Could I get you a glass of milk to go with those cookies?

Other urls found in this thread:

>twink toilet

I don't even want this cookie anymore

I just want to get to the beach.

>donni1957_male (4/21/2006 7:12:21 PM): i havem but i am going slow
>snakesonagirl (4/21/2006 7:12:34 PM): i just like to know what to be ready for you know?
>donni1957_male (4/21/2006 7:13:04 PM): if u are ready for sex ill give it to you but i ave erectile dysfunction wont get real hard

He was just trying to bribe her with limp, joyless sex so he could come over and eat cookies.

I think you'll be fine...

I think this guy either just got out of prison or he's still there. This aired in 2007.

That is terribly sexy.

Sup Forums What is the cleanest best pleasure?
For tcap memes see:


>Maybe we could hook up and I could fuck you in the ass

>singletxguyforfun(11:59:42 AM): oh you are not a cop are you
>sadie_the_smarty (12:00:49 PM): haha no
>singletxguyforfun(12:01:03 PM): ok just checking

I don't understand how this myth that cops have to tell you they're law enforcement if you ask has survived so long.

How the fuck do people think undercover operations work?

>Oh hey, new guy. Before we work with you any more we just need to know one thing. Are you a cop?
>.... Yes
>Oh, well thanks for being honest. We're gonna kill you now.



And this is why lots of these cases got thrown out.

The decoy invites them over.

Why didn't they ever ask for nudes or to video chat with the girls? I FaceTime with girls from Tinder prior to having met them that aren't even underage, these guys seem aware that they could be being baited but don't take any precautions whatsoever.


He actually plead guilty



What a moron. He must have had a shitty lawyer too.


>cancer that supports this shitty entrapment show and posting about it on child porn image board

Has the new season started yet?

Lol this reads like a Law and Order SVU conversation

Some of them saw the decoys on webcam. I bet they did this for everybody on the new show

I don't know - he was smart enough to not talk to the police without a laywer and he avoided jail.

>I'll let you fuck me when you get here
>But I won't show you anything on webcam

My guess is that the majority of them at the time didn't owned a webcam. These things weren't as popular back then than today. I'd also say a lot of them were poorfag who couldn't afford it.

>In criminal law, entrapment is a practice whereby a law enforcement agent induces a person to commit a criminal offense that the person would have otherwise been unlikely to commit. It is a conduct that is generally discouraged and thus, in many jurisdictions, is a possible defense against criminal liability.

sauce me the episode plox

I like how you can ask these guys to bring anything. One day they should ask for the guys to bring lunch for the entire camera crew.

They should ask them the most random thing.
> Can you bring huh... an anvil?
> For what?
> Oh huh so you can pound me on it. It's a fetish.
> Ha ha okay ;)
> And get a couple of sandwich on the way here.


more like
>Can you bring huh... an anvil?
>For what?
>Oh huh so you can pound it while we watch The Anvil Hoarder (1930). It's a fetish.
>Ha ha okay ;)
>And get a bucket of crab legs on the way here.

>is there neway i can get u to bring me some sour cream and onion chips with some dip, some beef jerky, some peanut butter, some Häagen-Dazs ice cream bars, some popcorn, red popcorn, graham crackers with marshmallows, the little marshmallows and little chocolate bars and we can make s'mores. also, celery, grape jelly, Cap'n Crunch with the little Crunch berries - pizzas - we need two big pizzas, everything on 'em, with water, whole lotta water, and Funyons
>o ya and condoms 2

Only if it's man-milk, if you know what I mean. Semen.

Its a film meme normies think is real they think its in the constitution or some shit

works great if your a cop though

>hey pretty princess julie, I brought the tendies you aske...What is Chris Hanson doing here? I'm just bringing my niece tendies
He literally did nothing wrong.

