Based High Sparrow episode tonight
/got/ general
worst character
First for Stannis the Mannis
You're early faggot
Finaly Mountain will kill the Sparrow s army
Daily reminder that it's absolutely, dapsolutely, 100000000% CONFIRMED.
Yes, yes, well done Alliser, well done Alliser
>I choose violins.
Seriously, what the fuck did she mean by this?
First for Kinvara, High Priestess of the Red Temple of Volantis, the Flame of Truth, the Light of Wisdom, and First Servant of the Lord of Light. For the thread is dank and full of memes
fucking disgusting, delete that fucking shitstained hypocrite peasant right now, I wanna puke just by looking at him
fuck off
don't do it again
Not this season. There would be no reason for it to happen, the Hound isn't going to KL, and we only have 3 episodes left
She means that u are retard
A reminder that Ser Arthur Dayne was the greatest swordsman to have ever exist
he opened it before the 300 mark
It means that although she has a pussy
She isn't a pussy, unlike her son who has both
Reminder that this beauty will give Theon his cock back
>she calls Theon to her chamber
>unclothes herself and tells him to unclothe himself
>he tells her he doesn't want to, and he has no cock
>"the Lord of Light will provide for you"
>she lights a candle and shoves it inside her, flame first
>gasping in pain she climbs ontop of Theon and presses the blunt end of the candle over where Theon's cock is
>she says some magical gibberish and theon starts humping her
>basically turns into a sex scene, her moans of pain turn into moans of pleasure
>they cum, she pulls out, and we get a full frontal view of Theon's new, glorious cock
Azor Jon
No man is so accursed as the hypeslayer.
Darkstar could beat him, GRRM confirmed it
Well I tried, lads
What are the odds that Gendry will help Arya?
Da dolzno bit tak
i want her so fucking bad
The same as sir friendzoned has of finding his fucking cure
Why would you waste time supporting the McPoyles of the Iron Islands?
dont abuse the seriously rule bro
>When you're done but she won't stop sucking
Who /melancholia/ here
>Tommen kills himself because Margaery stays celibate
> Tyrells die
King's Landing keeps getting emptier
shit tits
Did you draw it over another one? There should be a template somewhere
Though all men do despise us
>like 50 people show up
Are yo some sort of faggot?
Reminder that there will be NO Cleganebowl, NO LSH, NO TOJ reveal
Pycelle and Kevan are obviously marked for the end of this season. Lancel probably won't make it past this episode.
Also which Tyrells die?
ITT - whining little babies.
>waaah waaah waaah Euron doesn't have an eye-patch!
>waaah waaah waaah Lannister hair is the wrong shade of blonde!
>waaah waaah waaah they call her Yara not Asha!
>waaah waaah waaah Dany scares me because I'm a virgin!
>waaah waaah waaah Arya is half an inch taller than she should be!
>waaah waaah waaah The Mad King's fingernails were not long enough in that one second flashback!
>waaah waaah waaah D&D!
>waaah waaah waaah I pretend to hate everything about the show in a desperate attempt to be different but I watch every episode and post on here every two minutes to whine like a child.
You unwashed beta virgin bed-wetters are truly pathetic! Adults should join me in abandoning this cringeworthy thread with haste.
she just has shit tits
Never post that stupid niggertwitter meme in my general again.
ToJ reveal is confirmed to show up, though it will be shown onscreen and not said straight to your face.
All of them, except Olenna.
>No TOJ reveal
There's no way they wouldn't show us
I wish danyfags died slowly and painfully
Who the fuck do you think you are faggot? Never post early threads again you fucking vermin.
Will I pissing on you?
Lancel doesn't die in 8 but he does die
Margaery gets killed, that's the only other name I remember
fuck off
I didn't post this thread you fucking nigger. I meant this general in general.
Who the fuck do you think you are faggot? Never post early threads again you fucking vermin.
Do we have any leaks yet?
There aren't any muslims in the ASOIAF universe
They show us the baby and then cut to Jon so it's heavily implied because they have to give some sort of cliffhanger
Previous report was that Margeary burns to death.
