/lbg/ - letterboxd general
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first for eli
Hi OP, what did you watch today?
>mfw it's another meme profile in the op episode
so is wingding refn's earlier stuff worth checking out? like the pusher series or valhalla rising
Valhalla Rising is a flawed film, but worth checking out anyway.
>there are people who actually believe Pusher 3 isn't Refn's best
>want to rewatch the Revenant
>Running time is 2hours 30+ minutes
just too much
fan edit when
Actually going to see Pusher 3 today
Colorful is shit. Delete it from your watchlist this instant.
How do I know is it shit if I haven´t seen it?
>156 minutes is too long to rewatch
ignore the embryos
they will just infuriate you
t. embryo
What if The Black Cauldron had been a success?
Is this really him?
Obviously not, it's a meme man
>What if The Black Cauldron had been a success?
2D animation would have been slightly more relevant for slightly longer
There'd be a larger line up for the Disney princesses
There would have either been a shitty prequel or a shitty sequel featuring twice as many funny animal sidekicks
if the black cauldron were a success you probably wouldn't have been born as the circumstances in the world would have had a much different outcome.
The Black Cauldron is amazing. It's actually the first movie I remember seeing in theaters and remember it being intense as hell. Shame Disney used it as an excuse not to try anything new for the forseeable future.
The third installment of Sharpe wasn't too good despite seemingly having a bigger budget. Also whoever suggested I watch Once on here, thanks it was great.
Daily reminder to watch more movies, you huge plebs.
I marathoned all of the Sharpes several years ago and they all blend together now. Gotta do it again some time this year, comfy shit.
Dean, Ali is probably showing on a big screen near you.
Holy shit I hate that character so much but actually really like the actor, I'm so conflicted. Harper best bro.
Based Brad made a Letterboxd?!
follow the v
You don't even log anything on LB anymore and RYM a shit.
Shut le f*ck
To heck!?
gimme your top5 of the 60´s
For what?
o damn
>mfw 47% of all the movies I've seen are from the 21st century
1920s - 22
1930s - 37
1940s - 78
1950s - 118
1960s - 135
1970s - 184
1980s - 309
1990s - 514
2000s - 834
2010s - 390
t. embryo
La Dolce Vita
Winter Light
High and Low
Funeral Parade of Roses
post stats
i will not expose my patrician stats to embryos like you
I believe you hear that a lot from women.
>talking to women
Reminder that anybody that has ever called you a pleb or an embryo or a cuck knows little about film themselves, and is most likely a teen without many friends. You can safely ignore every single person that posts in these threads/on this board, and just watch and enjoy films as you want.
I was alreaady determined that /lbg/ and Sup Forums as a whole haven't seen many films.
see A couple of days ago all respondents had around 100-200 movies from those 1000. Pathetic. Those are the people calling you pleb.
2.5k Club Card holder here
t. embryo
t. embryo
There has literally never been evidence of any user in this thread that knows enough about film that you should be intimidated/respect them
Even those that have seen more films either don't meme that much, or they're still not actually particularly knowledgable
t. teen without many friends
no, people love me :-) you embryo
>lashing out at someone because you're a pleb
typical embryo
>don't meme that much
I watched Go and it turns out Todd Gaines named himself after a character from that movie so it pretty much ruined it for me.
I am unaffected by your mean words because of the earlier statement
You reckon it wouldn't have circumvented the whole Disney Princess thing entirely?
I was amazed about how well it held up. Animation is gorgeous and the story is a good bit of Hero's Journey.
Plus John Hurt as The Horned King is Disney's crowning achievement of a villain that mixes absolute horror, humanity and a weird streak of dark humour.
You lied to me. Pusher 3 is worst of the Pusher films but it´s still good. 2>1>3
Should I marathon it?
Okay lets pleb it out and confess some sins and prejudices we have towards film.
I for one really dislike black and white, no matter the director it drags my enjoyment down by a good margin
damn, that's really pleb, dude
>It's a French/Italian film release from the 60-70s with absolutely horrendous audio
I just don't know how they muck it up.
Long periods of nothing happening, peope just standing somewhere, shots of things for 10 minutes.
Long phylosophical monologues.
I hate if movie is over 3 hours long
absolutely. one of the best films ever made.
What do we think of Performance? Anyone seen it?
My favorite Roeg, co-director or not.
i like ur favs
Is there any site like LBXD where one could make a private profile
>the dusty blender of evolution_rex
are you okay?
been a bad year but i'm breathing so i suppose so :)
If you spent 1 minute on google you'd already know why.
tfw when you start watching a movie but after 5 mins you can tell you really aren't in the mood to watch anything so turn it off
i hate that feeling
>watch 5 episodes of some shit series instead
watching shit tv I don't have to engage my brain or really even pay attention
holy shit i accidentally watched a godard film and liked it
what the fuck do i do now i want morr but i was supposed to watch them chronologically and now its all fucked up
get some autism pills
which one did you like?
and no, you don't need to watch them chronologically, but you really shouldn't go beyond 1967
>i accidentally watched a godard film and liked it
What are you implying? Better not be what it seems
i accidentally watched vivre sa vie and like it, second time i watch a film im not supposed to
think I'm getting Alzheimer's
How do you "accidentally" watch a film? Sounds like one of the excuses whores make when they cheat on their boyfriends - "it just happened".
earlier this year i accidentally bought a ticket for Zoolander 2 instead of Kung Fu Panda 3
not my proudest day
dude i was first going through films i have, opening them and clicking at random spots and picked the first film taht looked interesting so i put on VSV
and like hour earlier i had decided to not watch godard tonight because im tired
had no idea it was his film
last night i thought i was watching film named haywire when i was achtually watching midnight special
i dont know whats fucking happening
Yeah, well, it's not like your first choice was alright.
yeah, that's my point
i hope you can turn it around :)
Why was it a hard year?
1880s - 1
1890s - 1
1900s - 1
1910s - 3
1920s - 3
1930s - 5
1940s - 8
1950s - 13
1960s - 26
1970s - 42
1980s - 82
1990s - 172
2000s - 466
2010s - 312
>1930s - 5
>1940s - 8
good meme
how do you check this?
Filter to show only watched and it will give you the numbers, then scroll through each decade