Lol wtf
Lol wtf
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Banana is the perfect fruit for the theater. It comes in it's own packaging like most fruit but is easily opened without a knife, which they check for now. At least my theater has installed metal detectors next to the crab tank.
Well, i will now, what a swell idea.
>they have metal detectors at cinemas in burgerland
>finding any excuse to take pictures of Woman's feet
Come to LA. There are armed guards.
>he wants someone to take a cap of instagram and then take it from his phone to his computer just to post
I used to bring oranges to the cinema but the kids from the theater slums kept on taking them off me.
>armed guards
Wouldn't bother me in the slightest 2bh
Do Americans really not wear hard hats at the cinema????? I'd be too worried some thing would drop from the cinema cranes if my head was unprotected
>burgerland theater designs
Being allowed to bring your own food is terrible. Theres always rude people that bring smelly and loud stuff.
>cinema cranes
There's a super market next to my local cinema and as kids my friends and I would stock up on food, one time my mate bought whipped cream and a block of cheese in the cinema
You mean like black children?
>Not having a Walmart inside the cinema
How do you people even live
A fur-oot? I ain't neva herd of no dang thing called a feroot befoah
Anybody else sick of the fruit vendors that constantly plague you at the movies now days?
Yeah, but we have this disgruntled Khlav Kalash vendor at ours that always pops in and shouts in his thick accent. He reeks like curry too.
>8$ for an orange
>10$ for a small little container of cherries
>6$ for an apple
they aren't even good looking fruit, same shit they got at walmart basically
@lmaddmomof3 the absolute madman hahahahahhaha
Porch monkeys, most likely
Sick of those mexicans selling oranges in the cinema corridors
>not bringing your banana knife to the cinemas
Well float my bum like a jellyfish mum...
lol that's cute I'm gonna say that
I had to stop bringing my fondue pot because some fucking kid was running past in the aisle and burned himself. It was humiliating when the guard shouted down at me in the middle of Inside Out from the tower and made me leave
I can't go to a cinema where the plebs bring fruit. My falcon gets distracted and attacks whomever is eating it.
you're not funny
Dumb lowercaseposter.
>not having an private imax theatre
Does that cinema have recliners? Are Americans incapable of even sitting upright for 2 hours?
in some parts of Brazil we have armed guards with sub machine guns because there have been rapes in the theater
uh, me
only if you live near niggers
Are those seats or beds? What the fuck america.
I'm sorry we don't live in a 3rd world shithole and can afford nice things for ourselves
>watch xmen apocolyspe
>get raped
>guy trys to stick it in your pooper aswell
>europoor theaters don't have recliners
This whole "lmao random and unexpected things at the theater" meme is the worst Sup Forums has ever done. Come on, you guys could do better.
The cinema sells its own food but it's super expensive, hence the supermarket trip
Only a poor, 3rd world shitskin would think comfy seats is something to make fun of. Enjoy your piss-stained, rock-hard seats, yuropoor.
>no back support
>cheap damp leather
>so far apart you can't even kiss your date
I still can't believe how a country so obsessed with comfort can't even grasp the most basic of human pleasures.
>bring myself a large bag of cocktail shrimp
>pour in a bottle of cocktail sauce and mix it all up good
>it breaks open in my fanny pack when I go to buy my ticket
>cinema police escort me out of the theater for bringing in outside seafood
No we can't because this place is reddit newfags
All of those points are wrong. It's really obvious you've never been to an actual decent theater in your life Yuroshit.
Once a dude next to me brought a subway sandwich. Whole place smelled of hot greasy bread.
>without a knife, which they check for now
You from Londonstan?
>OP has never opened up a banana and smashed it into a paste with his anvil and hammer and spread it on naan bread
absolute fucking pleb.
