Holy shit, this film really opened my eyes. Never eating at McDonalds again.
Holy shit, this film really opened my eyes. Never eating at McDonalds again
But where are you going to mooch WiFi from to write your online blog, you faggot OP, you.
Just do this: 1 week junk food with soda, next week super healthy and no junk food at all and no sodas.
Will balance things out. And don't forget to exercise
>Anno Domini MMXVI.
>Watching Morgan Spurlock trash.
Me neither. I never realized that mcdonalds food can make you fat until i saw this.
Now i only eat in Burger King
es, at first I was happy to be learning how to read. It seemed exciting and magical, but then I read this: Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. I read every last word of this garbage, and because of this piece of s**t, I am never reading again.
Welcome to the real world, OP. Saw this in high school and haven't eaten mcdonalds since. Don't know how a company that systematically destroys the country is still allowed to be so successful, but I guess people are stupid.
Shut up, Barbrady.
fuck off grandma
C'mon guys.
you sound like you're still in high school
>guy eats nothing but mcdonalds 3 times a day
>gets fat
really makes you think...
Wow I'm suprised people still haven't seen this movie after at least 10 years
>Never eating at McDonalds again.
Watch Fat Head instead
It's pretty outdated too, you can't super size orders anymore and they didn't have salads back then either
Or you could just, you know, eat it in moderation like a reasonable person. Its not supposed to be consumed 3 meals a day for a month, of course that would be bad for you. Stupid fucking movie
same here, they don't even serve half of the stuff Spurlock gets in Super Size Me anymore
...I don't think it cancels out like that.
Next project,"pint me" where dip shit drinks pints of guiness 3x a day for a month.
S/he is still in high school, or s/he's from California. I hope s/he's in high school, so s/he can at least outgrow the smug
I love this movie, watch at least once a year. I also love big macs
bro i just stopped watching the nightmanager ep 7 before so that i could tell you that's crazy
and before you go off on me about multitasking or nothing things through
i just had mcdonalds and it was good GOOD like will smith's good good
Screaming at McDonalds becuase you get unhealthy if you eat there every day is like complaining to an ice cream shop you can't eat only ice cream
How can American people be so stupid?
More salt than a bi mac meal
I remember being 19
That wasn't the point of the movie
Didn't some guy come out with a rebuttal movie that said most of this movie is bullshit
He went on to make this
>that horrible fucking feel when every time you watch this it just makes you want to guy buy Maccas after.
Fuck my miserable undisciplined existence.
>Guy blatantly over consumes on what is already widely known to be unhealthy
>Guys body and organs start going to shit
>Doctor tells him "pls stop"
>Never eating a McDonalds again
Can use the same argument with tobacco and alcohol or any other thing that is bad for you if over consumed over a long period of time.
Anything in moderation.
Having said that, I don't touch that shit either. But anything can be enjoyed in moderation. If you like the food, don't let this film deter you from enjoying what you do.
>fast food is bad for you!
And yet the obesity epidemic happened
People needed a slap in the face and some idiot to shock them into realizing what you enlightened souls already know
i love oug benso
Better than Supersize Me.
You can lose weight on a McDonalds only diet
This didn't make a good argument other than somehow blame one fast food chain for obesity.
There are plenty of restaurants, yes even moms and pops restaurant that are loaded with calories and people will somehow think if they avoid McDonalds they are okay
>comfort eating
Not even once.
Well I guess you can never underestimate human stupidity.
It's a shame shit like this happens when some common sense would mean there's no need for it.
I've seen this movie too many times in school.
>Follow the Money
I want mcnuggets and a smoothie now
thanks guys
It's the combination of carbs and fat that makes you fat.
No, its eating more calories than you burn off
can't ignore this deal though
Morgan Spurlock is a fucking hack faggot and I hope he's already dead.
Nah, man. Tried that and kept getting fat. Just switched to Taco Bell.
no drink? pass
you can virtually eat the fuck you want if you manage to keep a really active life
We in germany have 22 nuggets for 5€ right now.
Also 2 big macs for the price of one.
The sauce comes in glass jars in Germany?
It's much easier to not take in calories than it is to burn it off
People eat a 1000 cal meal and think a 15 minute jog is gonna burn it off
It's just easier to count calories
Except the entire fucking thing was fabricated and is completely and utterly false.
The sad thing is Spurlock's lie made him rich and also got rid of King Size/Super Size fries everywhere.
waffle fries? lucky
No. Even if you eat less calories than you require, fat will get stored in tissues.
What annoys me is how much attention is spent on obesity when being healthy is much more important. Losing weight isn't hard. But just because you are thin doesn't mean you are healthy. You could get thin by just eating processed food and having a diet lacking nutrients.
Supersize vs superskinny used to make this point all the time. Only thing I've ever seen do it
Your body is going to have to make up your calorie intake with fat
Fats are eventual calories, same with protein
>you can't supersize
wat? You just order the number and say "large". You get a large fry and a large drink.
