Holy Shit that was sweet.
Holy Shit that was sweet
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It really was. Took 13 friends of mine that knew nothing about it, except for me loving Warcraft in general. They were all surprised by how much they liked it. The women cried during 2 scenes in the movie, which was nice to see that it was emotional.
Hellige Lort det var sodt.
The audience at my cinema theatre liked it, but I imagine anyone watching it outside of cinema will walk halfway because of the badly edited first act, filled with weak acting, all to miss the redeeming third and awesome third acts.
Garona's ending was great.
Best cgi since Avatar imo, they blended it well with the live action.
where were you when shilling intensified to the point it became post-ironic?
>13 friends
That's a lot of friends for one evening.
we'll never see anything like this ever again
>all to miss the redeeming third and awesome third acts
blizzcucks confirmed for not knowing how to count
>Garona's ending was great
Why do you keep making threads about this movie? This is your 13th one in less than 24 hours.
Change your posting style if you're going to continue
what the FUCK is that footman in the foreground doing?
It's amazing to me how great the orc scenes were and how shit the human scenes were.
It was like two entirely different movies stitched together.
Overall I enjoyed it, but I played Warcraft III and a little WoW, so I appreciated the love Duncan Jones put into this.
I understand the reviews, though. If you don't like high fantasy or care about Warcraft this is probably one of the worst movies of all time.
>.10$ has been deposited into your account. Thank you!
whats really depressing is when you realize the reason the human scenes were so shit was because the primary target audience (china) would not have been able to tell the human scenes were shit.
hiding clipping. Just like the one who appears to his right.
I think the moment the movie turns around is when Lothar's son dies
I feel like it all got much tighter after that moment and was solid until the end. Before that it was pretty sloppy.
Busting a move, obviously
he has top tier footsies, he's gonna mindgame those fuckos
holy fuck there is no way this is real
>he falls like he's filled with air
top kek
If they had a different lead for humans and Orcs had more scenes this would have been movie of the year.
do you think Colin Farrell would've been better?
as Lother or king..guy
>if you don't like high fantasy
This is why movie reviewers need to be gassed. I don't fucking want to see generic comedy #896. I would love to see generic fantasy #5, though.
i don't think it's ok to defend the movie's failings as a movie because the critics aren't fans of the franchise
even for fans, the pacing is light speed and horrible
Kill yourself you tasteless pleb
>anyone who doesn't like what I like needs to die
tell us more about what its like to be a teenager.
It's just baffling to me that they couldn't get better acting out of these guys.
The human acting seriously felt amateur, like network television tier. How do you make something this big and not notice something like that?
>Power Rangers: Warcraft
alternative title
I'm real glad they didn't go with the current nerd trend and make all the characters into snarky, quipping morons.
I realized that nerds are often pompous and proud, hiding their insecurities. This is why they love snarky humor.
Warcraft didn't attempt to pander to that group like Joss' Marvel Movies have, which I applaud Jones for.
What did he mean by this?
Were you baffled? How baffled?
I don't disagree, I'm not defending its failings, I don't think the pacing finds its footing until the third act. I'm just saying that I appreciated that this wasn't just a cash-in, Duncan Jones clearly loves Warcraft and it shows through the attention to detail.
That was enough for me to enjoy the movie, but yeah, I didn't love it. It has many flaws, and I don't fault the reviewers at all. If I wasn't such a fan of high fantasy and nostalgic for Warcraft, I probably would have walked out early on.
haha, yeah, man..
you joke but Marvel style quippy likable characters would have done this movie wonders
one of the biggest problems with the human stuff early on is that none of them are interesting or likable enough to care about
well the important thing is you've found a way to feel superior to a group you personally dislike.
It was an observation not a comparison :^)
I think the film should have been primarily about the Orcs. The beginning could have had a Fellowship of the Ring type prologue that briefly explains the setting and how the Orcs became corrupt. Doing that would have made this film a solid 10/10.
Im suprised he has that many comsidering hes so autistic he needs women to cry around him so he knows what emotions he should be feeling
were they 13 good friends though ?
Admittedly, medivh is not supposed to be likable. You shouldnt be able to relate to him
Yeah, showing how they went from nomadic hunters that revered nature to a violent, demonically corrupted invasion force would be cool. Like if native americans were suddenly 8 feet tall, green and invaded the fledgling united states But warcraft has always been about multiple races, living in the same world, trying to steal the spot light from each other
Honestly I thought Lothar was okay in general throughout the whole thing but the only human who really stood out for me was Khadgar.
Could at least one character acknowledge that he looks like a stoner who got off his shift at Burger King? Seriously, he's the goofiest looking dork of all the humans.
Everything related to orcs was fucking 11/10, they simply nailed everything. Best orc movie ever.
Human side of the movie was kinda meh, but nothing THAT bad. It's a decent movie with SOME pacing issues. Actually reminded me a lot of second Planet of the Apes movie where apes and ape action totally carried the movie which lacked a likable human lead.