>His movie theater doesn't have beds
this is what passes for a quality thread on Sup Forums and film in 2016
clean your collective shits up, this is fucking pathetic
Do they actually not have beds in yuropean theaters? How else would they have sex during intermission?
she's steamy tho
>he missed the last year
This is the direct result of hiromoot not only denying us /film/ but trolling us with it
This board is beyond saving and has been for well over a year
user, pls. splitting the boards would only make it worse. we dont need more boards or increased moderation, we need to take it upon ourselves to MAKE Sup Forums GREAT AGAIN
White people sure do love flip flops
start by banning canada and the uk
they're gigantic shitposters and then when they get called out they try to blame innocent Australians, who otherwise normally only contribute positively to the Sup Forums community
i always eat peanuts at the cinemas just in case someone is allergic
the weak should fear the strong
>tfw someone can't control their Falcon and it swoops down and steals your buttered banana
>tfw someone's bird swoops down and eats your pet rat because someone didn't tie the bird down
>Americans get triggered by people who bring fruits into theaters as a snack
>try to blame innocent Australians
I bet it smells fucking awful there. People look too comfortable
>tfw had to swim through the crab tank at my last visit to the theatre
Rumour has it they're installing a lobster tank.
I'd be too worried about stray bulets from the school shooting next door to not wear a hard hat in Burgerstan.
Look at those fat hands.
>being scared of the designated cinema shooter
>not just clapping when he takes his stand
i bet your girlfriend pegs you too
delicious potassium snack, minimal noise.
fuck that hater
>Go to watch a film at the cinema
>Girl behind me rests her bare feet in between the gap of armrests
>Resisting the urge to try and discretely sniff
2 and a half hours of torture
not really, when I bought by cinema bananas at the concession stands, they came in packages of 3 and those wrappers were loud. When I asked the employees why the banana packages were so loud when they were being opened he had me escorted off the premises, for being against biodegradable banana wrappers and organic USADA certified fair trade colombian bananas. I haven't been to the cinema since and now sneak in my own bananas (I only can bring in 3 at a time, two between my armpits and one between the legs) into a local kino emporium by the warf. The fog horn from their crab boats can be slightly distracting during films but it is the signal that a fresh batch of snacks have arrived for our movie going enjoyment. The seats have built in butter dispensers and crab crackers must be rented at the door for a cost of $5 per film. Shoes are not required but recommended since it is theater policy to deposit the crab shells on the floor, and though it can be noisy when people get up from their seats with every step smashing piles of discarded crab legs, the snack is worth the trouble.
Is this copypasta?
nope fresh OC
>americans laugh at people eating a healthy fruit
It's so you can check the size of the cinema screen amirite my fellow reddit veterans!!!!????!?!?
>laugh at people eating a healthy fruit
That person doesn't look like she eats healthy.
Did you fail the Sup Forums penis inspection too?
bananas are actually dangerous, they contain potassium which reacts violently to water (humans are made up of 70% water). Here is a video of someone dropping a banana into a bowl of water:
>laughing, my ovaries ache
Fuck off womyn
I've never seen somebody try this hard at being not-funny.
bananas and crablegs
truly we have become carribean cuisine
>not liking crab legs
why m8?
what cuisine should I take with me to watch the warcraft movie?
something barbecued with a bread of sorts
>tfw all the king size beds are sold out at the theater
>complain to the manager but all they give you is a pint of coleslaw
I really wish some new theaters would build around here.
everybody talking about the knife part and i just want to know what the fuck a crab tank is, and if its what it sounds like why the hell is there one at a cinema.
where else are they supposed to put the crabs?
>in ireland for the next 2 days
>theatres don't serve crab legs
>but you get a free potato with every cinema ticket
>tfw you have to bring your own peeler though and butter costs extra
>be me
>decide to go see The Nice Guys
>fill out federal application for One Time Theatrical Viewing Permit
>get approved. Bus arrives at 2:30pm
>bus takes me to pre-arraigned theater where 60 armed guards wait at the stop with dogs.
>get patted down and pass through full body scanner.
>"You're clear, sir. Enjoy your movie."
>"Y-you too."
It's my favorite Sup Forums meme. It's like if Kafka made a meme.