbage
>What can you do though to satisfy everyone?
This. It's too large in scope to be good.
Hive Fleets first appearances?
Where is my goddamn Douchekopf Halo movie?
District 9 can fuckin die
So are most films that reach the cinema.
But others want to see their orkz go on rampages Like me or Eldar being... Eldar...
There is too many nuances to the Warhammer 40k universe to satisfy everyone unless they make the W40kCU
>beginning of gamekino
A movie about Horus Heresy would be so big, take so much fucking money and it might be hard to attract the normies in since Blizzard games are super normie. I used to play tabletop W40k and I played the MMO so yes I would pay to see a 4 hour movie.
How large a budget would this movie need to do it justice?
Is 40k still popular enough to sell a movie?
do you mean tabletopkino?
To get normies in, just show off the Space Marines.
Normies love over the top designs that 40k does so well.
Although, I want some Orkz because they are my boyz in the table top game.
Base it off one of a book about the exploits of a badass character and set up the universe with a short fallout style intro.
Show an Exterminatus commencing and I, High Inquisitor of Adeptus Sup Forumsstartes, shall have mercy of the Emperor upon this unholy concoction of tabletopkino.
It already has a large fan base in the internet. It might not be large enough to make the movie profitable, but certainly would help to create a hype for it.
I would make a Horus Heresy movie. The characters from the HH books are more relatable, and universe is generally less dark and gritty. There is no official cult of the Emperor yet, humanity is rational and atheistic. I think story of first encounter with chaos would make a good sci-fi horror.
The problem is there are so many fucking characters during Horus Heresy you'd need at least 3 movies
>Orks vs Imperial guards
>Imperial guards getting rekt
>Space Marines send a handful of free squardrens to assist
>Tyranids genestealer from nowhere
>Space marines btfo
>Imperial guards about to be defeated
>Eldar appear on the horizon
>Ebin 'Drive for ruin' speaeh
>Orks defeated
>End credit scene cuts of Abadon the Dispoiler
>'Guess I will have to do it myself' Cunning smile
>Cut to black
Would watch
If Peter Jackson were into it and it could be properly funded/produced then it'd be the perfect stage for him to blend his pinache for gore and violence with his beautiful, brobdingnagian style from LOTR and King Kong.
>wanting hemsworth to play sanguine
no man can play that perfect angel let alone that fucking manlet
I just started reading the books after getting lost in the wiki for afew weeks (never played the game) and Inquisitor Eisenhorn is where im starting. Seems like itd be a sweet movie, but again theres so fucking much to the universe I barely know where to start and im reasonably normie. It would have to be done like Warcraft really.
Why would the tyranids just turn up?
Why would Abbadon use Orkz?
Why would Eldar ride in the save the day in a fight between Man and Ork?
Never try to write anything ever again you fucking sperg lord.
I dont think I would be making the movie trying to tell the whole story. Just the story of some SM unit, on the great crusade, having good time, killing xenos, uniting humanity and then encountering the chaos, threat to which they are completely oblivious. Some marines are corrupted, some stay sane. They lose contact with Terra but some stories about Horus rebelling and civil war reach them.
I dont believe that telling a complex story of HH would be a great idea. .
An exterminatus as the trailer would be pretty hype
But also spoil the whole movie
>how long until we have a proper 40k film?
Never cause Space Marines are played out yet they'll base the movie around them even though there are now more other faction players than Imperium Players.
Just take one of Abnett's existing books and make that into a movie.
that man is beautiful so top contender
>Imperial Guard are rerouted to some planet where the Orks are causing trouble
>arrive to find the PDF mostly overrun and the Ork threat much worse than thought
>dig in to protect the last Imperial outposts
>dying one by one
>random Deatwatch team suddenly arrives
>breaks the Orks by killing the leader and other warbosses, disrupting the supply lines and such, while working alongside the guard
>fucks off yet again
>Guardsmen start cleaning up the planet
>Deatwatch go check out some weird signals from a nearby moon
>it's a fucking Khornate base, they were the ones who lured the Orks
>some of the Marines stay behind to delay the invasion, others race back to the planet to rally the IG and prepare for defense
A story like this has enough options for various characters, enough potential to film basically any scene you want and it would require 0 prior knowledge of 40k if done right.
Or just make Gaunt's Ghosts a miniseries
Sound off anti-imperium players, I know you are here
Da Ork boy here!
Strictly speaking, there's one in the works right now:
Getting triggered by the 'just make it like a Marvel movie' meme
>That walk
What the fuck is wrong with him?
Fish head here
I'd be madder if the whole thing wasn't being done by one guy who has painstakingly worked on it for a couple years now
Is there even a market? The impression I get from people I know who give a shit about the tabletop scene is that, between the influx of competition in the last few years and the downsizing and closures of physical GW stores, Warhammer is dying. If there was a time for a 40k film, it was 10 years ago.
The tabletop is dying but the vidya market is going to boom.
