>Critics panning it
>fans loving it and wanting more
>probably be shit at the box office
Cult classic in the making. You heard it here first faggots.
Critics panning it
Other urls found in this thread:
But it's doing great in China user.
Sequels assured!
I still haven't gotten a good enough answer: is this worth seeing if you have never played the game? Is it too confusing to follow?
Also: is it worth watching with a family member or will they be entirely lost with the story?
>probably be shit at the box office
the basis of the story is as simple as it gets, you might not recognize every single orc by their names but you'd have to be retarded to not understand the story
one more thing: will there be a director's cut? Should I wait to watch that
>full of cgi
>cult classic
nah, never going to happen. That doesn't even exist
you shouldn't wait you should go watch it right now so they still make first week money to fund directors cut/sequel off your ticket
you'll watch the extended version when it comes it's not like if it's missing scenes will ruin it forever even if you see an improved version
also it was solid 7/10 movie i'd rate 9/10 but i'm biased because i'm a warcraft fan
u wot
I still dont know if the movie was shit or if it was good, or somewhere in between. But i know i didnt hate it. I'd like to see some sequels.
>tfw you can't tell which characters are cg and which are live action everything is so real and seamlessly edited into the picture
What an age of wonder we dwell in lads
>I still haven't gotten a good enough answer: is this worth seeing if you have never played the game? Is it too confusing to follow?
>Also: is it worth watching with a family member or will they be entirely lost with the story?
Its def worth watching - action is great and the CGI is as well.
>Is it too confusing.
Plot is simple - but to notice other certain things you need at least half a brain and pay attention to the movie.
A family member shouldnt be lost.
>Directors Cut
Its being hinted at if it does well. Over 40mins was cut.
Overall, movie is a decent 6-7(depending on your taste)/10.
there has not been a cult classic cgi film. And there will never be one. Pretty simple?
it going to be more like anime
>they made the CG look fake on purpose
>only true fans get it
it was shit, had potential just like WoW, but attempting to cater to the masses and over zealous action made it a worthless attempt to make a new LoTR (in terms of "muh lore")
i know its blizzard, but it was far cartoony, toning it down would have gone a long way, especially with the magic effects, did we need the entire screen turning neon blue for a simple little spell? no.
i also wasnt too pleased with the landscapes, felt too much like WoW terrain, the world felt very small.
>if Warcraft 2 movie would be made, will i watch it?
>the guy who is posting WoW artwork also liked the WoW movie
wow what a surprise, I wonder if you aren't biased or anything
>tfw you can't tell which characters are which at all because there's no character development and they all look like computer generated cartoons
Oh wait... that's the movie that no one remembers kek
>did we need the entire screen turning neon blue for a simple little spell?
Nah fuck you m8.
Its the best magic in any movie I've ever season.
Warcrafts always been high-fantasy. Crazy fucking spells are a large part of it.
> "I guess it was ok" - God
> "Could have been worse" - Bouddha
> "Meh" Allah
> "I may have liked it" Confucius
> "Das racisss" Mother Gaia
> "That was frigging awesome !" Norse gods
Here's all the critics you need to know about this movie.
>waah waah I want my gritty realism
fuck off
>wow what a surprise, I wonder if you aren't biased or anything
Of course I'm biased. In my eyes its a 9/10.
Normie friends enjoyed it though, my tiny sample size of like 4-5 people gave it a 6-7/10.
it was a huge mainstream film for cgi-hungry escapistic audience. Same people who wanted to live in the avatar world probably turned into bronies couple of years after.
The movie pans too much to the masses by being too similar to the game that only a fraction of the audience has played?
Maybe you should consider the point you're trying to make.
Seen* Holy shit
What. I thought they did a great job of differentiating the orcs. The humans weren't fucking hard either.
Is this bait.
Its awful, kill yourself
>fans loving it and wanting more
Go fuck yourself, I have been a fan of the warcraft series since the first game and this movie was a spit on the fucking lore. Litereally Orc apologists the movie.
not an argument
warcraft has been orc apologists: the series ever since warcraft 3
>Litereally Orc apologists the movie.
Then you're a fucking retarded fan.
They've retconned the orcs since fucking WC3 - over 10 fucking years ago.
Come to terms with it already user.
