Was Sup Forums a fan of The Last Airbender and Korra? Which was better? Could there be a movie remake of ATLA?
Was Sup Forums a fan of The Last Airbender and Korra? Which was better? Could there be a movie remake of ATLA?
post korra abs
>which is better
korrafags need to choke in feces
ATLA was amazing
Korra had a few good parts but it was 90% shit
I'm only halfway through Season 2 and it's a struggle to get through it.
ATLA is great but not without flaws
Korra is like 97% dogshit with 5 good episodes
Only good part of Korra was the murder suicide ending of the first season.
the first 8 episodes of season 2 are by far the series' low point
the entirety of season 3 is its high
keep going, user
last airbender is better, but korra's season 3 is the best thing in the whole franchise
tla was fun and light hearted. always felt like there was a point they were heading towards, and something to run from. a sense of urgency.
I felt like korra was a bit childish and entitled. really teen angst filled. they only wrote for a season at a time, and it felt like it. they brought in bad guys just to be evil and antagonistic, then they went away or became comedic. not much of an over arching plot.
I really don't think they'll make a Korra movie. Even if they did, I'd be pessimistic about it being good. Nothing to do with the source material. TLA was bad as a movie. Adaptations, in general don't do to well.
I'm going to power through it but it's hard.
The characters are just so unlikeable.
yeah, the writing and animation and... literally everything in season 2 was just abysmal
i don't know how it went so wrong
thankfully there's a couple of good episodes in season 2 so it's not a total disaster, but overall it's barely worth watching
I thought a Korra movie could work if it just told her story. Then after that series, you redo ATLA and make it an "origin" like tale, this way we forget what Shamamamama did. Speaking of him, I doubt his version will get a sequel.
Well I like the overall animation during fights. It's much better than TLA. And the music is tops.
But I'm just feeling so disconnected to these characters we're suppose to like. Korra is too headstrong and overpowered; Mako is a bore, just as is Asame, who I like the most even though she barely does anything; and Bolin is suck a Sokka rip-off it's actually quite annoying.
>which was better?
How do you even need to ask this question?
>Could there be a movie remake of ATLA?
yeah there actually already is one, I think someone did a live action one in the early 2010's. I don't remember it being too bad
Season 3 sucked though.
they tried, it did not work.
Avatar is just too difficult to translate into live action.
I doubt that they even tried. It was more like 'lets milk the series before it lose the hype' I believe
I never watched either but i've masturbated furiously to korra plenty of times
AtLA is awesome, solid 10/10
Korra is mostly garbage, except for season 3
What's so great about season 3? Is it because Henry Rollins is in it?
Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void. Empty, and become wind.
The last airbender was amazing. Korra was absolute fucking shit from another galaxy. I suffered through the season 1 garbage thinking it was going to get better and because of TLA references, but each episode it got worse and worse. Stopped after s2ep1. What an abomination of a tv show.
"The Tales of Ba Sing Se" is pure kino.
For me it was the red lotus and the metal clan.
And probably the best world building, together with season 2 of atla.
lok: 3>1>4>2
atla 2>3>1
This dude was badass
>fun and lighthearted
bitch azula wasnt fun and lighthearted
she was insane
>beginnings 1 and 2
>low point
burn in hell