>Arrive to new region
>Bring horse to a halt
>Say name of region outloud
>Continue riding towards the city
Arrive to new region
name 1 kino, 3 kinoflicks, 9 cineplays, 23 films, 62 movies, and 3,203 flicks where this happens
i want to suck you off
i want to suck you off
i want to suck you off
I want you to suck me off
i want to suck your blood
Riding a horse is tiring and can be loud. Gandalf stopped to catch his breath, and to makes sure Pippin could hear what he was saying.
You don't stop the car and say the name of any new city you visit? What are you, some mindless vagabond wandering without direction? How then do you find closure to your travels?
It's called establishing, when they ESTABLISH where the characters are for this scene. Like in sitcoms when they show the outside of the apartment or the office before transitioning to an interior scene.
It would be weird if the scene began with Gandalf just wandering into a city we have never seen before.
People do this in real life you know. When I get on a bus it tells me every stop, trains too.
When I get into my office for work, I call out "My Office". Then go to my desk and hop on Sup Forums for 5 hours.
I unironically do this whenever i enter a new state. Also when ever an important event starts and its raining i say and so it begins
I don't get it. You don't do that? I do that even when I go shopping. Like just stop and read the name before going in. for the first time.
he was talking to pippin
No, user, now ettins.
I seriously do this if I'm showing friends a new city. I start by going to the best vantage point I can find, park, make them get out and look at it. I've never said the name of the city out loud, but that changes now.
>Arrive to take Pavel into custody
>They've brought friends
>Told they work for the mercenary, a mask d' man
>Say his name outloud
>Board plane and call it in
>mask d' man
>not masketta man
Even in memeing you fail.
what kind of job do you have where you can browse Sup Forums with impunity and how can i get one
>Implying masketta man wasn't quoting himself
What he actually said was
>"They work for the mercenary"-The Masketta Man
What did he mean by this?
Bane's brother had to fall for him to rise. Bane was the fire all along.
>Arrive to take Pavel into custody
>They've brought friends
>Told they work for the mercenary, a masketta man
>Say his name outloud
>Board plane and call it in