You have to remember this is NOT world of warcraft movie, it's warcraft ONE. So Elves are irrelevant (and look like shit), Dwarves are useless too except selling guns for final scene because reasons and you don't have Trolls, Taurens or anything.
The Fel was the weak part of the plot, trying to "show" Sargeras corruption without explaining it, making everything pretty weird. We should have follow the step of the REAL warcraft one and two lore, having the point of view of Meddihv or his mother instead of "OH LOL GREEN STUFF MAKES YOU EVIL!".
As a player, some scenes were differents for me (Fuck, this is Karazhan before it turns into this shitty place I died so many times in raid...) or kinda stupid (Ok so Stormwind looks EXACTLY like WoW Stormwind despite being rased by Orcs during the first war).
I would actually enjoy a Warcraft 2 based on the game but Thrall would be useless in it, Lordaeron isn't even introduced yet and Lothar can't be the protagonist again... So I guess they would have to mix 2 and 3 and that would be awful.
Its awful, kill yourself
this is the sort of person who liked this "movie"
The movie takes place BEFORE warcraft 3 when the Orcs were blood thirsty scum all of them. Movie tries acting like they were good all along.
retards dont really count as fans xD
>He wants to fit all of WC1's lore into one movie.
There is a reason they cut shit. Even WITH all the cut-shit it still felt rushed in the 2hrs and 30mins it ran for. Don't be a retard user.
>Stormwind looks exactly the same.
Except it doesnt - different statues (Medivh) and harbor. It gets razed - rebuilt with a similar design. But missing many certain buildings/landmarks.
Do really think they could have also fit in
>Medivhs Mom
>The Burning Legion
>The importance of every race.
Yeah agree massively.
The median storyline was shut and mostly poorly executed. The weird lightning and golden were pretty carp.
Orcs were the best bit. A sequel would be great, focussing more on a war.
>I have been a fan of the warcraft series since the first game and this movie was a spit on the fucking lore
The movie IS the fucking lore, they changed very few things.
> Blackhand gets killed by Doomhammer, not Lothar. And killed too soon.
> Khadgar isn't supposed to be around (I think ?)
> Meddhiv's mother should do more stuff
> Portal should still be working
> Ogres ? Where ?
I think that's it. We have Gul'dan and Meddhiv having a link and being corrupted by Kil'Jaeden to find the Tumb of Sargeras, we have the King underestimating the threat at first and being killed by Garona when it's too late (even if the reason is a bit different it can be recorded like that). We have orcs destoying humans and probably making them leave Stormwind next movie for Lordaeron.
Are the Orcs even good now? Aside from a few exceptional cases like Thrall, the vast majority still seem stupid, warlike and highly discriminatory.
It's bizarre to me that they get played so much as is.
>The movie takes place BEFORE warcraft 3 when the Orcs were blood thirsty scum all of them. Movie tries acting like they were good all along.
You're still being retarded. That has all been retconned in WC3 and WoW. Are you sure you even played the fucking games? They go into full-detail about how they fell to the demons lies and lost their way. Its Thralls entire fucking campaign + quarrel with Grom Hellscream.
China has NO TASTE
It's clearly not Boonie Bears 3
....Not even Boonie Bears 2!
Yeah, just name him instead of "the Fel"
> Mom
She's in it
> The Burning Legion
Medhiv turns into a fucking demon already
> The importance of every race
That should be in 2, not 1. Dwarves and Elves were barely playable in 1.
This is the most cringeworthy shit I've seen in a while..
>Movie tries acting like they were good all along.
Good ? They're perfectly fine with exterminating the Draenai, Gul'dan is just pushing them by destroying the land. Also when the corruption runs out, they're still gonna rekt the human kingdom.
>Are the Orcs even good now?
People are thinking too fucking abstractly about "HURR DURR GOOD AND EVIL". Its become far more complex since WC1 - and its better for it.
The Orcs had many clans (Blackrock, Laughing Skull, Bleeding Hollow, Frostwolf, Warsong etc etc). Some were very shamanistic (Frostwolf) while others were very much into their war-culture (Warsong).
They shared a planet with the Draenei. Guldan made contact with Kiljaeden (Demons) and began to subvert/convince other orcs to follow him and his new power because it would fuck the Draenei (and it did).
When the majority of the orcs were on his side - the rest of the clans followed out of fear of being murdered, as well as just sheer pressure.
