What went wrong?

What went wrong?

The Internet


jar jar didn't work
wasn't dense enough, not enough happening

Wasn't enough poetry either

>Watch me make an entire film in this room on one computer


Too much green screen.

Think again, motherfucker.

literally nothing


Nobody said no to George, especially in terms of the story. At some point, someone could have taken Lucas aside and at least started a discussion of how retarded his ideas were. So it was like giving a 6 year old the Keys to the Kingdom.




Except Lucas presented the scripts full of his "retarded ideas" of II and III to Holy Cow Kasdan, asking him to change stuff, and Kasdan overviewed it and said everything was fine.

Hmm, I wonder why Kasdan's TFA script sucked so much?

Go back and look at the behind the scenes photos of the original trilogy, everyone is smiling and having a great. Everyone loves what their doing

Now look at the crew working on the prequels, speaks for itself

>Lol gorge name a sith for our retarded vidyagaem

They got exactly what they deserved.

>Sith eventually named: STARKILLER

when you have unlimited power, money and surround yourself with yes men just leads to insanity.

Yes, this one scene speaks for the whole trilogy.

Genius explanation, comrade.

>It's a "one-minded yesmen ruined the films" meme.

Ironic... They ruined the prequels, yet saved TFA?

I got way more, just ask aND I'll keep them coming

He was being dry and the sperglord game developers have no humor.

That's from episode 3.

Knoll said that miniatures were used only for reference because Lucas liked the freedom to move camera in digital environments so most of miniatures were made into CGI anyways.

There were many weird decisions made on the set of the prequels.

I dont think you understand what a yes man is.

JJ Abrams got his orders, he didnt give them.