wtf I hate capitalism now
Wtf I hate capitalism now
We literally won't progress to intergalactic space travel and colonization of the stars until we implement communism at the global level.
What's so good about capitalism anyway?
The only reason they can even have the system they have in Star Trek is because they're supposed to have infinite resources. It doesn't work as well when you introduce Latinum.
Capitalism in a post scarcity world is pointless.
The only reason communism has failed so far is because it always gets tainted by interference from external capitalist nations. That's why it needs to be implemented at the global level to succeed.
>it works as long as you stop everyone else from pointing out how much it sucks
Not to agree with that idiot but we really haven't ever tried real capitalism, it's always been half-baked dictatorships with mountains of corruption and plenty of exterior influence. Not saying it's a good idea, just pointing out that it hasn't really been truly tried.
I think you missed all the gold pressed latinum....
Uh it's not a Communist economy, the Star Trek future has no currency, no money. There's no economic system whatsoever.
So i can have my own moon? That ferengi over there has his own moon, i want too!
Latinum was introduced when jews took over scripts from Roddenberry.
You pretty much could, given the fact that there are hundreds of trillions of planets in the universe.
In our society we have grown beyond the need for "jobs" and "paying for things" and "having a gf" and "mommy not bringing us tendies when we ask for them"
It's a bait question.
Only a virtual world is post scarcity, there's always something in short supply, the same way that everyone cant have a miami beach side villa not everyone in star trek can have his own moon.
No shit sherlock, but the funny thing is is that the universe is so fucking huge anyone could literally have their own planet.
It isn't if there's a powerful elite who wishes to create artificial inequality to keep themselves in a position of greater political influence.
Kinda like is happening in the developed world nowadays, but on steroids.
Hey, how many lives is it worth?
It wasn't communism though.
It was more like a gentle form of liberal fascism, ie, brotherhood of mankind, pursuing self improvement and the betterment of the human race.
Wealth, hierarchy, inequality, bartering, and commerce still exist, it just doesn't drive the human existence like it does ours. It's a post-scarcity society; there are so many resources available that you don't have to sell your labor to survive, but people work anyway because these humans were imagined to be more highly evolved culturally and not lazy niggers.
Very different from communism.
I know it's easy to parrot criticisms of communism you've read somewhere else, that way you don't have to actually think about it and you can feel comfy in your half-assed understanding of things, but think about this:
Of all the countries that tried communism and socialism(in theory, not in practice), did any of them do much better with free market reforms? Not really. Russia and China are still shitholes. South Korea was a capitalist success story but South Vietnam was a failure.
When you stop being a lazy moron and start learning how the world works, you'll realize success of a society is more about culture than some abstract economic principles they are trying to apply. If the US didn't have all the niggers and wetbacks, its culture is so productive and stable it could probably pull off socialism and everyone would be just fine.