Italiano here

Italiano here.
Just saw The Neon Demon.

how much nudity
Who was naked
Scale of 1-10 rate quality of nudity
Any hardcore scenes?
1-10 how good was the movie


ohhh ehhhhh ohhhhh, paysano

how often do you beat your wife?


So is the point of the movie is how beauty effects everyone in a bad way OP?

From a distance, it looked like an Argento movie from back when he was still good.

Any truth to this ? I like me some Argento action.

You don't beat italian women. They beat you




What's your favorite pizza topping?


why do you talk with your hands

Why is all the people from your country so ugly?

>implying americans don't gesture while taking the most
quite hilarious to watch next to sensible people

how famous is rocco in his country?

why shrek is piss

How are you today ?



Who is your waiting?

Superior actress, superior personality, superior looks... Superior Fanning.

Are you a waiter?

Every people in Italia is a waiter, right?

Superior pale tits.

disregard that, i suck cocks

I hope Dakato and Elle starred in a movie together someday.

How was, como se dice, da movie?

Who is this Neon Demon?

case in point, retarded american probably thinks I'm OP and also can't use a human language at any degree of eloquency thus having to resort to easily digestable pictograms he saved back in 20010 and reposted ad infinitum

No, its about how some people are ready to do anything at all to get what they want.



not so much nudity, no Elle nude scenes but a Jena malone one. Pretty underwhelming, she has very weird tits. 5/10 I would say.
The movie is also a 5/10 for me. It has some pretty interesting scenes but a lot of really cringe one. The writing is all over the place and the pacing is terrible. If they cut an half hour it would be a pretty nifty film

I think It's actually the opposite. The "good" character are obviously the most Truly beautiful one. To me surely seemed the point Rehn was trying to make, at least in the beginning.
Then the protagonist seems to undergo some sort of transformation that "corrupts" her (or makes her better in a nieztschean sense) but Rehn completely dropped that arc for the final shifty act


Norcia and carciofini

Very good, thx

>Every people

You mad italian?

Any Elle feet?

No. It's just your grammar that bothers me, you dumb nigger

You are a nigger too.

You dumb fuck

el italiANO


What did the triangles mean?

Oh my God, this can't play stateside quick enough


Anyobody has that post from that aspie at the Refn Q&A????

I don't know. They surely have something to do with the true nature of a person (they change color when Elle transforms and she moves towards or away from the) in the bathroom conversation scene one "evil" model has them as a necklace, but I don't know. Proudly Refn. Just thought they looked cool

>They surely have something to do with the true nature of a person

Hm, didn't notice that. Will have to rewatch it sometime.


just how can we compete? he's obviously a superior specimen
i can't blame elle for wanting his superior, potent, black seed

è lui o non è lui?


Do you like being Italian?

What was it like being raped by your priest when you are only 5 years old?

Why do all Italian women get fat in their 40s?

Yes cause I lost my virginity to a 15yo and it was totally fine.
Also I'm drinking a bottled beer in the streets right now

>no elle nudity


Dakota is the better one anyway

Dakota > Elle
Rooney > Kate

>I'm in complete denial about my Priest raping my ass

Yeah, that's probably why you ended up drinking in the streets like a degenerate.

>Dakota > Elle
>Rooney > Kate

>avoids the latter questions

It's okay to talk about here bro. You're among friends.

did Gay Priest touched your peepee?

Are you same flagging? It'not even funny.
And no I was not raped.
I actually had a very sane christian childhood (summer camps and all that) and grew atheist in my maturity, retaining a decent respect for Christian moral values and bidders as well

>sane christian childhood

fucking loved the strobe scene, beautiful

> (You)
>Are you same flagging?


>a decent respect for Christian moral values and bidders as well
>Christian moral values

Wtf is bidders?

how much spaghetti do you eat a week, on average?

notice how the guido knows english better than the dumb seppos itt.

kek, I had no idea pasta was this easily triggered

Believers. Stupid autocorrect

I watched it today too.
I loved it, laughed out loud at some points. 3 people left during the feast
Pleb filter as far as I'm concerned

Where are you from?
Why did you loved it?

