thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
Really wish they'd have just waited another 4 months to start post production so the fucking films ending could match up with the fucking comics
Still annoyed that the best parts of the last comic didn't make it in to the movie
best brie
It sucked. The fact that it was as successful as it was makes me scared for the future of the human race. Anyone who actually like it should be sterilized.
I fucking hate comics but the movie is good thanks to Edgar Wright's directing.
found the teenagers
Do I really need to say more?
>judging a movie on the attractiveness of its cast
There is literally nothing more pleb than this
GOAT editing (should have won the oscar for it that year) but insufferable characters and cringy story
jeez, I still have a crush on her
MEW is just so fucking hot in it. Literal fapfest.
I liked Edgar Wright but goddamn the source material just wasn't all there
>The fact that it was as successful as it was
it bombed and ruined several careers (wright, meme boy)
It's not terrible, but holy shit I fucking hate Michael Cera in everything he's been in since Superbad. Fuck him. Ruined Juno for me.
What an awful piece of shit.
The only decent video game adaptation that ironically wasn't a video game first.
Ebin. Simply ebin.
>A story of story storyness
just look at her bubble butt omg
im 35.
that movie is shit.
not even close
... kys senpai
Honestly, it was shit. It felt really sterile. Wright hasn't made anything good since Hot Fuzz.
I thought it was ok.
I'll cut open a hole at the crotch and call that breakfast.
Oh hohohoho! This guy's telling other guys about things he wants to do sexually! Watch out, ladies that will never let him near them!
what makes you think i'm a guy?
Because women don't act like 13 year old boys.
>has never met a woman in his life.
woah dude. *brofist*
mad respect man. I'd like to bang her as well!
Would seven more minutes get a more coherent reply, or is this the best you could give me?
>doesn't think women can be disgusting perverts too
you're a wizard, harry!
Definitely not a 13 year old boy.
only movie I couldn't take and had to turn it off, well this and Ghost Rider
Edgar weight is a too director, and mew with coloured hair is an absolute babe. For these reasons it's a good film.
Fuck's sake.
Literal kino, like, the actual definition of kino
thanks man. More?
well edited and directed
the yeti vs dragon scene was GOAT
however i think it could have benefitted from being less like the books, it was effectively like watching all your fav scenes come to life really well... but in a not very coherent or fluid order
waiting til the 6th book actually came out would have made the movie less confused as well, edgar wright admitted they were gonna make knives the endgame for scott until bryan lee o'malley revealed otherwise and it shows in the film (knive has 100000x more personality than ramona)
in terms of music and aesthetics though its probably the most pleasing film i've seen
Dig it !!
oh shit, it's a full blown MEW thread
I can't watch movies where Michael Cera gets laid without fame or money cause it's too much suspense from realism
I fucking hate this baby fat face jewish guy
It's not bad, still I like the books better. Not sure why everyone shits on it here.
Pure Wrightkino
oh god
lucky son of a bitch
Cera felt uncomfortable with these scenes during shooting. He's actually CGI'd in during post production.
this is bullshit but I believe it
>the Twins battle
>all that crazy subspace shit with Gideon
>Nega-Scott actually having a point
It's what made me fall in love with her.
Edgar Wright is attached to like 5 films right now and is getting a high-budget film release early next year.
Chris Evans is also Captain America now
Great; the editing and layering/attention to details are amazing. Most of the fights were better than most action movies these days.
How was it sterile? Also don't understand why people shit on The World's End
Hope to see MEW in an action movie on day. She's fucking bad ass.
Also, was Scott an idiot for choosing Ramona over Knives?
But he doesn't get laid. And Ramona is only dating him because she feels he's safer.
I agree, I feel like TWE is the strongest of the trilogy (though really nothing Edgar Wright has made has been below a 7/10). I think it's not well liked because it's a more niche genre parody and it has more series scenes than the other two films.
I like it but I think the ending sucks. The entire movie suggests that Scott never really liked Knives and he was too mature for her but he ends up reconsidering the decision at the end.
It really shows that the writers didn't know what the hell they were doing when they made an alternate ending where he actually went with Knives instead of Ramona.
A film for angst suburban teens. A movie most people can grow out of. Definitely shit-tier.
Why wasn't this in the movie?
Eh, it was alright and visually interesting. I don't really know how they could have improved it though. It was just average all things considered, aside from the Wrights visual style, which you can get from pretty much any other Wright film.
Made me wish i lived in some comfy basement-esque studio apartment in Canada though.
They wanted Knives to end up with Scott for 99% of the filming, Scott 'stealing' Kims 'girl' probably wouldn't gel with him making up with her at the end.
It was only rated PG-13
>hetero kisses are PG
>homo kisses are R
problematic as f*ck
The music for the Gideon fight was incredible
All the music was good
> dude drunk degenarete sex lmao
this is why I fuckong hate this shit comic
>two drunk women kissing
Which one of them is committing rape?
Oh yeah, Juno would've been a true classic, but it was ruined by Cera. The terrible script, beyond-awful characters and shitty aesthetic were all problems that could be overcome of only Cera wasn't cast.
your post is shit mate
>making out is sex
It is.
>> 2016
> not being catechized catholic
>playing the bass
>playing the bass with a pick
Absolutely pleb
I like it. I mean, usually a story about a dirt bag need to come to term with his love interest ex-boyfriends wouldn't interest me in the slightest but the way the movie makes it look like for a teen this things are as important as death matches makes it work pretty well.
stopped watching there
MEW thread is the best kind of thread.
>MEW or some clingy chink girl
Gee such a hard decision.
MEW's thighs are thicker than that asian girl's entire body
...and I fucking love it.
the asian girl seemed really cool playing games and being nerd and shit
ramona was a drug slut
Imagine dying between them
imagine LIVING between them
damn, son
with her husband