No Preacher live thread? Lets fix that.
No Preacher live thread? Lets fix that
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I'm here if you are.
I'm here but nobody else is
Preacher is cute
Anyone stream pls?
doubtful everybody is streaming garbage like GoT
Preacher is such a weird show. A cult classic in the making. I think it's going to take a bit before everyone else catches on and then it's going to be like, "I saw it before anyone else did."
Why did they decide to put this shit against GoT? It's like they want the show to fail.
comicfag here, the show sucks, fuck those kikes.
Fuck game of thrones. I found that show boring.
nobody gives a fuck about comicfag's opinion on the show
Grow up. Or better yet, don't like it, work your ass off and do your own show. It only took them ten years to do it.
The same image in every new thead, shilling never ends.
Preacher makes me realize what a shitshow Constantine was. And how amazing it could have been if it had been on AMC. For one thing, at least John would have been his chain smoking self.
sheesh, what a shite park
Why didn't they just write an original show if they were planning on completely changing adaptation from the source material?
I searched Preacher in Google and that's the one I chose to post suck my cock
So they lied to us when they said no Saint and no Herr Star?
I've read the comic. It doesn't follow the storyline completely but the characters all feel the same. Not a waterdown version of what I read. Especially Cassidy. Shit, this show is worth it for Cassidy alone.
This show doesn't need an intro. Should have kept it to the title card. I loved that BAM! title card BAM! here's the show.
Probably because this season of GoT is the drizzling shits and they know many viewers will be quitting it.
I've read the comic too and it's a complete departure from the comic. The characters might feel the same but the story is completely different.
I stopped at the first episode for unrelated reasons
How is it now?
Cassidy's intro in the show is way better than the comic. Tulip running and just happening to run into a vampire? Really? Really....?
Why are these fuckers alive again?
Bloody, very bloody and twistedly hilarious. Lots of great acting.
They aren't human. Don't follow the "butchering makes you dead" rules.
Everyone is seriously fucked up in this town. Seriously fucked up.
>Preacher makes me realize what a shitshow Constantine was
>implying preacher is not a shit show.
Both shows change a lot of what make great the source material, why bother?
What have they changed with Preacher that made it worse?
>no Saint and no Herr Star?
Do fucking what? What's the fucking point of the show then?
you have a point
Tulip could sell ice to Eskimos, couldn't she?
Fuck you, Preacher is alright so far
the whole story
So, nothing then since you can't tell me. Okay.
Read his fucking post, look at the words, comprehend their meaning.
Fuck sake.
So can we expect Quincannon fucking meat?
what the fuck is that guy's problem? is he a demon or something?
nah, fuck you.
Every character is even more cartoony than the comic book. You are watching poor´s man version of preacher.
So everything has been deconfirmed right?
People were saying no Herr Star, no Saint of Killers, no Word of God while they have all appeared
he better
>no Word of God
Was that a rumor? It definitely wouldn't have been preacher if that were true
read the fucking thing instead of watch the show.
I want the comicfags to leave
How so? I've read the comic. They are same. Just the situations are different.
Or he can do both, you asspained comicfag
I have. That's why I am asking you because I don't see it. At. All.
This episode has been pretty bloodless compared to the last two. We need more gore!
>I've read the comic.
>They are same
>They are same
>They are same
>They are same
>They are same
>Just the situations are different.
>Doubling down on the Tom Cruise is dead thing.
I can almost feel Dudeweed Lmao patting himself on the back. Real clever, jewboy, now get this fucking shitshow back on track.
I must have read it differently than you because I made it more cartoony then the show
Fuck you, I know what the words meant. My point is, why even announce something like that? Would would that show even look like?
why is tuplip such a pestering bitch?
Well, they kept Ms. Oatlash. Please have her in She Wolf of the SS outfit also .
**What would
It's weird to see so many characters smoke. Most Americans don't smoke any more. Or at least not in these large numbers. It made sense in the comic since it's about twenty years old. Strange enough, all the British actors smoke like chimneys. They probably love the script being written this way.
For starters,
>Tulip is a stronk wymym cartoon with an acme dynamite kit
>Assface is some pill popping cuck
>Jesse was born into religion
>Fuck you, I know what the words meant.
Apparently not or you wouldn't have made that post, dipshit.
Because she's the type of addict who doesn't want to follow other people out of the hole but wants to pull people into the hole with them.
Just because you misunderstood my meaning doesn't mean... aghh... you know what, why am I letting a moron get to me like this. Just fuck off.
i like this show
Smoking looks cool
Yeah, because Tulip was such a weak, peaceful, shy thing in the comic.
Arseface was not a fuck up. Didn't swallow his gun at all.
You don't know Jesse full backstory yet in the show.
I felt it got a little bit better after the first episode.
I predict a huge drop of viewers
screencap this.
The Angels are going to be Kennys of this show, aren't they?
This ep seems to be super far up its own ass. At least the walking dead/GoT had sense enough to hook you in first before shitting the bed and completely changing the storyline.
oh great the stream I was using died on me
Ruh roh
Wait, how did Donny find him?
Followed him I guess
I love the whole constantine feel. so far its pretty good.
The irish dude is a really good actor.
What exactly has changed?
He's English. North West English.(His real accent is super thick.) If you like him here, check him out in Misfits (He shows up in season 3 and steals the show.) He's brilliant. And there are many Cassidy like touches to his character on the show.
This episode has been straight forward. Less weird (lullaby luring in the last episode.) Less bloody (the plane fight). And less twisted (No Arseface this episode.)
not him, but the pace and tone feels really diferent.
what the hell was that thing?
Yeah that episode was pretty boring
I couldnt get my stream to work again so it looks like i will have to find a torret later
Tulip confirmed for most annoying, worst accent, worst casting
It's slower. The last two episodes were a blink and you'll miss a plot point and that plot point is a doozie. This episode was slow. Not bloody aside from Cassidy hitting the Angels with the van. And even then the gore was barely there.
But this was the first episode that wasn't written by Seth and his partner. That's probably why.
Holy shit, this thread is so dead.
The 3rd episode is on torrents already.
>Holy shit, this thread is so dead.
>put this borefest against GoT
guess what.
spoonfeed pls
anyone else watching ride with norman reedus?
will probably kill myself out of boredom 2bh.
>Just because you misunderstood my meaning doesn't mean... aghh
Go back to /r/eddit and take your little pantomine with you.
Dude, this is literally nothing like the Preacher book. Like, at all. Not even the way he gets possessed by genesis is the same. It's close, but still. Genesis wasn't an invisible ghost, it was a flaming comet with a fucking baby's head.
Fuck, that ep was a drag.
Oh yeah, this is on Sunday nights too.
I haven't watched it since the first episode. Why the fuck are they putting it up against Game of Thrones?
AMC is cocky as fuck.
>tfw like it
am i a pleb?
should i read the comics or am i going to be disappointed with the show then?
Show is its own thing, really.
Comic is a good read, but it's different. Might like it for different reasons
>arseface gets subs
>cassidy doesn't
He doesn't need them now, not like the pilot
Preacher si so DOA that one hour after the episode of todays end, there is no discussion or comment about it.
I hope this show gets to the point where the angels have been on earth for too long and they do cocaine and hookers.
It's because they put it against GoT
makes no sense
fuck Sup Forums, I really like the show
>anti-Christian crap from WEED LMAO jew man