/who/ - Doctor Who General

Castrovalva Edition


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"Clara was exactly like Amy, Moffat writes women all the same"

I don't remember Amy throwing a tantrum at the Doctor because he left her.
I don't remember Amy betraying the Doctor.
I don't remember Amy trying to become the Doctor.

Reminder that Gareth just buried his writing career at the BBC with a single tweet.


>Doctor Who should represent women as they are: strong and independent!
>Moffat writes Amy, Clara and River as strong and independent women
>Moffat casts Pearl Mackie, a black actress
>you want a medal? bravo for showing there's diversity in the world im still dropping the show though

I hate them. No /who/ bait has ever infuriated me this much.



>Amy throwing a tantrum at the Doctor because he left her.
She did.

For like 30 seconds and he convinced her back in like 10 seconds and a blue lens. She didn't leave him and tell him to fuck off away forever.

Pretty fucking boring desu, not gonna lie

That's actually true. Fuck they're killing the show because Moffat is listening to them and they're not even watching.

the fifth doctor always seemed like a closeted gay to me. It's really hard not to ship him with the master.

>yfw 12 and missy regenerate together

Why do SJWs defend the closest thing they have to an enemy?

source plz


This is a work of absolute beauty.


Dunno, but looking at that guys twitter feed, he's clearly a bit of a nutter. I mean just look at that beard. He's like a caricature.

I know right? me too

This is a joke right?


i've been blocked TWICE by gareth roberts now

Sadly not.

even that nazi psychopath thinks you're a fucking cunt mate

Clara should have squished on the ground when she fell from the cloud in the Snowmen. Nothing should remain of her.

Was /who/ always this lefty?

best page on the wiki


got it

shitty right wing hoax bait mate
fuck off and waste your own life with this weak piss

a bit sloe but I liked the concept, also Adric not dying in this story is a minus


An episode will be set around a bombing on alien warmongers hiding on Earth in the future. The dilemma being the bombing will kill thousands of innocents in the process so the Doctor has to choose.

the worst fanfic ever

Has anyone here wrote any Who fanfic?

actually no that's a good idea , mirroring the isis situation

The Doctor would never willingly do it.

I wrote like three pages of a Seven and Ace story once

Isn't that what the Zygon 2-parter was?

He did it in The Fires of Pompeii

Is it posted anywhere? If not, slap it on a pastebin. I want to read it.

Well he didn't bomb them, just made them talk to each other.

What did she mean by this?

i'm sorry, when have moral dilemmas become an established part of Doctor Who? Since when are they part of the episode formula and need to be done over and over and over again? Is there some sort of secret contract going on with the people at the dilemma-estate which says that moral dilemmas need to be done at least once a year or else the production team loses the rights to do them?
and why the fuck do fans love them? They're always the same!
>Do the good thing
>Don't do the bad thing
>If all your options are bad things don't do anything, the problem will vanish into thin air that way

I don't think we need an episode where the Doctor bombs someone. Zygon Inversion and Remembrance are close enough.

He didn't do the good thing in the Fires of Pompeii and killed the whole fucking city. 20,000 people all dead.

Actually, the volcano was a fixed part of history. He did as much good as he could.

Your scenario, however, is not fixed. The Doctor can avoid a bombing by aliens.

really makes you think

Who said the bombing isn't fixed? What if he doesn't know it is but realises it's a fixed point just as he does it? He can't know about every fixed points.

If it is a fixed point in history, then that's even more of a cop-out. Then there was nothing the Doctor can do.

And it's implied that the Doctor can sense the difference between fixed and unfixed points in time.

'actually' no, it's fucking shit mate

Here we go - it's VNA-inspired, and thus a bit edgy, with an OC soldier who worked with him during the Pertwee days (now retired from active duty, working as a groundskeeper at a very special facility). Basically just the one scene - I may write the rest of it at some point, or I could just greentext a rough outline of what's next.


Read a bit of Whouffaldi on Tumblr, just out of curiosity. It was embarrassingly bad, full of spelling mistakes etc. Lite porn for the 50 Shades of Grey generation.

Has he ever told you to fuck off cats?

I have some slightly Whoffauldi stuff. Would you like to read it?



This is pretty good. I could hear McCoy saying those lines.

Literally the only reason people claim Amy and Clara are the same is because they are both white 20-something girls. Had Martha been white we would hear the same shit about her and Rose.

Fair play if you wrote it, better than other stuff I've regrettably read.

Regardless, my main interest is in the TV eps.

it's weird, almost as if Moffat's companions are meant to be parallels to Rtd's companions.
Rose: young chaf with only a mother - amy: young stripper with no parents
martha: aspiring to be a doctor - clara: aspiring to be a teacher
donna: uneducated, middle-aged temp worker - bill: uneducated, middle-aged black woman

I think I can already see what Chibnall's first companion is going to be like

Serious question

Would you fuck 70s Brig? I've been watching a lot of 3's era and am just realizing how handsome the Brig actually was with his mustache and hairstyle.

Thank you.

And that makes sense. There's a lot of really good stuff in fanfic (i could give you some links if you want), but there's even more dreck, so not wanting to go through the crap is perfectly reasonable.

This to the nth degree. Besides, Clara was much, much worse than Amy.

FFS, Gareth needs to wise up about how the world works. The problems in the middle east are little about about religion, but mostly about land ownership, banks and oil.

