You just brought piss to a shit fight Sup Forums

You just brought piss to a shit fight Sup Forums

general silicon valley thread

I thought the new ones are on sunday night?

you don't bring sand to the beach, there's already pussy there

who is the hottest of the main pied piper guys (erlich included)

pakistan denzel of course

>My uncle used to said I looked like someone starved a virgin to death

Why is Jared the best?

can Erlich even code?

yeah, he made an app and sold it. he also helped the guys at the end of s1 iirc

but i have a giant crush on erlich, the fat bitch

Yeah, he's coded on the show but he has carpel tunnel or some shit

boys cant have crushes on boys, user...

not a boy
i am a man

I marathoned the first episode. It sucked.

holy shit I missed this line somehow

one episode?

Go away new

I started rewatching from the beginning and there is so much hilarious shit that I missed.

Good idea
I should do that tonight at work

so what's the endgame for bighead?

i dont know longterm but he'll definitely be back at pied piper by the end of the season.

He's somehow going to be the key to Pied Piper's success.

He'll probably get hired as a CEO of Hooli after the board fires Gavin... and somehow be good at it



whats his name again?

>ywn smoke a hookah with her


Sunday nights are Silicon Valley nights. GoT is just the opening act.


He'll become a venture capitalist who will back Pied Piper and become a billionaire on its success. He will use that money to buy Hooli.

i only watched the first episode of this season

how's it compare to the previous 2

pretty gud

I feel like they made Bighead stupider this season. In earlier seasons he was just a normal guy who kept falling upwards, now he's like borderline retarded.

yeah its a little frustrating. he was supposed to be a coder who was just not as good as richard but they turned him into a poor-functioning retard.

He doesn't actually have carpal tunnel, he just uses it as an excuse to avoid actual work

I thought his name was Baghead

Where can i rewatch if i dont have access to hbogo? Seems to have been stripped recently from the usual suspects(couchtuner,putlocker, projectfreetv etc). Couchtuner has the current season but everything else is removed.


You obviously suck at marathoning.

As much as I love this show, I have to admit that it's setting new highs for flanderization.
>Bighead is stupid
>Gavin is evil
>Jared is weird
Those are so obvious, I'm surprised so few people point them out.

>implying there's an endgame
He's going to fail upward season after season. After he becomes the next Bill Gates he will die because there's nowhere to go.

I use to watch it

"I just imagine my skeleton is my body, and my skin and muscles are my house, then I'm always home!"

fuckin love jared

>tfw he actually fucks

well they round up jared's character in the last episode kinda. Bighead got the worst of it though. I think Gavin's guru is the one responsible for him being such a dick

today is sunday numbnuts

you all hate "manchild capeshit" but watch this big bang theory-tier wank?

>I invited you to my wedding
>why the fuck did you do that?

Gavin is based as fuck. It's a shame that Peter gregory's actor died. The back and forth between them as Pied Piper constantly outpaced Hooli's internal teams would have been great.

>it's le nerd show therefore it must be the big bang theory
Yeah and Weeds is Breaking Bad amirite.

No kidding. Peter's actor was actually hired knowing that he had maybe 2 years left at max due to terminal cancer. Imagine the feels on set, especially with how well received his character was, knowing he probably wouldnt live past two seasons.

yeah I really don't get this. the shows perfectly watchable but there's nothing great about it, also TJ Miller sucks

The restaurant scene is GOAT. The sound Peter makes ahahahahahaha shit mu sides.

i just want to kiss her

This is my first Silicon Valley thread with a new episode coming up. Will there be a stream?

Raul Julia had terminal cancer when he worked on Street Fighter. He took the part because his kids really liked the game. I've always wondered what that was like for him, knowing it was his last project.

richard is cute

jared, by a wide margin.

This season got me to rewatch the previous seasons.

TJ Miller is GOAT

bighead a cute imo



bighead has become this, but gavin and jared are definitely much more complex characters.

the worst and most see through character is monica. worst acting. most out of place. oh hey token hot girl that richard is going to make out with eventually who doesnt understand jack shit but "believes in him"

don't talk shit about my waifu

The whole Monica thing feels so cliche and inevitable. It would be great though if they were just toying with our expectations and have a scene where we find out Richard's not really attracted to her or something like that.

Nice webm by the way, KAT's a beast

> It would be great though if they were just toying with our expectations and have a scene where we find out Richard's not really attracted to her or something like that.

That's the kind of thing I would expect from this series and the kind of thing that makes Silicon Valley stand out from other sitcoms.