Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world

Hitler was one of the best leaders in the world
>Reduce unemployment from 7 million to 3.7 million in first year
>Introduced wellfare
>Lead the country out of economic depression while the west was suffering from it
>Abolished interest on loans
>First anti smoking campaign
>Introduced laws to protect nature and wild life
>Priority was given on educating the youth and free wellfare for pregnent women
>Free health care
>Was a great patriot who willing went on the front lines multiple times
>Crime was non existant at his time
>Crime rate became 0

Seriously western media is cancer, the victims of holocaust are also greatly exaggerated. He wanted the country to be aryan because aryan is a hindu word for farmer in this case he was representing the common man which was a farmer not because he wanted blue eyed white skinned blonde people. Swastika is a hindu symble for peace. Nazi aren't evil monsters they are people with orders and the term nazi is for national socialists party.

Shorter version: Hitler dindu nuffin, he was a good leader.

How's the Aryan narrative anyway in Pakistan?

You speak an Indo-European language anyway, brown as your eyes may be.

>this thread again

>destroy ur country and also the neighboring ones

2/10 try harder.

best leader must always win or at least defend all its citizens

the loser got beaten to the ground and accepted the enemies to kill a bunch of his own citizens after all

The world truly goes to shit when Muslims start openly supporting Hitler's achievements


Most arabs already have a rosy view of hitler

He did that with borrowed money

>Germany would have been the most powerful country on earth if rhey hadn't gone to war

I feel like most non-Europeans/Americans have a good view of Hiter

Hitler was literally cancer financed by meta-cancer.

The finest "achievement" of Indo-Europeans, Buddhism, speaks of good things as a raft, something to be left behind after having used them to cross the river. To the Buddha, such a thing as being born here or there was merely a vehicle.

Why did he invade Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway? How was that good for anyone?

He was fighting communism

Strategic moves because of war.

>reduced unemployment from 35% (1933) to 0.5% (1939)
>raised the birth rate from 1.8 to 4 children per couple
>raised the wages from 70% to 85% of its 1928 level
>made degenerate modern "art" illegal

You people produced Giger. Stop brushing dirt under the matress. You have a lot of Illuminati Nazi Jew Opportunist vampires there.


Many Muslims have liked Hitler from day one, dumbass. A fucking CROAT of all should know that, ever heard of the Ustaše? Ever heard of Džafer Kulenović?

Many Arabs and Indians were pro-Hitler because they were anti-British. Which is a completely rational view to hold. The Germans never did harm to those people, while the British did.

>He was fighting communism

Pakistanian education at its finest?

His foreign policy in the end though made him lose more than 8% of his population, had several cities bombed to dust, and took his whole state.

If your state policies lead you to war with half the world, in the end they weren't so good after all. It's too easy to take aspects of it out of context and pretend he actually did some good.

He was only out to fight communism but then british and the rest declared war on him

No, he was a puppet.

Check out Anthony Sutton. He studied the financial tentacles behind Nazis, Commies etc.