Some orcs were then forced to drink the Demon-Blood (Which turned them Green), not all of them did this.
So your answer? Its the exact fucking same as the humans. Some are 'good' and some are 'bad'.
The Orcs believed in Guldans lies - and they lost their homeworld because of it.
>It's bizarre to me that they get played so much as is.
They are a 'brutish' people.
Yes and in warcraft 3 they changed it so that they were under the influence all along
warcraft 3 changed the series and they're going with that
>ome orcs were then forced to drink the Demon-Blood (Which turned them Green)
What ? Wasn't it red ?
Mannoroths Blood turned them green (Fel).
If you're thinking of WC3 (when they were already green). It turned their eyes red.
Orcs were originally Red/Brown
There will be a Director's Cut if the movie does well. So while it would probably be a better watch, it won't happen unless you go see it in cinemas.
>it's not a WoW movie
Draenei, brown orcs, armor design, it's all from WoW. The story is of Warcraft I but after all the retcons from WoW.
Is there a 1080p non camrip torrent of this yet?
There used to be only 720p and camrip torrents.
>WoW movie
There is a WoW movie? Where?
This is Warcraft, faggot.
Go kill yourself. I hope your family gets cancer and your dog gets eaten by chinks.
They are in Warcraft 2 manual as a weak race who got rekt by orcs. They are the reason why the first assault by orcs was a failure, because they were surprised to fight a race than can actually defend (humans)
>all the retcons from WoW.
The retcons are from the novels you retard
Warcraft fan here, specifically the RTS games. It fucking sucked. Stop pushing the "it's for the fans" bullshit
i doubt you even played warcraft 1 faggot
just because you played warcraft 3 doesn't make you a fan
jump off a cliff faggot
The Half Orc chick's facial expressions didn't change the entire movie she was either weepy looking or looked like she needed to fart.
Don't watch it. It's just a downright bad movie. And I had no problems following it since I've played the RTS games, but the movie does such a shitty job at explaining things and makes the plot more confusing than the original game ever was. Stay away. Shitty dialogue, characters and action scenes all around.
Pleb without an argument.
I watched it with my flatmates, one of which hadn't played any warcraft games and he still enjoyed it even though the major source of fun for me was to see all the locations i knew well in a live action movie
LMAO, retard. You can't even explain why, just stop posting.
your birth was a downright bad movie
>be retarded Sup Forumsedditor desperate for muh videogames becoming mainstream
>post shitty thread for weeks about how warcraft movie will be "lotr of our generation"
>underage because lotr came out in the 2000s
>gets rated like the piece of shit CGI plotless garbage it is and horrible reviews, no one likes it
>m-m-muh cult classic f-fans cant g-get enough!
Says the WoWbabby. The game excluded all the good parts of WC1, like Doomhammer usurping Blackhand and destorying stormwind. But enjoy your shitty mess of a movie that couldn't even get the simple plot of the first game right.
>the retcons are from the novels
I'm pretty sure brown orcs were first in Burning Crusade. As were good Eredar Draenei.
>they are the reason
The reason was orcs not encountering any big resistance in Black Morras and Killrogg and Cho'gall trying to one up each other.
The only dog I've had was your mum
>maximum damage control mode
Tell me again how the movie is a 10/10 because you recognized Orc chieftains you didn't know from anywhere outisde Warlord of Draenor?
There's really no logic behind the demon blood
Supposedly the orcs turn red from drinking the demon blood since hte blood haze "takes over them" (which turns them into fel orcs), but that's obviously not true in the case of the orcs drinking it pre-WC1, neither is it true in the case of Grommash and the other orcs in Ashenvale.
It might be that their skin colour slowly turns red, but that still doesn't explain the demon blood drinking before the invasion of Azeroth
They should have kept that failed first assault as backstory for the movie. That way they wouldn't have had to set up the conflict between the orcs and humans as messily as they did in the movie. It was definately part of it's shittiness
brown orc > green orc > red orc
What's so hard to understand about that?
>pls stop posting
I'm sorry your movie sucked, WoWfag. But people will always talk shit about it like the blunder it is. Just let it go
Green= drank blood/exposed to fel magic
Red= drank way too much blood
>> "That was frigging awesome !" Norse gods
Like the norse gods would be impressed by a mediocre movie. Not enough violence or rape.