>Jaqen is stabbed Arya
>Jaqen was testing the Waif
>Jaqen knew Arya would go back all along
>Jaqen was Syrio
>Jaqen is Stannis
>Jaqen is Jon Snow
>Literally every character is Jaqen
fuck off
Lancel doesn't get smashed when Cersei chooses violence?
What a well balanced child you are!
That almost reads like sarcasm.
R'hllor is Allah, the White Walkers are identitarians
Spoilers for rest of the season:
Jon becomes King of the North. Lyanna Mormont speaks up about how she trusts the Starks and was one of the only ones to follow them into battle. Then the other houses speak up and apologize about not following them and they don’t care that he is a bastard.
Ramsay and Jon meet on the battlefield. Ramsay releases Rickon. As Rickon runs, Ramsay starts shooting arrows. Jon starts galloping toward Rickon, one of Ramsay’s arrow hits him and he dies in Jon’s arms. Sansa tells Jon before the battle that Rickon is already dead. Jon imprisons Ramsey but he gets killed by his hounds the episode after.
Benjen accompanies them to The Wall before departing. Bran has another vision of the tower of joy and we see Lyanna Stark. Lyanna whispers something to Ned before she dies. We see a baby, and the very next scene we see Jon.
Beric Dondarrion is alive and knows about white walkers. Still the leader of the brotherhood. No LSH. Hound fights BWB. He battles Thoros of Myr 1 on 1, and apparently wins.
There will be no Clegane-bowl this season. Cersei is apparently refused trial by combat, but she sets The Mountain loose on some Sparrows, which he kills. He also smashes Septa Unella. Not sure what happens to Loras or Margery, but Tommen kills himself. He apparently jumps out of a window in the Red Keep. Quyburn kills Pycelle at least (sends his “Birds”).
Brienne goes inside Riverrun to meet w. the Blackfish. Brienne returns oathkeeper to Jaime. Jamie forces Edmure Tully to surrender Riverrun, as he is the lord, not the Blackfish. Blackfish shoots arrows after the Lannisters. A battle ensues inside Riverrun, and Brienne is barely able to escape. The Blackfish is presumably killed off-screen / uncertain in the ensuing battle.
Arya serves poisoned pie at the Twins in episode 10. She kills Walder Frey.
Episode 9 has two locations. Winterfell and Meeren (three dragons).
Lancel does not die in episode 8.
Wun Wun dies
No, Waif stabbed Arya because she got the okay, FM are no longer relevant
Sparrows do die
Past few threads yeah
Yes, yes, well done Red Woman, well done Red Woman.
Why is this season so shit? Christ, almost all episodes are cringey as hell.
>This undermining from fat nerd
>Davos finds Shireen's stag on the pyre
>Doesn't kill Mel
What a fucking cuck.
Ignore how much you want to fuck them, which girl makes the best wife?
better than last season
I think you mean season 5
This season has been GOAT
Merely guesswork, piss off
Anybody that takes this seriously is a moron
Because there's no book to adapt most of the story from now
Goodbye High Fantasy, hello Hollywood Action Movie
I want High Sparrow dead more than Ramsey.
Proof that logic and reasoning are beyond those with a vagina
Fuck off whining cunt
crispy loli is old news
bear loli is the new hotness
S5 was shit as hell, doesn't mean this one is any better.
GoT used to be an example of quality television, now it's barely watchable third rate stuff.
I meant leaks as in episodes I can watch
Plebs like love it because D&D sprinkle a little bit of action each episode. It has worse writing then S5.
I go play dota 2
It's leaks from someone who has been accurate for the past month of episodes and posted spoilers for True Detective's season. Infinitely more trustworthy than your ass.
Why Jon hasn't fucked her already?
but did you mouse over the spoiler, friend?
based Jonathan Pryce
Which Overwatch characters would /got/ characters play?
You're fucking crazy
Those are the leaks we have. I didn't ask you to believe them you cock merchant
the fuck? are we the same person?
/got/ doesn't play shit games
Cause he's waiting to discover his targaryan heritage and then go fuck his half sister sansa