Another terrorist attack in france

>another terrorist attack in france

refugees welcome though

Not all refugees are terrorists though

Not all muslims indeed.

>he believes that someone would ask 1.6 billion people

don't like this image.

the poll is only conducted in a few mulsim countries, so extrapolating its findings to all muslims is dishonest to say the least.

I really like this memegraph

Didn't we JUST discover how painfully inaccurate polls were?

Pew reasearch is usually pretty reliable, one of the better ones anyway. Although that data seems like a stretch, even if it is true, I have no problem with 1.62 billion believing that a man should be head of the household, I support that too.

>He doesn't know what a poll is

Nice taqqiya, but you have to go back

it's taqiyya
taqqiya is bonet

>what are representative randomized samplings

It's conducted in the most muslim countries you fool.

t. Al-Barakat

>Research is usually pretty reliable

True. What I am more interested in is, what the questions looked like. Since questionnaires can be biased in such a way that it provides a ''''''desired'''''' outcome.

That's why I usually ''''''scientific'''''' ignore internet posts that contain findings without the methodology.

Many people say they support science but do not know what actual scientific research is. The hypocrisy is deep sometimes, alas.

Again I'm not denying or accepting OP's picture, to do that is utterly retarded without examining and questioning the entire research.

>Left: RAF 1977
>We'll defeat the terrorists

>Right: ISIS 2016
>We'll have to live with terrorism

the pdf link is at the bottom. go nuts

thanks bro

You are so fucking retarded
None of the terror attacks in France was made by refugees
The french deserve all is happening because they messed with africa

Actually the Bataclan one was commited by refugees. And anyways all the terrorists were muslims.

When will you pay reparations for Gaul Genocide?

Guys, seriously. This attack was in the Louvre... he was carrying two backpacks.

What if, by God, what if they succeeded in bombing the Louvre? They've already proven that they will happily destroy artifacts and art in Syria.

>Post yfw ISIS attacks the Louvre

François Fillon a rejeté ces accusations « parfaitement scandaleuses. Je le conteste avec la plus extrême énergie ». Il a vanté son « refus de la repentance, je ne changerai pas d’avis. L’histoire de France, c’est l’histoire de France, elle correspond à des époques, à des mœurs, elle s’inscrit dans une histoire de l’humanité », a-t-il dit, tout en reconnaissant que « bien sûr que l’esclavage est un crime, bien sûr que la colonisation aujourd’hui, avec les critères qui sont les nôtres, est un crime ».

« Je n’accepte pas qu’on fasse porter à notre pays cette responsabilité »

Mais pour lui, « la colonisation a été le fait de tous les peuples de la terre… grecque, romaine, nous-mêmes nous avons été colonisés. L’esclavage n’a pas été l’apanage de la France. L’esclavage a été le fait de toutes les sociétés, y compris des sociétés africaines », a-t-il précisé.

« Je n’accepte pas qu’on fasse porter à notre pays cette responsabilité. Je ne l’accepte pas. Quand je me retourne derrière moi, je suis français, je vois des générations de paysans basques et vendéens qui n’ont pas à faire repentance pour des faits correspondant à des situations dans des sociétés données », a insisté François Fillon.

They used the flow of refugees to gain access but they weren't refugees, they were trained terrorists on a mission.


overrated shit