Is he the most handsome director in Hollywood who ever lived?
Is he the most handsome director in Hollywood who ever lived?
Clint Eastwood... Need I say more?
literal fucking neckbeard HE'S JUST LIKE ME
I don't know about most handsome, but he's certainly the most talented capeshit director Hollywood has ever had.
He's so cute
I would be if I ever became one.
Sup Forums wont believe it though.
post your feet
He's one of the most alpha too, he doesn't let executives, trends, or flavors of the month obscure his vision.
Literally who
Just his wife
Yes, and he's also hobbled the DCEU before it could get off the fucking ground.
Two films in and the DCEU already has more depth and intelligence than any MCU film.
Is that Zackino ?
This. He even rocks the neckbeard look so well because he's so qt/handsome
>I let other people tell me what is good and what isn't.
not anymore
also fincher.
>not anymore
wait what happened?
Fincher is pretty cute too
how to be handsome
hes aging semi roughly,watch a recent interview
most patrician director at least
fuck just looked it up, he is looking very tired. must be from knocking up maya every year
He looks like a would be mass shooter.
>no more of this qt
;_; he was aging so gracefully for a moment there too rocking that sexy salt and pepper look. what the fuck
not even once