So this show is basically The Big Bang Theory of the 90s

So this show is basically The Big Bang Theory of the 90s.

Half the jokes are 'lol look at how nerdy they are'

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Replace nerdy with sophisticated and yeah.

But making fun of sophisticated isn't pandering le ebin nerdz. So it's very funny.

>OP doesn't have tickets to the Opera
>OP doesn't have a bottle of Sherry at the ready
>OP doesn't have a certain je ne sais quoi

They bumble around awkwardly through social situations, tell stories about getting beaten up in high school, etc. Great comparison of how normal people saw intellectuals in the 90s vs late 00s-10s

The dad and Roz are the "normies". Make small jabs at them all the time while the laugh track agrees.

Face it, you know it's true.

The sad thing is that they weren't about science but the arts—something everyone ought to at least have some interest in, whether it's literature, theatre, film, or just imagery of some kind or other.

I go back and forth on whether it was satire or not, just because both Niles and Frasier used their knowledge of the arts as token cultural capital nonsense that they'd pepper into everything they did or said. You could tell they didn't really like opera, for example—they just liked telling people that they go to it.

It probably started out well-intentioned but eventually became a parody of itself.

Unlike TBBT, Frasier never pretended to know what to do with all that salad and scrambled eggs

It was called "sophistication" and you don't see it much in stuff anymore


>All those guest phoning in to his show

Damn I miss it.


Cool bait thread OP.

with some of the later seasons I might agree (although they did really bring it together for the final season), but the earlier seasons really were very intelligent, as far as sit-coms go, and the mid seasons they kinda lost it but were still funny.

As far as I'm concerned, TBBT has always been reddit-tier, which is hilarious because reddit fags are always the one bitching about it.

Anyway, here's your (you)

Came here to post this.

>Good morning Seattle, I'm listening

Its the exact opposite of the big bang theory because it appeals to people who dont mind thinking during a comedy instead of watching with your brain turned off.

But your probably underage so here's your (you)

Which is a shame because his entire arc on Cheers was that Fraser went from snooty sophisticated jackass to one of the guys and beloved by everyone in the bar despite how out of place he is.

90s nerds:
> Classically fashionable
> Helps poor dad by letting him live in his apartment

2010's Nerds
> Middlebrow
> Thinks comics and graphic novels are "art"
> play videogames and writes think pieces on them
> are backed with dad's money
> still live with parents
> no ambition

What happened?

those weren't nerds in the 90s, they're intellectuals (in Frasier's case, more of a pseudo-intellectual), nerds and intellectuals are so incredibly different from each other it amazes me that anyone confuses the two.

>they made fun of how high class they acted in good context

fuck off

Haven't you seen the retrospective episode from, when he first arrived in Seattle and he admonishes Niles for being pretentious about his coffee choice.

Frasier always was a snob, but his friends in Cheers allowed him to become one of the guys. Back in Seattle spending all his time with Niles his snooty habits were bound to come back to the fore.

You're forgetting Kelsey Grammer is the best sitcom actor we've ever had

Yes. He was changed on Frasier, totally against his arc in fitting in with norm, clavin, paul etc

Ken Levine talks about how the character went in a floral and pretentious direction when lloyd and keenan took over show-running for frasier. Turned out people liked the idea of Sheldon Crane more than they liked the Frasier he was at the end of Cheers.

Fine vintage of nostalgia, eh?

nigga got a degree from Harvard and Oxford, fuck you callin a pseudointellectual


100% the opposite, he was just arrogant but self aware.

>Neither Frasier nor Niles went to Oxford

U wut m8?

>deleting his post

damn straight faggot dont come into Sup Forums without intricate knowledge of frasier fuckin casuals

ya theres a discrepency on the wiki its mentioned in one episode in passing but frasier has said he did residency in harvard

>being this autistic

kill yourself you fucking nerd

Maybe he did med school on Oxford and the psychiatry residency on Harvard.

Or maybe he did a Master or a Phd on Oxford. The point is that he cited that on an episode.

>not knowing everything about frasier

i feel sorry for you bro

Frasier went to Harvard, then Harvard Medical - then did his post-doc at Oxford.

Niles went to Yale, then Yale Medical - then did his post-doc at Cambridge.

It was part of the joke about them being so competitive (having gone to rival colleges throughout their careers).

Not remotely the same. Fraiser and Niles dont see themsleves as outcasts from society but the pinaccle of society and sophistication. The opposite of nerds really.