There was the same thread a week ago.So,which horror movie do you think you can survive in real life and why?
Horror Movies You Can Survive In Real Life Part 2
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I would die every fucking time. I'm the cuck who tries to get on the good side of the bad guys/become like them, but I just suck so they would just make fun and kill me.
I'm a fucking Reinfield!
My life
Been doing it for 39 years
it follows
i think this ones fairly self explanatory :(
what was hellraiser's problem? why were he and the megabytes so angry?
The Grudge or any ju-on japanese ghost horror.
My dick would cave and try to fuck her in my sheets, I'll take a del toro malformed face for ghost pussy any day.
Nightmare on Elm Street.
Mostly because I lucid dream by default and over the years my dream self has become ridiculously powerful.
They were contruction workers and weaboos.
Those 2 things don't mix well. Proff: Pinhead's attempt at acupuncture using a nail gun.
Lucid dreaming isn't a real thing, Alicia. Go back to /x/.
Didn't work for the Dream Warriors.
Then how do I manage to automatically know when I'm dreaming and to do whatever I want?
Because they were all small time and the plot demanded they all die.
You're suffering for delusions (probably latent schizophrenia).
Basically, most of them, or at least most of the non-supernatural ones, because I'm not a retard and wouldnt leave my car in the middle of some obviously leatherface-infested backwater shitstain town to investigate a creepy cabin or some shit.
Drag him to the dream world and kill him.
The other way is to release the dream demons that turned him into the dream master from him
Whatever. As long as I'm having more fun in my dreams than real life.
We need dream VCRs to be invented so I can remember everything that happens instead of the swiss cheese memories that dreaming leaves behind.
have you asked yourself why "doing whatever I want" always equates to sucking enormous numbers of cocks?
Leatherface is mortal,so you can BTFO him with anything
Well, in my case, doing whatever I want usually equates to being able to fly and having my Rider belt always in my pocket.
You should mix lucid dreaming and mental palace techniques. I'm able to access my dreamscape during waking hours that way. Took me about 2 years to be able to do it though.
>back in your gem faggot
Why run the risk?
Just stay the fuck away from the ruined farmhouse with lampshades made from human skin and deformed incest freaks everywhere.
Well it took me about 15 years to get to the point I'm at.
Basically any non-supernatural horror and some of the supernatural horror can be survived by concealed carry.
Nightmare on Elm st. 2 or 3 had a guy who trained to fight Freddy in his dreams, he managed to hold his own for a while but ultimately got himself killed.
That would be one of the hardest horror scenarios to survive tbqh
Which supernatural horror can be survived with guns?
>"I want my lawyer to go fuck himself"
>Lawyer literally fucks himself
All of them. The horror genre is predicated entirely upon people being stupid.
Shouldn't you be stalking american idol contestants right now?
Jeepers Creepers I think.
But 23 years later,the monster will come back.
>I don't drink
>I don't do drugs
>I don't have sex
I think I'd be invisible to him - like dogs, the elderly and small children who aren't that little shit Tommy
Did you do it on your own or did you train yourself using techniques you read about?
A lot of those techniques don't work for everyone, you have to try and keep looking if there's no results.
>his body literally contorts itself around and fucks himself
My sides everytime
>that one cocky yuppy who doesn't believe anybody cliche
Yeah, you'd survive.. Pffft
>The Djinn's Sheev voice.
Not that user but potentially... friday 13th? Jason could be stunned by bullets long enough to dismember him maybe
Haven't you seen Scream 4? The rules have changed buddy
Not really, he can regrow his own head and shit. You need a lot more than a gun. The only thing you can do is buy some time until it goes to sleep.
Voodoo magic (body transfer him with a dead guy and when he wakes up,shoot him) is going to end Chucky forever.
>he doesn't own a novadreamer
Get a load of this pleb. Why train with reality checks for months when you can just get a headband that does all the work for you?
smoke crystal meth till he finds someone else to fuck with
I did it on my own. I never even read about any of this shit till a couple years ago.
He killed a dog. It just wasn't the one that you'd think.
He was also a karate black belt btw
nu-male wussies on Sup Forums wouldn't last a second against Freddy
Hm you know that scene where they run him over with the car though?
Couldnt you just keep running him over like a hundred times until he's literally smush and then pour petrol on it and light it?
Just saying, THAT kind of supernatural shit you can potentially beat, unlike the spoopy japanese ghosts or cenobites
Imagine Freddy fought someone like Jean Claude Van Damme.
Idk, I think he would regenerate anyway. He's pretty much immortal (like Richard Wilkins on Buffy after eating those bugs and doing that ritual). I mean, he grew a fucking head out of his neck!
The Creeper can't regenerate unless he eats.
So in theory you could definitely fuck him up enough to permanently imprison him. Pound him into mush and then bury the mush in concrete.
