What the fuck. What the hell was he point of ALL that time with the faceless dude. All that training and all that teaching for no reason. She didn't learn anything or gain anything. Literally two seasons of waste.
I am going home
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Your show is shit now.
Drop it.
Hello. She learned everything he taught.
Hence she was able to slay waif in the pitch black, she killed the candle on purpose.
The point was to drag the storyline out until GRRM got his shit together....
yeah well thats just life dude
I hope the book won't end up like this
He'll die first.
what was the point?
Worst season yet. Nothing has been achieved. Nothing.
GRRM will die before he finishes.
She's Batman now, leaving the League of Shadows.
She finally found herself. Arya was basically trying to find honor in thieves. Then she tried to become the thief only to realize she's her father's child after all.
>yfw you saw that fucking waif's faggot face in that fucking wall
>cut a candle in half
>somehow that instantly quenches the flame
>What the hell was he point of ALL that time with the faceless dude
She had acquired Wolverine-tier insta healing abilities.
D&D too dumb to come up with their own plot and know how to pace things correctly
The waif is the worst film assassin I've ever seen. Just walk away slowly and you lose her.
GRRM will die soon, and well before he finishes TWoW
no shit its mostly shit from a feast for crows and dance with dragons. At least the showrunners know its all mostly pointless shit and are blowing through it to get to the good stuff.
Honestly? Survival. Had she been in westeros she would have been found and killed. She learned how to lie and pretend to be who she isn't. She learned how to observe and find people's weaknesses and kill them w/o being detected. I doubt she can face change anymore although technically she learned how to skin people's faces and she used a face to kill meryn trant. Biding her time for the Westeros plot to get where it needed to be for her return so she can fulfill w/e the fuck her destiny is.
She actually becomes an assassin in the books
Sup Forums failed to make me anti-Semetic
D&D did not
>getting happy because some dumb bitch has plot armour a mile wide
Literally kill yourself
>She's the only one to go through that training.
Kek, this show.
>Blowing through it...
They've wasted 2 seasons on pointless shit.
> she killed the candle on purpose.
No shit, dumbass.
>that filename
infinite keks family
Worst character
Worst actress
Worst plotline
Worst plot armour
Friendly reminder that the only reason she's alive is that GURM's wife loves her too much and would kill him if he killed her
Dude son her father, mother and a couple of her brothers are dead. She earned that armor. Her brother literally plot armored himself out of death and Sansa should be pregnant with a Bolton bastard by now. You should be used to this shit by now.
Personally, I was just tired of seeing that fucking terminator waif.
>she didn't learn anything
Lol she literally used her blind training to kill the Waif. They spent 2 years training her to assassinate people and work undercover
It should have been cut down though
Clearly she learned something, I mean she was able to freerun and parkour all over the place even with multiple stab wounds, outrunning the trained killer chasing her!
She's a pretty big badass now guys!
No no I don't want to ship this
the waif had consistently proven herself to be the better assassin/killer.
She followed simple orders, was far better with the bowstaff, etc. Obviously she would have had to go through the same rigorous training as arya, except she would have been even better.
They didn't even bother to show the fight scene because arya would've looked pathetic and it would be unbelievable for her to have won.
Wouldn't she be going to White Harbor?
why is jaqen okay with everything arya does?
>Jamie ruined
>Blackfish off screen death
>arya has plot armer
Can we all just sit and talk about how based Sindor is?
Shouldn't the waif, being her senior, be better at blind fighting, though?
Good summary and filename, user
The worst episode of the season...
>actress gives her anime bandages and she becomes a fucking terminator
blinding arya was a punishment
What in the fuck was the rumor Cersi was talking about with her mad doc?
What in the fuck is Varis leaving to go look for?
>They killed Cleganebowl this episode
This show is iredeemable.
No...kill yourself Jefflix
I don't understand. Why did the assassin walk around with her real face? Why didn't she kill Arya in her sleep? Why did she choose to chase her like that instead of disappearing in a crowd and finding her later?
Nothing about that made sense. I don't feel like I'm nitpicking. I like the whole making it dark so Arya can win. That works somewhat but it's not established enough.
It's not even a debate. Sand snakes the levels.
How old are you ? 15 ?
How come it was a punishment? She was still trained after being blinded and it all seemed more like a test.
>She earned that armor.
No she didn't. She had plot armour all the way through. Thousands of people and families died in the war and a fuckton of girls are raped and killed so why didn't she? oh because she's a fucking ninja all of a sudden and can easily kill grown men and elite assassins? the waif was right, Arya is a little entitled self-centered psychopathic bitch who is good for literally nothing.
Literally strong womyn the character.
They're talking about Aerys' green fire stash.
no. Waif was the good student who always followed the rules. she hated Arya because she basically got accelerated training because the professor was her friend.