I started something a while ago, but nothing ever really came of it.

What was it you wrote?

No. I'm not gay.

I'll admit that Nick Courtney was a very handsome man but I wouldn't fuck him. I would however make sweet love to him.

lol nothing good. Just an introduction to an OC character. It was gonna be set just before the Time War and lead into it from the eyes of a Time Lord who was gung-ho for Gallifrey and the High Council. I thought it would be cool to write from the perspective of a Time Lord who loved Gallifrey and wasn't disillusioned with it like the Doctor always was.

>donut OC
>it's gonna be that kind of fic

Nah, I'm joking. It's not a bad idea. You could write a series of short vignettes, showing his or her point of view as the War gets worse and worse.

And then you fly off with the le jets.

Are there anymore unique family friendly personalities for The Doctor to take or are we just damned to repeat the same personality types from now on until bbc really starts to lose money?

There's a whole lot more personality types.

Yeah, that's not a bad idea. I haven't looked at it in a long time. You ever written anything?

for example?

>ever written anything
>realize that there are people on /who/ that never heard me say "read and review".

Yes. I've written a few things.


A comfy train engineer

Probably the only she user here that's 50+.

Too young at the time to find Jon Pertwee fanciable (but his son Sean is hot af).

Had a bit of a crush on Tom Baker.

Had massive crush on Davison.

C Baker - nah.

McCoy - didn't fancy him bit he was a good Doc.

McGann - Phwoar

Ecclestone - bit of rough in a good way

Tennant - cute but didn't fancy him (not sure why)

Smith - could imagine shagging him

Capaldi - wouldn't say no to the Capaldick, he's cute for an older guy.

>Too young at the time to find Jon Pertwee fanciable (but his son Sean is hot af).
If I had a vagina, Sean's voice would get it wet.

Hello, she user. How'd you end up in /who/? Does the um...ocassional shit-posting atmosphere bother you?

Who's your favorite Doctor?

Totally agree, that man's voice is sublime.

Yeah, sorry m8. I'm here on and off, never seen or heard of your stuff. I'll take a look.

I was just joking. Any particular favorite characters in Who that you like? If I have fic of it, I'll let you know.

I ignore the shit-posting.

My favourite Doctor is Capaldi.

So many lol. One/Ian/Barbara, Eleven/Amy, Four/Romana, so many.

I thought capaldi might've been a scholar type
we could also see in the future. an explorer type, or a cynical goth type, competitive man's man or a nerdy comical type.

not wanting the pielord to eat your pie

Great choice.

For Eleven/Amy: archiveofourown.org/works/7102096

For One/Barbar/ian: archiveofourown.org/works/3774607/chapters/8389504 . I haven't finished this fic yet, but you can enjoy the chapters I put up.

Four/ Romana : archiveofourown.org/works/3770617 . Here's this fun story. There's also this weird story, which has Four with Ace: archiveofourown.org/works/3770707 .

Any others?


I hope they vary the Doctor's clothes some more. Every modern Doctor after Nine seems to wear some kind of suit as their main costume (Whoodie as an exception).

I'd rather keep the old-fashioned to modern formal wear, that's something I like about the doctor.

Hmm. You mean the suits?

yes the suits, from the frock coats to the pin stripes

Nah man that's actually pretty awesome! I'm impressed you had those. Any you're particularly proud of and wanna sow off?

I like the red velvet jacket. Maybe Twelve could add a ruffled shirt similar to 3?

I think that would suit Twelve's style, a bit new romantic/ early 80s Brit punk-ish.

This one: archiveofourown.org/works/3715294 . It's a short story, and involves Susan

And this one: archiveofourown.org/works/3715234 .

And this one: archiveofourown.org/works/3718384 . It's an OC Doctor, but I kinda liked how it came out.

archiveofourown.org/works/5568487 . This one's rather pensive.

I agree, but the classic coats had more variety.

Hmm. The ruffled shirt feels too romantic for 12.

I hope I didn't overload you!

Nah you didn't you're good. It'll take me a bit to read them all, but I'm most certainly interested in all of them.


>The Doctor already has saved Gallifrey from destruction in DoTD so saving it once again from the hybrid will seem overdone and overall a waste of the prophecy that made The Doctor run in the first place
>If The Doctor can't save Gallifrey we'll have to deal with more rip muh home planet angst that will also seem overdone if brought up again
>If the hybrid isn't brought up again soon it will just seem like a stupid plot point that was created to bring back the drama that had been lost when Gallifrey was confirmed not dead
Moffat has driven the show into quite the corner hasn't he?

The Doctor remembers the whole 4 billion + years. It's in both the HS and HB scripts. O!d news m8.

The whole point was that, most likely, Twelve and Clara together was the Hybrid.

Yeah, no, mate. It was shoved in our faces enough that the Time Lords' prophecy could have been inaccurate. "The hybrid" served its thematic purpose for 12 and Clara. There is absolutely zero imperative for it to be brought up again. (Not that it couldn't be, if they thought of something else to do with the concept...that's the point of leaving things so vague, it's so future episodes can make up their own shit on top of it.)

what is your opinion on the john wiles era?

>Probably the only she user here that's 50+.
>no-one believes this crap

Could /who/ come up with a better return to Gallifrey then Hell Bent? I'm curious.