>The fucking chunky monkey guy

cops made it up and normies arent known for being smart

fuck outta here

i only drink the finest breast milks


>doesn't even know the name of the ice cream

Instant turnoff

>can_i_rape_you_anally (09/05/06 8:37:24 PM): you will be alone this weekend?
>kieragirlrulz (09/05/06 8:37:46 PM): for a lil bit
>can_i_rape_you_anally (09/05/06 8:38:22 PM): couple hours? or ...?
>kieragirlrulz (09/05/06 8:38:39 PM): longer than that lol
>can_i_rape_you_anally (09/05/06 8:38:44 PM): k
>kieragirlrulz (09/05/06 8:39:04 PM): why
>can_i_rape_you_anally (09/05/06 8:39:08 PM): just askin
>kieragirlrulz (09/05/06 8:39:14 PM): okies cool
>can_i_rape_you_anally (09/05/06 8:39:16 PM): would you want me to come there and rape you?

At first you wonder why these guys are so stupid to even attempt this shit, then you realize they're all beta freaks who will do anything to get laid. At the same time the people at perverted justice are engaging them in conversation and not backing out when they say something extremely weird or jarring, so the conversation keeps going and eventually they get enough confidence to come over.

I don't think these guys would be raping little girls if it weren't for perverted justice. They'd be sitting at home trying to get any woman to talk to them.

Okay, sing to me.

>you could put dat in the 'frigerator

Going with this idea, how would you write a TCAP sitcom?

Maybe after they get out of a jail they go to a halfway house and live together.

Not American but I'm pretty sure this is illegal? You can't tell people to rape and then arrest them for it.

Id say its probably 50/50 those that actually are trying and those who are just kinda sad and by replying bait them into this.

>you call tell people to rape then arrest them for it

Why not? They raped somebody.

Also, nobody is telling these people to rape.

They're telling them to come over to the house.

>made some brownies
>aka decoy brownies
best girl

Some of it's complete entrapment dude, like this log:

It's the guy that said he watched Opie and Anthony. The guy is just shooting the shit with her and trying to have a fun conversation. He seems like a genuinely okay guy. She's the one that brings up sex, and the first few times he's just like "Meh, I kinda just want to smoke pot and watch Family Guy", but she keeps pushing the subject. He just wanted to hang out with someone, if it lead to sex, it would have been her idea, but he just wanted to enjoy himself, and he ended up ruining his life.

It's fucking sad, I hope he didn't get any prison time, because it's bullshit.

>Michael Lubrano pled guilty to attempting to endanger the welfare of a child. He was sentenced to lifetime parole supervision and has to register as a sex offender under New Jersey's Megan's Law. He also claims to be undergoing psychological counselling, which helped him avoid actual jail time, so one has to hope that this counselling will keep him from re-offending.

This guy mentioned sex over the phone, but yeah ranked 'least scummy' on the PJ website

>Lifetime parole
>Lifetime on the sex offender list

His life is completely ruined because of a non offensive conversation with a "young" girl where she's the one who introduced sex. There are some guys on the show that deserve to be behind bars, but this guy isn't one of them. He would not have done anything to a young girl if it weren't for perverted justice.

Who in the fuck wants to get stoned and watch family guy with a fucking 14 year old? Other then 14 year olds obviously.

Beta males like this guy.

post some links you cuck lucks

I'm literally appalled by the people who watch and find entertainment in this show. How is it entertaining to literally destroy a person's life by their sexual preference over some words in a chat? Bear in mind that these people have not even touched any minors are just chatting on some chatroom. What right does this show to destroy and humiliate these people? And why do you americans find this entertaining at all? What the fuck is wrong with you people?

Very lonely men that will take any chance of intimacy they can get.

Cause they can't control their horny levels

It appeals to their sadism.



these decoy chatters are always old obese men and women

they're just as fucking sick more so than the creepers


Honestly, I'm pretty sure some of them get off to it.

Maximum cringe -

t. Autistic loli-loving virgin

Oh god, is this real?

We have hit peak Sup Forums here

Last I checked he's scheduled for reason in 2018.