Agree 100%.
Why is it too late for cleganebowl?
They even do that thing were she doesn't turn her head.
At least she didn't kill Jaqen.
>Provides solid insight and answers OP's question
>Only gets replies because of the file name
I dont remember.
I could be making the punishment up.
Pretty obvious it was training her to come back to westeros and assassinate everyone she wants to kill.
>killed the candle
what, are you a level 7 vegan or some shit?
Tommen banned trial by combat
Ahhh yes, the words in the English language that most invite a fist into the face of whoever speaks them. Truly the phrase of the cunt.
trial by combat has been banished across the land
Thanks anons
Ooooooooh fuck septum gonna get God damn burned down to the ground!
Also when in the fuck was that ever introduced? Was that when Tyriound found it to defeat stannis and then I guess he didn't use all of not and his the rest?
You're retard if you think he actually REALLY will ban it.
Never heard the phrase "kill the lights" m8-0?
doesn't mean cleganebowl is cancelled. just that they won't be fighting in KL.
well duh she a little girl what you expect? Her to become a master assassin?
Yep, that turned out to be poor book fan bait.
honestly i think this season is pretty good, a lot better than season 5
Except she is shown to be consistently better at everything Arya does, until the end. Also, how is she so passionate about wanting her dead, when the faceless men are supposed to be completely detached?
This whole plotline is bullshit; the understudy actress souldn't even be able to reach the faceless men, let alone pay them. They're the greatest assassins in the world, dealing with kings and shit.
Nah, episode 1 was truly the epitome of how terrible this show can be
By far the most disappointing episode this season though
Because the other girl wasn't a faceless man yet, she was still in training. And clearly she wasn't nobody yet and wasn't really devout in her psycho death cult beliefs because she wanted to kill Arya for herself, not because the many-faced god demanded it. Hell, she killed extra people on her way, which goes directly against their belief system.
>sand snakes
Can't possibly get worse than that
And how would sandor and gregor end up fighting eachother by trial by combat???
This will be really painfull logicwise. Has there ever been an actual battlescene that wasn't utterly horseshit?
How about the fact that she was so loud and obvious about everything. If waif were truly what the faceless men were built up to be, she would ha e successfully killed both Aria and the actress without anyone even noticing.
You dort. Don't you get it? This entire show is about the end of the current way of the world. That's why the faceless men are shit now.
they literally never showed her being good at blind fighting though, just her getting beat up by the waif. Absolutely no progression was shown
I thought the boss fella was going to give her permissions to use faceless men gear or resources but nope
Who did she kill that was in the way? Lady Crain was marked for death.
She only found Aryia because she screamed out like a cuck.
>captcha wants me to mark all the mosques
6 is better than 5 for sure. With the source material they have to work with this season, it's amazing that we still get bad episodes
This is a pretty weak defense of this plot line. Arya had literally every chance to leave the order up until the point where she actually decided she wanted to leave the order. The second when jaquen said, "hey, you got one more chance, don't fuck it up." She literally could have fucked off back to westeros. I don't know if this is how the books will flesh her out, but this arc is full blown retarded.
And jaquen didn't even give a fuck. Like, bitch, you killed one of my assassins, when you could have just left at any time? I don't think that even the many faced god would appreciate that kind of wasted human capital.
Why would they show a fight in the dark?
Blackfish died, man wtf
I wish he would have gone with that giant bitch but I guess he wanted to die in his home
>archers in front of cavalry. in the frontline, even.
Why is Ramsay even fighting on the field? There's no fucking way Jon's rabble can besiege Winterfell in the winter and live.
They showed her being able to fend for herself blind. Inevitably losing but able to stand up to an opponent. This was her beating her opponent finally.
You're fucking stupid.
RIP Candle
No you are. That was d&d bait you nigger.
"Its now wild fire n shit." D&D
>Except she is shown to be consistently better at everything Arya does
yeah, she's like a senior or w/e. she tells Jaqen about Arya not being ready several times. thats why she got mad.
imagine if you dedicated your life to becoming a FM and some quasimodo looking shit shows up and gets to skip straight into assassinations 303 after sweeping the floors for a single semester.
>They're the greatest assassins in the world, dealing with kings and shit.
neither waif or arya were faceless men. all the stuff they were doing wasn't real FM business, it was training.
Only extra she killed was the actress - who was supposed to die anyway
So you just hate her because she's a girl. Thanks for admitting it.
Every protagonist has plot armor you faggot.
Not to mention
>A girl has been fed, sheltered and trained, but it's cool. Run along with the knowledge we imparted on you and do whatever the fuck you want. It's not like we're a secret society or anything. Our craft is learned via youtube.