Triggered by the newest events I am searching for a movie where muslim terrorists are the good boys.
nice pic sadeeqy
Rambo III
The Living Daylights
Four Lions?
pretty gud and manages to be legitimately funny without getting too edgy or waxing too political, which is impressive considering that it focuses on the lives of four Islamic extremists planning an attack in the UK.
Fuck you for ruining my continent.
>searching for a movie where muslim terrorists are the good boys
welcome to sarajevo
everything about the yugoslav wars actually, we were supporting islamist freedom fighters there.
I dont know anyone
>Fuck you for ruining my continent.
literally Tom Hardy: the muslim
why delete my /halal/ ramadan thread mod???????????????????
check out god bless america
Because hes a nigger
Thanks for reminding me to pay my jizya m8
pic related was pretty good.
it even name drops Wahhabism as the real problem
>I am searching for a movie where muslim terrorists are the good boys.
It's called real life. Alhamdulillah, La il laha il Allah, Muhammad a rasool Allah.
masha Allah
*blows up thread*
What happened this time, and can we finally get the okay to start the new Crusades? God wills it.
>Gays Must Die Says Speaker At Orlando Mosque - WFTV 9 Orlando Report
wasnt he american and not muslim besides having a brown person name
Muzzie shot up a gay club in Florida.
50 dead, 53 injured.
Lefties on full muslim defence mode.
No, he was a Muslim who pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Yeah, faggots are whatever but these fucking shitskins need to all die NOW.
So how do reporting authorities really define the ISIS part of this? Some disgruntled mooslum in Florida wants to kill gays and says he's a fan of ISIS. Then they legitimize him by saying he wanted to be in ISIS and therefor this was an ISIS attack. ISIS then gets free publicity and the opportunity to claim responsibility for an attack they had no part in. The employment process for those guys is strange.
At least Al Qaeda did their due diligence and trained operatives and shit. Even then it took a long time for them to claim their attacks so they could weigh out the global reaction.
When the list of victims is published someone needs to go over all of their social media accounts and screencap all the #NOTALLMUSLIMS shit they posted.
So can we all agree that this guy was clearly a closeted fag?
Good idea.
mudslimes have been saying this for the past 2000 years. how newfag are you?
Futher proof that the abrahamic religions all operate under the same house. BLOOD FOR THE OLD TESTAMENT BLOOD GOD
how the fuck do people think of this shit?!
Nah, just a typical Muslim.
Got removed from /r/videos. How great is reddit
>a coordinated anti gay ISIS campaign
Holy fuck, boys.
>50 faggots dead
phew thank fuck no people got hurt.
How would you even know? Fuck off redditor
>the west tried for years to concur the arab world
>Islam is going to win by assimilation
It's almost poetic.
Lawrence of Arabia
I'm printing out a picture of Muhammad, cutting a hole in his mouth, taping it to my boyfriend's ass and fucking him through it tonight.
Extremists and fundamentalists are never the good guys. Occasionally, they're the lesser of two evils, but being good by contrast is not the same as being good.
if he were in any way "typical", we'd all be dead by now
Because I'm capable of visiting 2 different websites.
Back to the Future
The prophet Mohammad was a child raping warlord.
it's actually an interest free bank, i have no idea how they make money though
Damn son.
And he founded a religion that lasted centuries after he passed. You mean to tell me that's not a success? His empire expands into Western society even today.
>gays dead
>Muslim dead
>Democrats dead
>in a swing state that is absolutely crucial to Trump's campaign
>traffic stop
>FBI has now been informed
This shit right here is why it pisses me off that it takes a fucking hour to get through airport security. They know fuck all about anything and the only people punished are law abiding citizens.
We are having their Jihads for a while now, Holy Crusade when?? HYPE?? DEUS VULT???!! Lets show them how we do it?
>The Truth About The Crusades
I've seen fuck all defense forcing.
Atleast 9/10 lefties I meet hate muslims as much as the right.
Why do liberals defend Muslims anyways? It's pretty much the opposite idealogy
Is it because they're brown and that's it?
>also DCIM
salam aleikum
United 93
International Gorillay
That's picture is the most absurd thing I've seen in weeks
It's some weird version of white guilt. I don't think most liberals know that the Arabs built empires and conquered lands and developed completely independently from the west and flourished. It wasn't like the indians had to deal with. The Arabs fought the west during the crusades and fucking won.
Though that would require even the slightest amount of effort to be informed. Not popular among apologists.
i bet they feel pretty stupid right now in addition to being faggots
>even poo poo comes out
It happens every time. Pro-immigrant crowds that somehow find assimilation racist ALWAYS get fucking burnt by those they think they're lifting up out of oppression. Like that swede woman who made a pro-immigrant youtube video just to piss off her dad and ended up being raped and murdered by a somali
Do homosexuals actually do this?
