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What's the best program to make a grid?
9x9 is better, you have too many images.
Daily reminder
Because I can't be bothered dumping my collection
>tfw see my grids being posted
>James Bond movie
>post number ends with 007
wew lad
3x3 is infinitely better. Some people disagree with me though.
>007 GET
yesh, what are the freaking odds of that
Guess no one's here
Anyone have that masterful cinegrid of Army Dog?
Requesting a Lawrence of Arabia cinegrid
Made it myself.
Is that Bryan Based?
Might have to watch it.
Thanks pham. Nice work
autism the movie
This any good? I liked how the first one tried to be close to the book, and even though it suffered from the budget, it had a certain charm to it.
Children of Men
Apocalypse Now
Enemy at the Gates
Beautiful Creatures (caught the first 20 minutes of this, seemed to be a shitty YA plot but the cinematography was GOAT)
Anyone got Barry Lyndon?
This is lovely
Holy fuck that quality is great. What version is this?
It's the despecialised version upscaled for Blu-Ray. Really immense quality
Yes Children of Dune made me cry so much at end of first Episode.
Was so emotional.
really good but please make another one with the end image in the pic.
Thanks friendo
One of the most exquisitely shot and acted films ever
somone post a shitty movie and make it look good
wouljd you recommend this movie? looks interesting
Whew lad. Have to go watch that War and Peace series now
here's another one
Fucking gorgeus
this movie had such an extreme ratio of interesting visuals to dis-interesting plot
stop using .png you fucktards
great work with colors on this one user
I really, really like this image
sadly i can't take credit for it. shouts out to whatever user made that one, really good work
Didn't really like Night of the hunter all that much. It had the feeling of a good book with a story not quite made for the silver screen. But god damnit were the visuals ever nice
>tfw it's your grid
You know they're mine cuz I always use that font
highly underrated movie, would recommend to all
Where 2 get?
I like how you just did the movie-within-the-movie
I really liked this movie, what did Sup Forums think?
Could someone do one for Amadeus?
pleb the option
This one is horrible.
Underrated? I think it won the Palme.
>45 kb
I kekk'd