And I'm sorry but McD's french fries made right are still the best in the biz, I'll love them to the end.
>Fats are eventual calories, same with protein
Only when you absolutely deplete system out of glucose. Which is not fast.
That's exactly the reason why you don't go to the gym to lose weight, only to get it.
Never eating chicken nuggets after watching this
But being fat automatically means that you are unhealthy
first off, the movie is fucking fake. Nobody can replicate the results Spurlock got.
It was determined impossible for him to be consuming over 5000 calories a day on his challenge based on the items he was eating, he was coming in by more than a thousand below that mark.
Second, a medical university in Sweden tasked their students with consuming 6000 calories a day for a month, and NONE of them had the cholesterol or liver problems that Spurlock apparently had at the end of the movie.
So yeah, the whole thing is fake. It's a lie. It's a sham.
For a real reason to not eat at McDonald's, the food is shitty and costs almost as much as its better competitors now. You can get a better tasting meal at Steak N' Shake for less fucking money.
Unless you violate the laws of thermodynamics, this simply isn't true if you eat at a deficit for extended periods of time.
>But being fat automatically means that you are unhealthy
Problematic opinion
>consuming 6000 calories a day for a month,
of what?
Its all about cals in vs cals out you literally could eat twinkies as long as you eat less then your body require to maintain your weight.I ate like shit last month but I still stayed in my cal range and lost weight
I only have 1 meal a day and still gain weight
It's a fucking sandwich
What is the sandwich like 5000 cal and are you a 90 lb girl? Water weight on the other hand can flucuate quite a bit
Then you're either eating one fuckhuge sandwhich, doing literally nothing all day, or are communing with a sorcerer to summon forth calories from the Twisting Nether.
Tell us about your sandwich, user.
2 slices of brown bread, turkey and a slice of cheese nothing big, I hate eating I don't have time for that
Was it just me or did they make us watch this like 10 times in elementary school?
Thats like 500 cal unless you're a fucking ant you wont gain weight
So you're either lying, doing nothing all day, or have a pact with Thoth-Amon
You didn't know that FAT fried in FAT has FAT in it?!?!?!
except this movie has been outed for being a huge fraud.
Accuracy isn't the point, the message is what's important
Getting across a message via lies isn't a particularly constructive way to break the habits of addicts, who will grasp every excuse in the book to avoid changing their lifestyle
if you need to be told that fast food is unhealthy then youre a dodo bird, it clearly lies but there's no need for the doc to be based on lies.
The funny thing is people think subway is healthy when in fact alot of there shit is higher in calories artifical chemicals etc.Also people think fake sugar is better then real sugar
You realize that wasn't the point of the film right? That was mainly the hook to get people to pay attention to the other information regarding McDonald's. Of course you're going to get fat eating junk food all the time, but the movie's larger point is how McDonald's operates.
If he needed to embellish so much to get the message across then he doesn't have a very good point.
So fast food is bad for you, if you gorge yourself with it 3+ meals a day with it of course, but it's not supposed to be a dietary staple. But apparently it's not as bad as Spurlock said it is considering he had to bullshit so much in his movie.
It's probably because of either
1) They think having a sandwich means they can treat themselves with some shit later
2) They pile on every bit of dressing they can
The guys full of shit. He lost weight by simply not stuffing his disgusting american face every meal
fake sugar is better than real sugar tho
>inb4 unsourced bullshit
You read Conan as well?
There are people that don't?
I saw this with my ex in theaters. It was......an experience.
I fucking hate that film, all it did was make me hungry. I vowed to constantly eat in McDonald's afterwards. I wasn't surprised that hack went on to make the 1D movie.
Wtf I hate burgers now
To be fair this movie is pretty entertaining.
Fiction usually tries to be
im bout to grab myself another
dairy queen this time
i like burgers
at pretty much any time of day
but especially before and after sex
with self, or imaginary, or real people
You sound like the typical Amerifat.
>he defends McDonalds
Super Size Me is just dumb. You could make that movie about literally anything. You could make a movie where you eat nothing but berries for a month and then lead people to believe berries cause a protein deficiency. The fact is LDL cholesterol can be managed by eating foods high in HDL cholesterol, like avocados and fish. Then the excess intake of carbohydrates and fat can be managed by exercise.
McDonalds itself isn't really "bad" for you. It's food, you need to eat food, but it's fairly obvious just by the way eating it makes you feel that you're not meant to eat it EVERY SINGLE DAY.
I get that the documentary is more about marketing, hence why he has to say yes to any offering of a super size, but again, you could make that movie about ANYTHING. "Each time I see a car commercial I have to buy it. Conclusion: CARS CAUSE BANKRUPTCY HURRRRRRRRRRRRR"
>eats nothing but McDonalds
>gets fat
I think I read somewhere he did that because his daughter is a fan of them.
that's not the point