So, what was so controversial with the ending ?

Spoil me please!

it's kind of ex abrupto. Really cripples Elle character as far as I'm concerned. Also the bad models are just not interesting

>No called "Il Dimoni Nioni"


I loved it because it serves as a reminder that cinema is a visual medium first and foremost. Amazing shots, colour, angles. I liked that Refn took shots, there's obviously things that most people wont like but he wanted them in, I understand why it was booed at Cannes.
It beats you over the head with the themes a little, but that didn't bother me that much.
A little disappointed with the ending, but the Poe reference made it all up for me. I would have want it to be a little longer, especially when Elle is transitioning. That seemed a little abrupt.

I agree, I was expecting more.

>Posting from phone


what Poe reference?

>Pissing on the floor

What did she mean by this?

By Poe reference do you mean the heart or whatever beating under the floor?

Yeah. Last scene when she's starring at the pool evacuation drain, the score gets more electronic, and mimics a heart beating.

also there is a scene that'll trigger the whole "was it rape?" like with Sicario. Plenty of good memos ahead

The makeup artist and her two model friends kill and eat Elle (but that's not shown, you only undertsand that later). There is a strange scene with the makeup chick naked and blood pouring out of her vagina (it's probably only symbolic and not meant to be taken litteraly). Then there's a photoshoot with the two models, one of which has a panick attack, vomits an eye and then kills herself by cutting her stomach open. The other model, which has been mocked during the whole movie because her beauty comes from surgery as opposed to Elle's natural beauty, eats the eye and goes back to the photoshoot: she somehow absorbed Elle's beauty by destroying it.

Then there's some (very) nice shots of a beach, of a desert and of a mountain, and then the credits roll.

Pretty kino if you ask me.

> The other model, which has been mocked during the whole movie because her beauty comes from surgery as opposed to Elle's natural beauty

That's the one who killed herself.
But yeah, if you can't possess beauty you destroy it, I guess that's the moral of the movie

Fellow Frenchie here. Another (less subtle) reference i got was Sleeping Beauty, both in the floral decoration of her motel room (especially in the dream about getting stabbed/raped by Keanu) and in the shot at the end of the chick lying in her grave surrounded by roses.

I don't know if there's a very deep meaning to it though.

>I don't know if there's a very deep meaning to it though.
Probably not.
Thie looked like a masturbation project for Refn, doing whatever the fuck he wanted. We need more movies like that, the entire movie I was on the edge wondering "What is he going to do next?!"

Its good

What ever happen to Ruby because in the script she gets killed pretty fast by the other two models after they killed Jess but I read NWR change that in the movie because he like Jena performances?

ITT: Italian BTFO by neckberds.

I love it.

Italians don't know shit

She was pretty good in it, even though she looked and sounded like a beta orbiter from frame one. Hell he should have make the character acted by some fat sweating guy with a fedora.
I was fantasizing added an entire half hour dedicaced to the spirit of Elle turning her killers to madness too

...where did 'americans' come from?

>but that's not shown

How disappointing

T. Vorefag

Just one question.

Does Elle get naked or what?

But are they white?

>deepthroat fetish
>that keenu scene

You live in some kind of dream world.


She does get naked but not for us : the nudity scene is cut off at shoulder level.

However if you're not a permavirgin that only gets off to full frontal nudity, you should know that there are a lot of very erotic scenes with her in the movie, scenes that get all their strength from not showing certain things...

That make up was pretty great btw.
Desmond Harrington nailed it, I wish he was in more movies

Yeah I have to admit Jena's character was a beta and in some parts of the script she made me crack up how much she was following Elle's character around but she atleast she got to bang her and did NWR really change that into Jena raping Elle to make her character more beta?

Does she vomit a random eye or her own?


Was I the only one who kinda wish they were a girl after this movie

The eye of Elle, that she ate.

She tries but gets rejected, so she sets up the murder with the other two models.
It was weird to see her go full on rape, when it obvious she could have get what she wanted had she played it more subtly

literally nothing has happened itt to entice these kinds of comments. you are just butthurt ameriturds because the italian speaks english better than you.

lol just read the thread bro, this pastabro is mad af