What's with Emma and dodging?

Roles in good movies
Roles in good movies

>be a humanitarian
>be a feminist
>don't pay taxes


>try to encourage the government to force companies to pay women more etc
>don't pay the taxes that the government can use to actually implement such fascist regimes

I swear liberals think the government's job is to just hand out magical government money that comes from nowhere

ITT: Jealous redditors spreading nasty rumors
You don't actually believe these lies right Sup Forums?

Can anyone tell me why I should give a fuck about people dodging taxes

she could doge her mouth on my dick

Not wanting to be part of the paytriarch

Now that's on ugly tranny!

You forgot ovens.

have you played Witch Trainer?

the hermione in that game it's nothing like emma but good game

>Gutted piece of shit with like 3 CGs total
>Good game
Fucking eroge pleb

Video game discussion belongs on r/Manchildren

it's only hypocritical as fuck when raging liberal shitbags do it, since what it means is they only want to vote to spend YOUR money.

Eroge aren't games you fuck, they're art

>being this huge of a sperg
>calling others manchildren

I could actually imagine them making an example of her so that all the government cronies and bankers don't get the scrutiny.

taxes are theft

fuck the poor desu


Except she's already paid more taxes than everyone combined in this thread.

Not an argument, sonny

then maybe she shouldn't have voted for them

She's a dude!!

Emma is honestly the hottest. She's not exotic or unique, but classic and refined.

trap hermione when? AKABUR!

Will Beauty and the Beast prove that she's not box office poison as some claim?

dunno, but there was a (most likely spurious) rumour that she is transitioning...

She was at her best when she was 16-18, it's all been downhill from there

It's a remake of a disney film. Can't see it doing brilliantly. It wont bomb though.

yes it is, kiddo

voted for who?

Dodging again

dragon shirt

I don't think you understand how fractions work, bro

Because the government does a lot of stuff for you, including keeping niggers literate so some of them don't commit crimes and provide police enforcement for the rest.

The rich, by not paying taxes as their duty, they're enjoying a free ride (e.g., not getting riotted and raped every night)

Isn't he one of the guys in the movie?