That's right, he needs to eat the body part he lost. My bad. It's been a while since I saw JC1&2.
And he was badly disabled by getting hit by the car - then he got the opportunity to crawl into an occupied jail cell.
Candyman. I won't say his name in the mirror five times lol
a haunted house movie, I just leave
You get stuck in Room 1408, where you can burn the place down, escape, go on vacation for six months, then one day you're at the fucking post office and the whole place spontaneously turns back into Room 1408
B-but the nig gangs and the pimps would get you... or the cops would pin the murders on you and send you into an insane asylum (with some shitty patient playing Candyman with his pocket mirror at night as a roomate).
The Final Destination movies. I'm too gross and pathetic for even Death to want me.
What if a horror movie antagonist was about to get you and you suddenly scream "CUT"? Maybe those monkers in masks would forget their trained routine of killing you.
Think about it.
You should watch The Final Girls. It's basically like that (and it's a good movie).
>What if a horror movie antagonist was about to get you and you suddenly scream "CUT"?
"Don't mind if I do"
*slices you from throat to crotch, then reaches into your split belly and yanks out your tummy-sausages*
maybe not a whole day tho, just slightly less
I think I could survive any of the Friday the 13th movies by just parking my car on Voorhees and taking a plane across the ocean. Same principle applies to Child's Play, although Chucky might be able to sneak his way onto a plane. With Scream, Psycho and so on I'll just shoot the bastard. Nightmare on Elm Street: Induce lucid dreaming and park my car on Freddy Krueger before waking up.
I can survive any horror movie by turning out to be the bad guy in the end, after all.
Give me room 1488 instead
in those movies I think you can kill someone else and you get to live at least as long as they would. although in those types of movies I would have to wonder if there was some sort of hell or afterlife that would punish you anyway. - since the force of Death is a thing.
now Im wondering if I can avoid sadako?
what if I went somewhere without any screens?
what if I put myself in a drug induced coma?
here's something I've wondered, what if I try and befriend her? she comes out of the screen and I give her a hug.Won't work but its worth a try.
lmao just beat the bitch to death, just a little girl with a bad hair day
You could just put two television sets opposite each other so she's continually stuck in a loop where she's climbing in and out of two television sets.
You should write a script about a guy who parks cars and saves the day at the end by parking a giant car on a giant monster.
Have an Ipad be the only screen in the room so she can't even get out
>B-but the nig gangs and the pimps would get you
why would I live or go to caprini green lol
>or the cops would pin the murders on you and send you into an insane asylum
why tho
Or hook up a telescopic lens to one of the screens and use her as an onahole when she gets stuck in there.
> end up hallucinating freddy irl
just drink a lot of coffee, lol
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Dream Killing Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Bed Like Nigga Open Your Eyes Haha.
>parking a car on voorheese
Dude.. I'm sure he can lift a car
Like 90% of them because i'm just some mook who never leaves his bedroom.
With only the muscles in his legs from a lying down position? Probably not. Even then, I'll be out of the country by the time he gets that thing off him.
I would survive by requesting that they use a blowback instead of blanks...
I'll survive by being cool.
-Charlie Brewster
This thread is terrible and you would all get yourselves killed for being the faggot that thinks hes won and then gets killed 10 seconds later
yup, these guys are harder to avoid than you would think.
I think the best bet would be a slasher movie (with a human killer), get a gun, watch your back and hide out somewhere, and that's not even a garantee
If you incapacitated Michael Myers or Jason and then chopped off their arms and legs, what would they do?
That guy was a fucking pussy. Each of them. By the end Cindy wouldn't even run, just stand her ground wait till he got to her so she could kick his ass.
>The Valet
I've got a pool.
Don't carry any weapons, stick to being a muscleless NEET that wouldn't be worth the effort of hunting, and cover myself in enough shit that not only would it not see me, it would feel to grossed out to even go near me.
No, you need to be too old for this shit, like Danny Glover and then you'll survive.
I've got a water gun, wanna team up?
The predator might still kill you out of mercy.
I can second the lucid dreaming. There was many times when I was younger when I realized I was in a dream and tried to wake myself up and woke up into sleep paralysis. I remember always falling asleep with the TV on and there would be weird moments of people calling for oxyclean or extenze inside of my dreams and that's how I became self aware when I realized infomercials were playing. Lucid dreaming, you just tell everyone in your dream any location and any object and that object will be in that location.
Throw him into the garbage and he'll burn in a refinery for 23 years. Try coming back from that.
>you will never wake up to a cute asian ghost girl in bed with you
sad satanic check ;_;
You got me more than you should have, you fucker.
bury him in cement?
knowing horror movies someone will dig him up in a few years.
Just go live with the Amish, bro.
But seriously, leaving Sup Forums is a fate worse than death. You'll just have to keep shitposting until she comes crawling out of your computer screen and kills you.