Simple-minded with a simple post, I like it. :)
What never made sense about this to me was that only the Chieftains drank the blood of Mannoroth, yet everyone turned green. It made more sense that Orcs were just green naturally and the original blood just turned their eyes red, since if I remember correctly only Grom had red eyes in WC3
It's not hard to understand. It's just retarded. Are they orcs or fucking chameleons?
They should've just adapted Last Guardian and let the orc side of the story alone.
>If you don't like this movie you're simple-minded
The same movie where every character feels the need to yell to audience what's happening
>It made more sense that Orcs were just green naturally and the original blood just turned their eyes red, since if I remember correctly only Grom had red eyes in WC3
What are you talking about?
If they drink the blood once they turn green. If they drink it again they turn red. Groms eyes didnt turn red until he turned red.
>It's not hard to understand. It's just retarded. Are they orcs or fucking chameleons?
Do you think fictional things can't be like real things or something? What are you even trying to say here? What colour would you like them do be you dildo?
I just explained why it doesn't make sense you retard
Yep that's what people speculate but there's never been a confirmation of this, quite the opposite actually.
The red orcs that served Magtheridon was just explained to have drunk demon blood, and technically Grommash and the other orcs in Ashenvale also became fel orcs, they just didn't become red.
>I just explained why it doesn't make sense you retard
No your explanation doesn't make sense. What you refer to doesn't even happen.
>and technically Grommash and the other orcs in Ashenvale also became fel orcs, they just didn't become red.
They did become red user.
>Groms eyes didnt turn red until he turned red
>What colour would you like them do be you dildo?
The color they were for the three games before fan-fiction took over. Green.
post some evidence then
What, you don't like red? Are you colourblind?
They're trying to broaden the audience, probably for a younger audience. Use your brain you tard, they can't keep it on point with the games. Durrr
I just posted that picture of green Grom with red eyes. Here's another
That picture you posted isn't Warcraft 3.
This picture is, and is Grom after the curse is somewhat purged from him. Perhaps you should actually go and play Warcraft 3 before you start complaining about this kind of shit.
It's okay, but the first act suffers from clumsy character introductions and bad editing. It redeems itself in the second half and does not require previous understanding of the franchise to get into.
If it does well, there will be.
40 minutes were cut.
Orcs turning red was borderline but acceptable. Orcs turning green even though the games and the books said they were always green? Hell naw.
Ok here's how it goes
>Orcs are green
>Orc Chieftains drink blood of Mannoroth which makes them stronger and turns their eyes red
>Warsong Clan drinks blood of Mannoroth again in WC3 which turns their skin red
>Orcs are brown
>Orc Chieftains drink blood of Mannoroth which makes them stronger and turns their eyes red and skin green
>rest of the orcs also has their skin turned green because of corruption I guess
>Warsong Clan drinks blood of Mannoroth again in WC3 which turns their skin red
>no character development
Khadgar, Garona all grow as characters. Durotan sacrifices himself just to put a dent in Gul'dan's plan. Even the human king, who at first looked like a badly acted mess, redeemed himself by the end.
>>rest of the orcs also has their skin turned green because of corruption I guess
It's a blood curse nigga. The orcs in the clan belong to their bloodline.
>They did become red user.
No, they just got red eyes. Their skin did not change.
>That picture you posted isn't Warcraft 3.
Are you retarded?
Yeah, I don't get why the whole brown orcs bullshit was necessary
Khadgar doesn't grow as a character lol.
You think because Medivh says
>I'm proud of you
that = character growth? lol
Also Garona's character growth and motivations made absolutely no sense at all.
Really? You're a Warcraft fan?
>That picture you posted isn't Warcraft 3
The first pic I posted was from Rise of the Horde, which takes place before WC3
Lol every single post in this thread, whether praising the movie or bashing it, has successfully turned me away from ever seeing it. What a bunch of nerd shit; this doesn't sound entertaining at all lol
>No, they just got red eyes. Their skin did not change.
Go and play the fucking game retard.
>Are you retarded?
Are you? Do you think fanart drawn after the game came out is the same as the actual game itself?
Khadgar was the one to kill Possessed Medivh, everything is correct. Medivh's mother only appeared in flashbacks and, like, one instance. Her deeds are pre-WC1.
Ogres didn't work with orcs until WC2.