Top Gear

Who's watching Chris Evans be sick?

This show needs more niggers and other, assorted shitskins. Some dykes and graham norton too pls.

He was given spoiled food before the filming by the catering crew.


lol nobody

Who speaks German?

Is he wearing Cuban heels or something?

that was fucking dumb

I can't even watch this ironically.

I was just wondering that. Wonder if he's friends with Robert Downey Jr.

Remove the cuck, keep the american, keep the old guy on the right because he looks like he knows a lot about cars, and then keep the nigger or Paki (whichever is better at banter)

This Harris guy is decent.

give the show to harris already

At least all car reviews.

Should have punched them.


>kevin fucking hart

>You looked like you were trying not to laugh all the time

Except that wasn't funny.

>look i'm small nigger

>Downplay Chris Evan's loudness by having a louder guest.


The celebrity segment was a lot more tolerable when it wasn't blatant shilling

>graham norton
That implies there will be alcohol and banter involved so not a bad idea.

Fucking Christ, this is the worst sequence so far.


>6'0" & 5'11".png

It was always promoting guests shite.

Yes, but it wasn't so fucking obvious back then as it is now.

Why is the guest segment so long now? I'm sure it never used to be twenty minutes long.

>Why is the guest segment so long now?
Retarded "best car" segments that uses up a load of time.

This might be why the News got pushed to Extra Gear.

Interview is fucking 20 minutes long, what are they thinking?

Wasn't it? I think we were just more forgiving because better presenters.

I don't remember the guests introducing what they're flogging as bluntly now as they did before.

They didn't literally look at the camera and tell you what they were plugging

Filling up the bantz time


Rewatch some older eps.
One thing I agree on is 20 mins is too long.

>Rewatch some older eps.
What said has never happened before.

Clarkson would ask them what they're doing, not this "look down the camera and read off a teleprompter" shit.

Mirin based ken block

Enjoyed it lads 2bh

All the bits without Chris Evans were good. This is a FACT.


This is true.

Although I didn't get the point of the Ken Block bit.

You enjoyed 20 minute interview?

It was just another Ken Block video. They're getting a bit stale now.

>20 minute interview
>without chris evans
Choose only one.



2nd week in a row I forgot all about it. Doubt I'm missing much.

The Chris Harris and Rory Reid segments were good.

Everything else is still mediocre.

>saw first episode
>pretty shit
>watched Soccer Aid last week and caught last 10 minutes or so
>pretty shit
>watching Euros this week
>spent half time making a sandwich and a brew rather than flicking over to Top Gear

Between Euros and F1 I can't imagine many people bothered with it tonight.

>Between Euros and F1 I can't imagine many people bothered with it tonight
evans confirmed for twitter damage control