Its just a local bitchfest minority most commonly described as the regressive left.
Generalizing is pretty retarded, its like saying all republicans are white supremacists.
>The Arabs fought the west during the crusades and fucking won.
Considering the huge distances the Crusaders had to travel and the fact that they were completely surrounded and outnumbered by Muslims that's not very impressive. Far more impressive is that the Crusaders could carve out an empire in the heart of Islam at all and hold it as long as they did.
Comparatively, the most the muslims ever took from the West was Spain which they couldn't even hold long.
being capable of it is one thing, everyone is
doing it is another, and there is no excuse for visiting reddit
I'm won't disagree there. The christian crusades are something that will never happen again as far as conquest goes. My point was that the arab lands were invaded and then arab armies successfully repelled the invaders. The idea that white men aren't inadvertently responsible for the fucking shit way arabs behave is inconceivable to apologists.
Omar"if you're a poof, you're off the roof "Mateen
Omar "Born this way? Then you die today" Mateen
Omar "think Im cute?, then I have to shoot" Mateen
Omar "can't eat cock during Ramadan" Mateen
Omar "don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen
Omar "act haram you get harm" Mateen
Omar "candy ass turned to glass" Mateen
Omar "the penetrator, no homo" Mateen
Omar "Put away that peen or get a bullet in you spleen" Mateen
Omar "tossing grenades at pride parades" Mateen
Omar "Putting fags into body bags" Mateen Omar "emptying my glock on those who like cock" Mateen
Omar 'stay in the closet or you get put in a casket' Mahteen
Omar "Adam and Steve, meet Smith and Wesson" Mateen
Omar "lick a thick dick, get bricked quick" Mateen
Omar "Koran says it's a no no so gays have got to go go" Mateen
Omar "Open gaybar? Allahu Akbar" Mateen
Omar "Make the queer disappear" Mateen
Omar "spray the gay away" Mateen
Omar "put a mag in every fag" Mateen
Omar ''Suck a cock, get the glock'' Maleen
Omar "Kiss a man? BLAM" Mateen
Omar "Giving Queens the M16" Mateen
Omar "if he sucks cock he's going to get shot" Maleen.
Omar "wiping the gay club clean" Maleen
Omar "One Man Homocaust" Mateen
Omar "The Closet Closer" Abdullah
Omar "I got something to put in you" Maleen
Omar "Empty my 9 at the gloryhole line" mateen
Omar "Fags gon' fall when I shoot 'em all" Mateen
Omar "What did he mean" Mateen
Omar "bustin cap in traps" Mateen
Omar "God Slay The Queen" Mateen
Omar "It's Raining Lead" Mateen
Omar "you lick bum? die like scum" Maleen
Omar "At War with Gaybar" Fareen
Omar "not a real Muslim" Mateen
Omar "Koran says it's a no no so gays have got to go go" Mateen
Omar "Frag the Fags" Mateen
Omar “empty my nine at the gloryhole line “ Mateen
nice it's grown
my favorite is still
>Omar "don't eat ass during my holy fast" Mateen
>eating cock is an affront to Ramadan
fuckin Zoolander phone in his hand
Because similar shit has actually happened in Europe
I love these.
>Its just a local bitchfest minority most commonly described as the regressive left.
it's not though. every time a terrorist attack happens half my facebook friends jump to #notallmuslims and call people cowards for not wanting to let in refugees and shit. it's the entire left that is getting like this
I don't understand how anyone would want refugees from that region at this point. Pretty much every country is complicit to some degree for dropping bombs or supporting the western actions in the region. You want me to let five year old Mohammad come and be raised in the comfort of the US all while every day he remembers a fucking drone with a US flag painted on the tail blowing up his entire family? Remember how he sat there and tried to hold his sister's guts in her body as she bled out? Who the fuck thinks of this stuff. Collateral damage is only an acceptable outcome when you leave it where the fuck it is. It's bonkers.
What did the data mean by this?
>literally admitting being a redditor
worse than islam. a plague upon our board
looks like a massive faggot
Fixing them is a much better idea. Homosex is a shameful, self satiating condition that puts pleasures of the flesh over the intrinsic role of man in nature. It's weakness and moral corruption incarnate, found only in stagnate civilizations wallowing in a pit of their own opulence without any true purpose.
Hopefully some heroic gays will come shoot up the board and purge of us this.
Why is he so fat?
Shouldn't he have been fasting?