This movie was total shit, don't see it
Simon Pegg: The World's End
Nah mate. It was pretty good.
I thought Martin Freeman gave an excellent performance as Tim from the office
It was disappointing but it's not bad
>weakest of an excellent trilogy
Well done, OP.
I think the movie went to a very real place which is quite uncharacteristic of the genre. Not a bad movie, just broke formula in a weird way. Protip: they were trying to pull a Dan Harmon.
>tfw quickly becoming the Simon Pegg of my friends
It's good if only for Pegg's performance. He's an amazing actor.
Nah the epilogue was total shit, the rest was quite good, sometimes great.
It's definitely the weakest of the trilogy
Still miles better than nearly every single American """COMEDY""" film released in the last 20 years
>OP is once again a complete pleb
>In general quality:
World's End > Hot Fuzz > Shaun
>In funny:
Hot Fuzz > Shaun > World's End
except you're not funny, and don't look like the crow. you're just autistic and have personal hygiene problems.
>Wright makes the most emotionally mature and sincere film of his career so far
>His perpetually juvenile following reject it because it's "too boring and depressing" "not funny"
Sad, he'll probably run back and make another capeshit now to appease the Sup Forumsedditors and then never mature as a film maker. This will be his Jackie Brown. One thoughtful gem in the middle of a career of technically proficient fanboy sensibility masturbation.
all me
>I'm intellectually superior because I like a shitty movie that no one else does
To be fair, he's saying he's emotionally superior / maturity superior.
So he's a hipster snob, instead of just a snob.
The movie was fun and interesting before aliens happened.
It jumped the gun so hard
>that no one else does
You mean that your fellow video game players don't. To any cinematically educated functional adult this is clearly Wright's most accomplished work. Maybe you'd have liked it better if he had filmed Pegg doing the silly meme dance for 2 hours.
The World's End is the best one.
Children prefer the previous two.
it was ok the ending was kinda cool though.
>to any cinematically educated functional adult
i personally enjoyed simon pegg in Tom Cruise: Mission Impossible and was considering watching this movie but now that OP has told me it's shit and instructed me not to see it i won't see it
>american flags in that image
i'd say the irony is thick, but I wouldn't want to confuse any americlaps in this thread.
thank you
Just because you're a Gary King doesn't mean you need to project on us.
Dumb phoneposter
that's literally the best one you cuck
everyone else in the group realises they're mundane 9 to 5 life is shit and they need some Gary King in themselves.
Another ''comedy'' with zero laughs!
Great job Simon!!
Agree...this movie sucked. I didn't laugh one time.
why is spaced so underrated?
what i hated most about it was that there were no laugh track to cue me when I should laugh.
Total disaster of a comedy.
All Pegg movies are shit.
Sorry m8 but I loved it.
Hey now, I wouldn't say that. I think each of the movies have their moments.
Hot Fuzz is probably the most lighthearted of them, while Shaun of the Dead is middle-rung and The World's End is the heaviest. But each of them have good themes and character arcs.
I think The World's End is my favorite though. Maybe it's because I can relate the most to Gary. Shit, I think a lot of people can. The disillusionment upon growing up, realizing that life will never be as good as it was. The need to relive the best moments of one's life.
That fucking reveal hit me hard, you guys. Sometimes I actually wish I could be put in a nuthouse though.