>'Every time I come back, I lose a part of myself'
>Jon is resurrected
>Is exactly the same
What the fuck did they mean by this?
>'Every time I come back, I lose a part of myself'
>Jon is resurrected
>Is exactly the same
What the fuck did they mean by this?
He came back ready to leave the watch and with next to no desire to fight. C'mon
He probably doesn't have his dick anymore, as it is the series' tradition.
Jon lost his apendix
Ready to leave the watch because he was betrayed by half of his brothers. Thats nothing to do with the effects of him being brought back from death.
Jon was "only" stabbed, the other guy literally was hacked into pieces everytime he died.
What exactly happens to a person when they resurrect, more specifically the body.
Jon got stabbed all over his torso, most likely in vital areas.
How is he expected to do basic body functions with torn lungs, stomach and heart? Even if it did scar completely, it would still be a non functioning organ
>exactly the same
>is fed up with the Watch
>doesnt wanna take Winterfell
He came back an cuck.
It's magic bro
They get healed, you moron.
The magic apparently repairs the harm. Look at Dondarrion when the Hound drove his sword a foot into his shoulder - yet he had a working arm when he was rezzed
>Beric died 10 times. Still has memories of Ned Stark, although vague.
>Jon died 1 time. Kills a kid and becomes moody.
Was that so hard to understand?
I guess your lungs heart and everything get back to normal shape before the stabbing.
Jon's body was probably in equally bad if not worse shape. Getting knifed over and over, damage to all sorts of organs.
Shit reasoning anyways. Dead is dead, being brought back is what changes them. Berric died from everything from being lanced in the chest, to being hanged, to getting Cleganed, and each time he came back he lost something.
Why did they even kill and resurrect Jon? He's exactly the same and no one seems to give a shit. And if the show is going in the Azor Ahai prophecy direction, they haven't done shit to set it up.
Shit writing.
>all the crucial organs inside his chest and stomach destroyed
>"only" stabbed
Pandering to fans without thinking about how it affects the minor things. They clearly didn't think about how each and every character south of the wall would react to the LC suddenly ditching his post.
I totally forgot this actually happened! WTF, did i sleep through that season?
Are you actually retarded? They dont reveal his real destiny the moment he wakes up, you fucking moron.
Also, Lyanna giving birth to Jon will be in ep10.
You sound like the retard to me. The show hasn't done shit to establish any prophecy(besides Cercei's) , so having Jon be the son of Rhaegar means exactly dick to anyone just following the show.
Unless your plan is to just have pod or Tormund just blurt out, "Hey Jon, remember how you got brought back to life? Well you're actually the prince that was promised /Azor Ahai XD!!! Even though that has nothing to do with how or why you were brought back, unless Beric Dondarion is also TPTWP/Azor Ahai."
Fuck off, D&D shill