

Yep, it came out early thanks to HBO Europe. Let's discuss it here.

No thanks I'll be watching when it airs on #HBO like a civilized human being

Thanks, downloading this from HDBits now.

Ok loser

Yup, it's a Reddit link

Great episode

plz die

did veep also leak? noticed episode 8 on kat earlier.

it's more comfy to watch at 10 rather than during daylight

Guys the new episode of game of thrones leaked too

watch now or be spoiled

Just finished watching them both. Silicon Valley was better, as usual.

yep, just finished downloading it

lel,its been a meh season for sv so ill be suprised if this is true

What a faggot

Why everybody looks like a nu male?

because its 2016

Will there be a stream at 10?

god DAMN It i just want erlich to fuck me in the asshole

s-stop saying gay stuff user..

also he was really great this week

it's not gay though

he really was. i'm feelin for him pretty hard
he just wants to do good for the company :(



episode was great start to finish

such a great cast, shame the TWO women are so weak in comparison

i miss pete :,(

All he had to do was not throw a million dollar party with money that wasn't his in the first place. He's not a victim of circumstance, he's just a fucking moron.

>ywn have an autistic qt boss who's on your side ;_;

i know but i still want to love him