Speaking of action, it's gorgeous. Fuck, go see it, it's a decent fantasy movie with great action scenes and actual storyline. You will be entartained at least.
>Best character pre-WoW
>Best thing about Warlords of Draenor and second best character post-WoW
>Best part of this movie
>Best part of this movie
I prefer Medivh, but Gul'Dan is great even though he's very different.
Medivh's half demon face makeup was so shit
him and the orc behind the orc in the focal point are having a dance off
this looks like it has to be one of the worst movies ever made
he wanted to lose asap to get in a queue faster
Shouldn't someone have told Gul'Dan the female Draenei would have been better served as a different kind aof fuel for his warriors?
I believe your seeking a prequel
All things considered i think it was pretty good.
It's no LOTR on any level but it was above stuff like D&D, Narnia or the Hobbit.
Did a pretty good job handling the character arcs even though the supporting cast was not that good and i kind of liked the variations of art design.
I also liked the ending. It was over all pretty decent movie for someone that knows nothing about warcraft at least.
What's sweeter is that fucking Toby Kebell played "it's never done that before" Antonidas!
>mfw a tear drops down his cheek when Durotan gets merked
this part broke me, I actually got choked up "you folllow this thing?.... this demon?... I will not! i follow a true orc...a chieftan"
fucking KINO confirmed!
Somehow the makeup worked, I wanted more from him
Would have been better if they diidn't cut that scene where Grom actually speaks to Orgrim and Durotan before they enter the portal
WHAT THE FUCK! What does he say?!
IS this concept art for the scene? give some context please
It was a small snipit from the leaked footage but Grom was basically explaining what was happening to Durotan and Orim (and the audience) and probably had a character moment or two.
But it was cut like half of the movie was because studios are greedy and need it pack as much screenings as possible.
I have a feeling Grom had a lines to say (along with Kargath and Deadeye) in the original cut, that's why you see the meverywhere
No its from the Lords of War character video for Warlords.
so grom was noone at this point and only mattered in wod because his son went back in time
I definitely saw Grom and Kargath get in guldans way stopping him reaching lothar at the end, I thought that was cool, and i think Grom was going to kill his son before blackhand decided to shank him instead
that was pretty fucking epic man i hope they show this diude in the next film
Exactly they had moments but no speaking words and I know for a fact that had at least 1 scene where they speak
gul'dan's mak'gora with durotan was really cool
yeah hopefully the marketing for the sequel is improved.
What do you mean? if you read Rise of the Horde Grom is a very important character.
Not movie canon (i think) but Grom is the first Orc to accept Gul'Dans offer as 1 example
What this movie really needed was some heavy handed Christian allegories and symbolism. Movie was too shallow for me
oh, i mean in the movie, he doesn't do much
but in wod flashback hes the fucking boss
just figured he was a mid level dude at this time, at this TIME, though he becomes a badass later
So Carona is Medieval's daughter right? And then sends her into dangerous battles?
>Carona is Medieval
well done my dear friend
Movie only focuses on a few orc characters.
In the games Grom didn't come to Azeroth in the first war, but in the movie since Draenor is dying it makes sense for him to come over.
Originally he wasn't there in the second war either. Grom and his Warsong Clan stayed behind in Draenor until Ner'Zhul went to Azeroth.
This was after the second war was over and Orgrim had lost. Most orcs were in camps, like the Bleeding Hollow clan lead by Kilrogg Deadeye was the only clan that had evaded capture.
but thank u
oh i made a female orc in wow after watching this, her name is Zokka, that a good orc name lorebro?
Zarka would be better
>that a good orc name
Oh I wouldn't know much better than you if it's a good orc name or name.
It doesn't look wrong.
Draka - Zokka, I can see it making sense.
shes 40 should i reroll
that's what i based it on
I used to shit on this movie but then I pulled my head out of my ass and went to see it.
It was fun. I hope it does well enough to warrant a sequel. I really want to see Warcraft 2 on the big screen.
>Naval battles
>Forest Trolls
>King Terenas
also i made her look like Sasha Banks lol
if ever there was a movie that needs a directors cut, this is that movie.
Yes, you can get to 40 super quick now with BoA/Heirloom gear also if you can rope a friend in with the free game from watching the movie you can get turbo exp from the Recruit a Friend system
Grom also redeems himself by fucking taking on a Pit Lord
I hope Uther and the creation of Paladins are a big deal in a warcraft 2 movie.
and super fast magical boxing glove ogres
I really hope there's gonna be at least a sequel. I desperately wanna see some Taurens and other races.
i want qt 7ft tall night elves
>we will likely never get a pure kino Arthas movie because Americans are fucking retarded and have shit taste
remember when that nigga threw a horse and the female orc was like "kek"
wont we have to get to WC3 for kalimdor?