Dawn of War 3 has got people excited. I personally still play the table top game but I am a couple of editions behind.
This is the better teaser:
I find it funnier they finally release the license for Fantasy to someone competent, and then made fucking Age of Sigmar so it's not even cross promotional material anymore
It's not really dying they are still keeping level profit wise but they have realized the golden days of the 90's-early 00's where people spent a couple of grand on huge armies is never coming back and have restructured the games to be about less models on the field and smaller armies.
Fleshbags get off my lawn.
Remember when the Necrons were cool?
I mean...they kinda still are, in a way. I preferred them as the antithesis of the Tyranids, the other side of the unthinking, inhuman Horde coin. The Tyranids are all about the circle of life and apex evolution. They are literally life at its greatest. Oldcrons where death incarnate, souless, fleshless, unfeeling.
Having a couple "personalities" and even some genuine characters beyond the C'Tan would have been cool, but reducing them to hammy Saturday morning cartoon villains with Pokémon god slaves is kinda shit
I even liked the snipers that sit in another dimension and the time fuckery guys, but man what the fuck were they thinking when they made them Tomb Kings: In Space: The Pokemon Masters
Huh? What happened? I stopped collecting Necron units a while back. What did they do to them?
he's 191cm tall, what the fuck are you talking about.
Now the C'Tan are reduced to shards (except the void dragon) that they use in big pokeballs to unleash their powers from, also they have dynasties and shit and sometimes team up with Spess Mehreens
They basically turned them into Eldar, with dynasties and such, but turned them into Doctor Doom like villains that ham it up and collect C'Tan shards.
It's pretty bad but you might enjoy it
>0 women in the cast
It's definitely going on the 'films women will never understand' pile
So these games got no female characters?
Only Eldar and Sisters of Battle have women, and Tau I guess
There's supposedly women in the IG but very few female models and as far as I know none are currently produced.
Japanese fightin robots in space checking in
I had a mercenary-pirate IG army and I was starting an Ork mechanized army before I had to sell everything.
Space Marines BORING AS FUCK.
It's usually a sign of quality.
>Using GW models at all anyway
reminder that childish toys and games never make a good film
When I played GW were the only models easily available. The prices weren't so jacked up either.
Everything changed when the ForgeWorld attacked
More like Chinkino.
This movie is doing well in China and Eastern Europe, thats it. It will get 1 sequel and by the time it's released the Warcraft fad will be over in those countries too
The prices nowadays are sickening. Especially now that all the models are fucking plastic and I can pick up the metal ones on ebay for a few quid each.
I remember when no one played Necrons because everything was in lead, if only we knew what would happen when they changed to pewter and really started fucking people in the ass
GW pulled that shit about them avoiding the Ygmarl Genestealers because with the shape-shifting ability Tyranids would become OP as fuck and rek everything.
>tfw we could have Kubrick tabletop kino but he died
I'm pretty sure they'd already switched to the pewter when the Necrons first came out.
Necrons were in 2nd edition when they still used lead, I think they were some of the last lead models because by 3rd it was all pewter
>Meme actor as Emperor
No no no
Only Tyranids and Orks lack females, but they are genderless monsters.
The only thing females can't be are Space Marines due to the Emperor and the Primarchs all being male, but they can still serve them. In the same vein Sisters of Battle can't be male due to a "no men under arms" loophole, but there are still males in the Ecclesiarchy.
Everybody else doesn't care.
No. That would be bane of Warhammer.
Start with smaller story to establish the world first. Like Eisenhorn. Then you can do Ciaphas Cain. Then you can do a LOTR-style trilogy of Horus heresy.
Would like this as a movie.
DOOM series on HBO incoming
>19 main characters
>all are brooding giant men
>only one Asian and one Black
Space marines are unfilmable. Cliched and expensive.
Story following the Inquisition or an Imperial Guard squadron could be quality though.
oops, was thinking of a diff actor, either way he's not worthy
wh40k is not defined by its maturity. Rather edgyness.
It should something look like this
even more darker.
Looks like a super expensive cast.
>white men the cast
>no homosex
>no stronk independent womyn
>No homosex
Fulgrim is gay as fuck dude, at least bi
>watch the movie about the future in 40k millennium
>American 20th century USA flags in the background
>real life refferences from the 20th century including refferences to WW2 so the dumb audience could relate
>actors speak with the American accent
>not a single trace of the Latin or High Gothic
no thanks
>we have a proper 40k film
would pirate and watch
thats a fucking sexy cast
im gonna go worship slaanesh by fapping to the idea of primarchs pounding my bp
There is a big step between adapting a children video game into a movie and adapting a children toy game into a movie.
>They're doing an adaptation of warhammer 40k
>An adaptation of warhammer 40k
>What's warhammer 40k, she ask
>I.. It's a game you have to buy figurines and paint them and you can play with them
>Spagethis intensifies.
At least with WoW you don't have the embarrassment of having to explain yourself
stupid sexy xenos
Emperor is from anatolia bruv